One of the best earlier Pokémon films.
15 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, Spell of the Unown (2000) is one of the best earlier Pokémon films. It is my favorite as a child and still is today because of its hidden power; it has the ability to captivate with its rich Pokémon mythology and to move our hearts with loving messages.

Compared to the first two films, this film can standalone without the aid of other short films or sequels to enhance the story. The film does feel short though, so additional scenes and increment of total running time would be nice because the story moves a little too fast in the beginning, which may be confusing to those who are new to the Pokémon Universe.

Thankfully, the whole movie turns out an interesting fantasy dream. The visually pleasing animation and beautiful imagination would appeal the majority especially dreamers. There are also more action than before, more variety of Pokémon and it is fun to watch.

Ending this post, I must mention that I certainly loved the animated short Pikachu & Pichu that comes with Spell of the Unown (2000). Featuring the Pichu Brothers and plenty of other second generation Pokémon, it is super endearing and light-hearted! Their lively adventure makes the whole animated feature perfect!
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