Life can be hell on earth, have empathy!
1 August 2024
I've read reveiws saying this story is not possible into today's society. People with a take like that clearly haven't visited their local prison or tent city. The lack of empathy for people, for even a movie character who represents women in prison, is mind blowing. Are you telling me you can not put suspend your belief in your own lived experience for 120 minutes?

From the youtube comments: used to be a corrections officer in a women's prison and let me tell you there are so many broken women behind bars. Their stories would break your heart. I always tried to be as compassionate as I could with them. I was firm and wouldn't take disrespect but I didn't feel like one of those officers that had to be mean and hateful because they are already being punished. It wasn't our place to punish them more unless they needed to be.
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