4 Reviews
The Uniforms Are More Amazing Than We Thought
fcabanski8 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The bottom line for this episode is this. We thought everyone's clothes were amazing because they put up with two years of hard wear but still looked new. Steve and Dan's uniforms are even more amazing. After this episode, the uniforms actually had four years of hard wear - they still looked brand new.

Query - What happened to the Steve and Dan of the past when Steve and Dan of the present go back in time to become the pilots of the original flight? The funny thing is, by trying to change the past, Steve and Dan create the past.

Nobody can escape the tyranny of the unions.
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Can we change the past to alter our present?
mgmstar12816 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is the penultimate episode made for the two year old series, and it is fun to see how it all began again due to its time travel theme. Time travel, often popular in science fiction, gives us the chance to go ahead and think "What if we could go back in time to change the future?" Well, as we know from so many time travel shows (Quantum Leap and the current Timeless, which I hope will survive), it is usually nearly impossible.

In this episode, Bruce Dern (Silent Running) and Yvonne Craig (Batgirl) play time travelers who are first seen also as little people. What is ironic is that they have the ability to change their sizes, so why are they placing themselves in danger at all? They could have changed their little people size to giant size since their assignment is to study the intelligence quotients of the giants on their world. To me, that is a gaping plot hole.

Another puzzling piece of the script is that Craig threatens Steve and Dan while they are in the airport V.I.P. waiting lounge on September 25, 1983 (not the original date given in the pilot episode which is September 12th). Craig states, "If all seven of you, the entire passenger list, the crew, and that dog are not on board flight 612, it will be disastrous. The flight will still crash, but this time there will be no survivors." Earlier the whole point made is that history can not be changed. However, if the Sprindrift castaways would not survive the crash, then wouldn't many of the lives of the giants be altered too? I think this is a plot hole worth noticing.

It is fun to see Mrs. Irwin Allen (Sheila Matthews) back again for a second appearance. This time here she plays the role of Ms. Collier.

This is an interesting episode since it is not one of the many episodes centered on the castaways being captured by giants and then having to escape back to the safety of their camp.
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Duo time travelers on giant Land and the immutable law that nothing should changing in the past without irretrievable damages!!
elo-equipamentos19 February 2023
Should be one the best episode so fair on second season if the plot focused in the Giant planet, instead turns back to Los Angeles's Airport trying avoid the Spindrift flying into the time warp that drove into Land of the Giants, already it was made part of the past time that it should not change anymore, but forgetting it let's say about the present episode.

Steve and Dan intersect with two Time Travelers from outer space Torg (Bruce Dern) and the eye candy Berna (Yvonne Craig) they handle a little all-purpose devise on the forest, Steve figure out that such device should be them back at Earth before Spindrift takes off, somehow they return and avoid the flight 612, therefore all earthlings were in Earth's ground utterly safety, no Giant Land would there be, however Torg and Berna already know the infamous rule of whom nothing can change the past due it could wreck irretrievable damages in the future, then they track down Steve and Dan at L. A,'s Airport to stop them.

Both Pilots drop out to driven such ill-fated journey, aiming for to call of the flight, but other pilots are available, worst all original passengers don't want any postpone at all, Torg and Berna in order to avert Steven and Dan miniaturize them, they must go back to Earth but are doomed live as little people like in Land of the Giants.

A question that must be answered, in the opening episode Spindrift took off toward London on June 12 of 1983, and this episode strangely it happens in September 25 of 1983, a crying shame for the writers that unnoticed such blunder!!

Thanks for reading.

Resume: First watch: 1971 / Source: TV-VHS-DVD / How many: 5 / Rating: 7.5.
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Every Single Cast Member Is Great But We Have A Problem
StuOz17 May 2007
Wild Journey wastes no time in getting into the story as the opening frames of the teaser deal with "the little people" discovering two time travellers.

Early in act one we are already in the guts of the story about two of "the little people" going back to earth before the tragic blast off. Bruce Dern is very pleasing in his attempts to bring reality to such a way out script, his casual style of speech is in contrast to the more tense tones of previous Giants time traveller Warren Stevens. This is my second favourite Yvonne Craig performance (after Star Trek) as she does a great job of making the viewer think she has been partnered with Dern for years. They behave like a couple.

I get the odd feeling that ABC took one look at the script and said "This is Land Of The Giants with no giants?" and writer William Welch may have responded with "Well, okay, when Steve and Dan go back to earth I will make them even more little". I hated this when I was a kid and I still hate it today. Turning Steve and Dan into "little people" on earth is a really stupid idea which does mild damage to the show.

But this is Land Of The Giants, one of the greatest TV shows ever made, so I can forgive this small problem in the script.
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