71 Reviews
marekoropallo16 December 2020
Living not more than 30km from the place where 'Insulo de la Rozoj' was built, I was always interested in a movie depicting its history...This one leans too much on the comedic side (maybe to avoid a historic drama tone), leaving to the (skilled) actors the task of saving characters' depth. The technical details and photography are indeed very enjoyable, maybe it's just a bit noisy.
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Much better than the average rating
pierreolivier-2128727 December 2020
This is a beautiful retrospective of history. The soundtrack is amazing and the shots fits well with the story being told. I learned about a part of history that I didn't know about and that had huge implication for international ocean governance.
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Enjoyable story beside of the untruthfulness of the event
javalegallo10 April 2021
Sibilia's first major work after 'Smetto quando voglio' trilogy fails to adopt a different yet needed style for this flick. The film is indeed genuinely entertaining still presumptuous. The relevancy of this historical event was minor at the very least in the Italian politics yet is portrayed as an enourmous occurrency. The historical inaccuracy given to the event is froustrating since the movie tries to rebember to the spectator the truthfulness of the event although in reality the happening was completely different. Besides of this, the film is still enjoyable mainly thanks to Germano's acting and the director's slighty surreal touch.
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An absolute gem of a film.
SnobReviews11 December 2020
Inspiring, entertaining and funny as heck; "Rose Island" showcases an anarchistic story that more people should know about.

In this comedy based on a true story, an engineer builds his own island off the Italian coast and declares it a nation, drawing the world's attention in the 1960s.

Sharply written with a strong message at hand, "Rose Island" exceeded my expectations and is one of the better films now streaming on Netflix. Solid performances from the cast and a soundtrack that is so killer, you'll be grooving while sitting on your couch. I do believe that more people need to know this story, especially that it's the only story of its kind EVER. Heartfelt, witty and smart this is a great film.

Follow @snobmedia for all reviews!
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Point is for the cool idea.
pangliangfan2 January 2022
Appreciate the symbolic crazy idea. I always love Utopian ideas, because they always give the greatest trust to humanity. Beautiful color, beautiful dream, interesting time point, nice music. I don't hate slow movie, but this one should be better.
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A moral mission turned comedy - it works for me
thejdrage21 July 2022
This comedy is based on a true story, a young engineer builds his own island off the Italian coast barely in international waters and declares it as a nation, drawing the world's attention to its antics in the late 60s. And then we enter the picture. It is NOT a fast paced film at all, so if that's what you want, this isn't for you.

It was a fun romp with some very interesting characters. AND learned some history too. The film was camped up a lot, but that's what made it unique, like the "island" that was built.

Do wish they would have included more of the actual construction of it.

Good acting from the perfect actors. The music is perfection. The dubbing is pretty good - as good as dubbing gets.

I took off one star because the sound went up and down and up and down, so I had to have the remote in my hand most of the time. That's irritating to me. In all fairness, I have hyper hearing, so ......

It is a David vs. Goliath film - and you are never quite sure who is ahead in the race.

Sit back and get ready for a fun ride while actually learning some things - a whole lot of things, actually.
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One of the best movie ive seen as late
zara-jane-qadry22 November 2021
I love this movie and what it represents. Im glad that a movie like this was made and shows that someone in the past actually did try to change the world and actually did.
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Giorgio's Audacity
albertval-6956022 December 2021
It's a fascinating story if only the storytelling was more effective.

It's a rarity to learn the unusual story of a smart engineer who builds a platform in international waters, claims it a micro nation and attracts international attention for his audacity. But the story ends in a whimper like an almost forgotten footnote in Italian history. We learn that Giorgio Rosa dies 48 years after the Italian government destroyed it. One significant aftermath though is that nations agree to extend a country's territorial waters 12 nautical miles from the coast, from 6 miles previously.

The tone of the film is light with comedic touches here and there even though the subject matter is serious. It doesn't convey the tension specially when the Italian government takes serious notice of Rose Island.

Giorgio Rosa, as portrayed by Eli Gernado, lacks the gravitas in fighting for his island. The focus is more on the love story between him and Gabriella.

At any rate, the movie reminds us that Rose Island was once a reality even if only for a short time. Because of this story, the contours of territorial integrity has changed.
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A beautiful little Italian gem
ue-5366011 December 2020
This is a beautifully written, acted and directed little gem. It is very funny, sweet, intelligent and light. The design production and photography are particularly beautiful, colourful, a bit surrealist, reminiscent of Fellini's style. Very enjoyable.
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Great story, some drag, lacks surliness
samabc-3195213 December 2020
A nation smaller than our home - 4300 sq ft a micro-nation, a self declared republic built by an eccentric idealistic young engineer Giorgio Rosa on the international waters some 11 miles from the Italian coast in late 1960s, during the French civil unrest .. it was not just some crazy feat but was quite a challenging engineering masterpiece during those days considering the limited resources he had.. was it a scream for freedom or a mean to make money ??? Fascinating true story but movie is a little drag at few places esp the satirical deliberateness are quite tenuous...
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Refreshing for the 68' generation
figueroa_j27 December 2020
The majority of critics have no clue about the significance of the events carefully crafted in this truly Italian opereta. I was 18 when this happened and it looked absolutely insane looking at this from America. Fortunately I speak Italian and actors are just fantastic. I will give special credits to Francois Cluzet, one of my favorite French actors. The events are those that happened that year of revolts in France and elsewhere, while this engineer Rosa makes the impossible to pass the same message with technology.
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Stretched a bit too thin
dierregi12 December 2020
Once more "based on a real story" doesn't necessarily make for a great plot. In this case, the starting point was the idea of an eccentric young engineer, Giorgio Rosa, to build his own island and live according to his own rules.

He ended up with a concrete platform just outside Italian coastal waters and at a convenient distance from Rimini. This platform was used as a discotheque during a single summer and then destroyed. Not much of a story, but the plot of the movie is inventive and makes the narration more or less interesting.

It's all based on Giorgio's eccentric personality and his love story with Gabriella. Add a weirdo friend, a German deserter and a pregnant barista and you get a motley cast.

Unfortunately at least one third of the story takes place in the world of Italian politicians, bent on destroying the island. This part drags the movie down, it's repetitive and the satirical intentions too diluted to have any impact. Besides, one doesn't really understand what was Giorgio going to do on the platform except holding a summer job without paying taxes.

Anyway an enjoyable film with a great soundtrack that will make everybody nostalgic for the summer of 69..
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A story that deserves more and better than this medium-level comedy-drama
tmpsvita2 January 2021
Aesthetically and technically speaking Sydney Sibilia is one of the few directors who manages to make a homegrown film at the level of other international productions and therefore addressed to a much wider audience, not limiting himself to the Italian one as most of the productions of the our country do. "L'incredibile storia dell'isola delle rose" is yet another confirmation of this: special effects, direction and, in particular, cinematography are of excellent quality, an example for all those filmmakers who want to change italian cinema to make it visible and appreciable in the rest of the world. Unfortunately, however, the screenplay does not propose the same quality, between forced and banal dialogues, poorly characterized characters and a fluctuating rhythm, everything that makes this (unjustly omitted from the history books) story wonderfully interesting is missing: the sense of affront and rebellion towards a system that seemed untouchable but also the absurdity, the incredible passion, the irony and at the same time the humanity behind it and its characters, are almost never perceived. The film works as a medium-level comedy-drama and manages to entertain and intrigue but is often unable to tell the facts as they deserved to be told, giving them the more than necessary political, historical and social importance.
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Like an Italian car
random-7077810 December 2020
This film has great esthetics, probably watchable on that alone, but as a whole is a mess. The narrative is so drawn out, with at least a dozen repetitions of the same joke of incredulity on the part of staid bureaucrats, that about 30 minutes in, you'd be better of stopping viewing.
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Crowd pleaser
Castorian14 December 2020
Not a bad movie, but a very commercial one for sure. The kind of movie you are pleased to watch when you have nothing to do on a Sunday evening. I thought that Cluzet would've had a bigger role as well, but it is a cameo. 5.5/10
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An incredible story, fully true. Mediocre movie
lallo-219 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't imagine how great it would have been if the production was American. The story is crazy, incredible, but true. It depicts the venture of a weak group of politicians, monkeys with machine guns, ignorant at the highest level, who destroy what they don't understand. Claps to the director - but with a so bounded budget is impossible make better - and Germano, the main actor. I suggest to read the story on Wikipedia
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L'incredibile storia dell'Isola delle Rose - 2020
mihaelkozina-1398213 December 2020
A film that invites us to exploit our potential and always pursue our ideals and those things that we are passionate about. It also shows how the system crushes you if you do not meet the standard that they want, and of course, the same society.
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Always be idealistic
faer_kr10 December 2020
The incredible story of the island of the Rose is an Italian drama based on real events. It is about an idealistic young man who, seeing himself at one point frustrated and crushed by the system, rejected by his ex-girlfriend and alienated from reality, imagines a place that is only for him, building an island and unleashing the fury of the system. Entertaining Quality. Light jokes and sarcasms of situation. The time spectacularly recreated. The soundtrack at the moment. Good effects, except for two or three moments are not fully achieved. How many of us have potential and the system limits us and takes it away from us? How much of our potential and free spirit does the school and the system foster? Why does the system pressure us on those people or situations that it cannot control? That's what the movie is about. A film that invites us to exploit our potential and always pursue our ideals and those things that we are passionate about. It also shows how the system crushes you if you do not meet the standard that they want, and of course, the same society. The acting is good and the script is nice.
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A good Italian movie
DogePelis201517 August 2021
It is a very fascinating true story about the creation of an island; the plot is decent and the performances are good; it's a good movie, but it feels too long.
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Fun to look at
fynnfinfynn9 December 2020
This film tells the true story of the Rose Island. The focus is on the dreamer Giorgio Rosa, who is building his own island in international waters. The project soon attracted hippies and became a controversial topic in Italian politics. This film is entertaining, funny and educational. The actors do a great job and the sets are equipped with a great deal of attention to detail and a bunch of authentic vintage cars.
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Cinema Omnivore - Rose Island (2020) 6.3/10
lasttimeisaw2 July 2021
"This film adaptation is directed by Sydney Sibilia, who has flexed his muscles with I CAN QUIT WHENEVER I WANT trilogy, and stars Elio Germano as Giorgio the idealist. Starting in medias res, in the snow-covered Strasbourg, we are introduced to the scenes where Giorgio seeks legal help from Council of Europe to secure his state's autonomy, the far-outness of Giorgio's plea is so incredible, and ROSE ISLAND does crank up the story's comical value, but founders to examine Giorgio and his co.'s habitus under a larger societal pattern, viz. The flower power. We get glimpses of the monochromatic footage of May '68, but what is the connexion between it and Giorgio's spectacular whimsy?"

read my full review on my blog: cinema omnivore.
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Beautiful Little Movie
nije-mala15 December 2020
What a joy it was to watch this movie! For change, especially in these troubled times we find humour, fun, love, all done in the manner of Italian cinema of the sixties and seventies, still fun to watch after all these years - well there you go, Rose Island has it all. MUST WATCH.
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am-by26 December 2020
Initially didnt finish this movie because of poor dubbing. But came back to it and enjoyed the story. Voice dubbing on netflix is like early 80s kung fu movies with time delayed strange voices . Terrible.
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Cool story, slow movie
Calicodreamin10 December 2020
A really cool concept, especially considering it's based on a true story. I loved the music and the cinematography was well done. However, the storyline was slow and meandered a bit.
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A story of freedom right from the Evil Empire
ersbel14 December 2020
The script is not perfect. And, like all European movies, it is rather slow. But it's an amazing story of freedom right from the middle of the Evil Empire. Kings, Crusades, World Wars, and a handful of individuals looking for freedom. And 2020 is the probably the best time to launch this story.
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