62 Reviews
emquzu12 August 2020
Just watched this on Horrible Imaginings online fest and enjoyed it a lot. The acting is good, especially from the lead actress and the film overall is well paced and watchable.

It has plenty gore, and the comedy element works, certainly for me anyway.

The characters are developed quickly and comedically, and this helps us not just care about what happens to them, but also to want to see each of them on screen more.

The horror element is good and Peck works well and fun as the horror creature; definitely elements of the late great Sid Haig in there as Captain Spaulding.

In filmmaking terms there are clearly influences from other film styles, in particular Shaun of the Dead, certainly with the editing and character interaction. I also felt a lot of School of Rock in there, maybe just because the story is of similar notes. But the opening shot of Max lying asleep on the floor was reminiscent of Jack Black in a similar shot.

A very accomplished and well put together feature film. And no, I don't know any of the cast or crew (yet), just a review from someone who appreciates the time and effort that goes into filmmaking and congratulations on an enjoyable watch.
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Really good
mjsreg15 August 2020
This is a really enjoyable film with a strong story and brilliant acting from all of the cast.

Although this film is quite simple, that is part of it's charm and suits the story - which has some interesting twists and turns - and the characters.

Well worth a watch.
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danielcereto30 October 2020
I think it's a quite enjoyable movie for funny-gore fans. That's all. Do not expect a twisted script or great acting, it's an original B-movie.
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Silly Fun Movie
Jimmy_JimJim23 September 2020
A silly movie with a silly plot but I had fun watching it. The characters are natural and fun to watch. The soundtrack is quite good too. Not a bad way to relax and spend 90 minutes.
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Thoroughly enjoyable
deadgirlrising12 August 2020
I wasn't expecting much of Uncle Peckerhead, but found myself pleasantly surprised. It is as funny as it is gory and it is plenty gory. Very entertaining
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Lots of potential, but ultimately nothing outstanding...
paul_haakonsen11 August 2020
I was lured in to watch "Uncle Peckerhead" given the movie's interesting poster/cover. And of course the title alone just had something brilliant about it. So without even knowing anything about the movie, I sat down to watch this 2020 horror comedy from writer and director Matthew John Lawrence.

The storyline told in "Uncle Peckerhead" was definitely unique and had some interesting aspects to it. However, the movie just suffered from being a tad too predictable. Especially towards the end of the movie.

"Uncle Peckerhead" have some interesting characters, and they are portrayed by some nicely cast actors and actresses. Now, what worked here, for me at least, was the fact that I wasn't familiar with those cast for the movie. And I do enjoy watching unfamiliar faces perform in movies.

There was a fair amount of blood and gore in the movie, which was something that was worked well in favor of the movie. And I had hoped for something like that, given the movie's poster artwork. So writer Matthew John Lawrence did deliver on that account. And it should be said that the special effects in "Uncle Peckerhead" were actually good.

While "Uncle Peckerhead" was watchable enough, it just ended up as being an overall mediocre movie experience. Which was a shame, because there definitely was a lot of potential to the movie. It had a lot of ingredients for being a great horror comedy, but it was just not to be.

My rating of "Uncle Peckerhead" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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Decent little comedy
johnbvockings10 October 2020
Quirky little film with some decent performances which belie the low budget feel - not that I'm knocking the low budget feel, that's part of its charm. There was no fat to be trimmed with the film pulling you along nicely to its conclusion. I hope to see more from this director and the actors.
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You guys are in a band???!!???!!
jfgibson7327 December 2021
I didn't enjoy this movie nearly as much as I thought I would, given the set-up. It's about a punk band who goes on the road with an older man who has a dangerous secret. It starts out interestingly enough, and there are some satisfying sequences, but eventually the character decisions get frustrating, personalities change suddenly, and the story fizzles. It thought it ended up very average overall, and I would say you wouldn't really miss much if you skipped it.
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Super enjoyable!!
adamhoare-853547 October 2020
Worth a watch, surprisingly good! Didn't expect too much but was pleasantly surprised!
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Feels Like Troma!
Green_Dust1 May 2022
What makes this film so good is the two leads. It is gory and fun. It is punk for the new era. I believe this will one day be revelled as a classic. It is already a classic for me.
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Not Bad
thrax-233163 January 2021
If Gomer Pyle and Chris Elliot had a child and that child grew up to be a flesh-eating demon, that would be the title character.
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Not as bad as I first thought it would be
ianjustfloors9 October 2020
Cast aside the fact that Judy is more mom than rocker, or the guitarist comes across as a buffoon rather than the riot boy In shy boys clothing I'm sure the character was meant to be, then this film is a hidden gem.

The tunes are good,the editing paced and the writing sharp.

Well worth the effort.

Oh whoever thought a fella, who looks like an accountant, wearing a sheepskin,gelled up hair with a ring in his nose is punk rock needs b*%ch slapping

Solid 8.
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The bloodiest tour a small-time band could ever imaging
one9eighty12 October 2020
When an undiscovered 3-piece punk band go on tour with a blood-thirsty monster, carnage is guaranteed to ensue.

The members of punk band "duh" dream of making it big, but first they need their big break. Surely the tour that band leader Judy has arranged will give them a leg up. The only problem is that they are short on money and their van has just been repossessed by the creditors. With no wheels the band go on the hunt for a mode of transport when they bump into Peckerhead, a stranger who offers to take them on tour. Things seem straight forward enough, but when the band get ripped off by a venue owner normality is blown out of the water. Judy walks in to find Peckerhead eating the owner. Understably shaken, the band listen to Peckerhead's story and ultimately decide that the tour must go on. As they travel from venue to venue more death follows but it is mainly only Judy that is disturbed by it, drummer Mel and lead guitarist Max actually think Peckerhead's actions are "cool" at times. Soon enough though, things go from weird to downright scary for the band, they get kidnapped and only Peckerhead can rescue them, but it might be at a cost of their friendship.

This is a slow burner of an independent film that gets better the longer it is on. It has got plenty of bloodshed and gore in it which is done on the cheap but with good comic effect. The characters do not have much depth or development to them, but they are pleasant enough. It made a change that they weren't bound to stereotypes of the genre of music they are from or the instruments they play - in this instance the lead vocalist is the shy and retiring type while the bass player is the organized one. It is a fun film which failed to really get me super excited, but it was still enjoyable and provided the odd chuckle.

There is a simple charm to the film, which is nice, especially when it is juxtaposed with some of the slasher and splatter elements that help the story move forward. The music in the film is decent, it was nice to see a punk rock band in film and was amusing when one style was put up against the whiney scream-o style later on. The acting is decent, and the standout is Chet Siegel as Judy, the neurotic driving force behind the band. The effects are far from Hollywood epic but are more akin to a scaled down "Braindead" or "Evil Dead" - very over the top and laughable, but still highly amusing. The transformed Peckerhead-Monster is not going to inflict nightmares, but it is almost a tongue-in-cheek nod to bigger werewolf or vampire looks.

Overall, I enjoyed the film, it was original and fun, even though the pace of the film was not the best. It was nice to see this kind of film still being released in 2020, rather than some over the top big-budget slap in the face, or a CGI heavy straight to the Sy-Fy channel piece of trash. This looks more like a product of passion and enjoyment than a vehicle to earn big money - which always goes down well in my books.

Directed and written by Matthew John Lawrence this 2020 stars David Littleton as Peckerhead, Chet Siegel as Judy, Jeff Riddle as Max, and Ruby McCollister as Mel. It has a runtime of 97-minutes and is an 18-rated film, mainly due to the violence and gore.
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To call it "mediocre" would be far too kind.
Angry_Santa11 August 2020
About the only success this troupe of wannabe-movie-making stoners have managed is to hire a professional shill in the guise of @victoriapilotyyc - and a pretty bad one at that.

You'd normally expect a trailer to tease you into wanting to watch a movie, showing you just enough to intrigue you but not enough to give the plot away. In this movie's case, though the trailer was appropriately short, it contained the ENTIRETY of worthwhile scenes - you will NOT get any additional entertainment from actually watching the movie in its entirety.

The only reason I'm giving it two stars rather than one is the camerawork - for a change (among these lame attempts at moviemaking), it wasn't using the trademark "wobblecam" to make viewers nauseous.

Best viewed at 4x fast-forward, but even then you might need to take breaks to recover.
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5 desperate minutes
marktorch-2574610 November 2020
The 1st 5 minutes of this movie really live down to your worst no budget indie horror fears but then it really comes alive. The main characters are engagingly low octane slow burners and the (excellent) band explore the Faustian pact success in music often demands. Talent just isn't enough, punk's not fair either but this is what might happen when you give the benefit of the doubt when you know you shouldn't. If you like noisy guitars that are definitely not heavy metal it really is worth sticking with this film.
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Way Too Freaking Punk!!!
TheJonesBones23 August 2023
"Uncle Peckerhead" is a laid back character, but this is not a laid back film. In fact, it's way punk. Like, the best part of punk, I mean.

I'm really digging all the punk vibes in the alternative music scene right now, and this film feeds directly into this soul-stirring trend. To be sure, true punk is decidedly anti-commercial but the most interesting aspects of it are very marketable in my opinion.

Uncle Peckerwood is not so marketable as a human being because, well, he's a real life monster BUT he's a damned good friend and a fine roadie. Duh (inside joke). So, this is a road-trip story about a fresh punk band making their first tour with a vagabond van-driver who happens to have a violent quirk or two. Or three. Like, killing people and eating them - but only the ones who deserve it, more or less.

This film is well done. I have no complaints - except for the feces and vomit. Personally, a sound effect is just as good as a visual here, but I tend to be rather squeamish in this regard. Probably, you'll want to watch this film behind a plastic sheet.

But do watch. You won't regret it. Much.
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Well intended and not without its fun.
jmbovan-47-16017320 December 2020
Well intended film that does speak to the some fun of a road film. But, it's story keeps a bit in the camp mode and maybe too much given the larger professional tone of the film. Still, its watchable and enjoyable but don't expect much from it.
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Weird, unique, dark
WermhatsWormHat22 February 2021
This movie wont be for everybody. Quirky comedy and gore, reminds me a lil of another recent movie Psycho Goreman, but even weirder than that and a lil darker. It worked for me, fun ending
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Enjoyable movie
dy3849330 August 2021
Good movie to watch for especially all the characters have done their job well the acting is good and the movie is watchable.
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Original. I liked it!
LuciousJohnson9 October 2020
In this age of first person...Blair Witch style "horror" movies that have become played out, boring, and unoriginal, it was quite a relief to see something like Uncle Peckerhead out there. The acting was decent and it was really well shot.

I give it a 7/10 on originality of the storyline, the humor, and copious amounts of gore. This also reminded me of my days living in Austin,Tx playing dive bars for peanuts and crashing on couches after the show, so it also connected with me on that level as well. I would compare this to something like Deathgasm. I recommend checking it out.
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Can't believe i watched this crap!
contactmaz2 June 2021
This film was utter drivel and looked like it was filmed with the minimum of thought. It was one of those simple films that really had nothing going for it. The acting was absolute tripe and what was worse than the film was watching it... to the end... I don't know why I did but I did!

Anyway, let's give it an overrated 1.
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Great fun
XTheXXTruthX20 December 2020
Hilarious and well made blend of horror, comedy and music

Some great comic timing from cast who were all excellent

Perfect movie for a few beers
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Good but falls short
bhamburger-7637317 August 2020
This movie just falls short of being a cult classic by millimetres. It was a fun ride of a movie with gory effects but the script just let it down. 6.5/10
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I laugh
ks-6050025 June 2021
Horror and comedy combine is the trend these years, I like this as something special and new about the storyline. Bloody scene and laughable parts, who won't dislike ?
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if you like guitar bands and horror go watch it
trashgang17 October 2020
Would I ever seen this flick without Felicia from New York mentioning this, I don't think so. It's a low budget independant flick, not with the big promotion but still, small talk made it one to watch.

Simple story, a bit of Spinal tap here and there and some gory moments. but stated as a horror I don't agree. Funny, yeah here and there but it's just a flick for lovers of independant bands with some roadie that turns into ' a beast' at midnight to eat people.

Don't take it too serious. What I didi like was the accent of Uncle. What I didn't like,, some scene's were too long. But the gore is really well done.

So not for everyone because it's all about being on the road as a band with some nasty moments. Did Ilike it, here and teher, just a mediocre flick. Cut it under 9à minutes so scene's go quicker and it would be better.

Gore 3/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0,5/5
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