This anime series is centred on a general in an evil syndicate that intends to take over the world. This enemies are a group of costumed rangers who defend the Earth. He isn't battling them all the time, even he needs days off and when he isn't at work he likes nothing more than eating ice cream or going to the zoo to see the pandas!
I thought this series was rather fun. We see enough of our protagonist's work to understand just who he is and what his job entails. This makes the things he does on his day off seem all the more amusing; one doesn't imagine 'evil' people doing cute things. The story provides plenty of laughs and the characters are fun; both our protagonist and his co-workers and their rivals. The character designs and animation are pretty good. Overall I'd say this is just the thing if you want something light and amusing that plays with genre expectations.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.