42 Reviews
The Crimson Rivers
Tweekums5 March 2019
This eight part French crime drama is made up of four separate cases, two episodes each. It is centred on Pierre Niémans and his deputy Camille Delaunay who work for a specialist unit that investigates the bizarrest of crimes. These include a huntsman who is killed according to the ancient traditions of the hunting family; a murder in a cult, deaths linked to a children's home and the murder of a monk who used to be a policeman. The fact that their cases can be anywhere in France, and in the first case partly over the border in Germany, means that apart from our two protagonists the stories will have different sets of characters.

I am aware that this series is based on a character that first appeared in a film of the same name but didn't feel it was a problem that I'd never seen the film. The first story does a solid job introducing us to our two leads. Olivier Marchal and Erika Sainte do fine jobs as Pierre and Camille making them interesting characters to watch. The cases are nicely varied and enjoyably strange. They provide a good number of suspects and motives to keep the viewer guessing. There is also a good sense of danger as each approaches its conclusion. Overall I'd certainly recommend this to fans of crime dramas involving unusual cases.

These comments are based on watching the series in French with English subtitles.
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iannikkibanks19 August 2020
Not without faults but a seriously different series .The murders alone a worth the watch. There is a certain pattern the show follows but I like the fact it does not take 8 episodes to solve each case. Two per investigation. The characters are more than standard police and their antics add a little charm
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Detective work as Sisyphean labour
paul2001sw-16 March 2019
'The Crimson Rivers' is a French detective series about a pair of police officers who specialize in investigating crimes with a religious, or occult, dimension. Little explanation is provided as to their mandate, while their methods involve disregarding correct procedure, being rude to their colleagues, explaining nothing to anyone, but, almost unfailingly, being right in the end. An accurate "police procedural" this is not, and neither is it filmed or written with particular artistry. And yet I liked the programme, as its gruff hero and heroine work their way through a succession of grim cases spread out over a grey-tinged France that feels rather different from the country in the tourist guides. They each have their own motivations for carrying out their mission; their behaviour at least partly explained by their view of their work as a necessary yet Sisyphean labour. In an age where we seem overwhelmed by clean Scandi-noir or gruesome serial killer stories, 'The Crimson Rivers' offers us a refreshingly different take.
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Proof that 'more grisly, more shocking' isn't quite enough
BaronVonKolisch2 December 2021
I am struggling to think of a lot that is positive. It feels like there are the bones of a good drama lurking somewhere in the shadows, but the execution is completely wayward.

A burgeoning relationship between the two main characters may have sparked some interest, but sadly, the dialogue remained quite colourless and too matter-of-fact throughout.

And while an attempt has been made to lift the excitement levels with very shocking crimes, it is simply the case that ghoulish and bizarre murders are no longer that much of a novelty in modern television.

Delaunay (the lady cop) is wonderfully cool, but her back-story doesn't quite fit the demeanour. A less confident character, who perhaps suffers night terrors, might have been more convincing for the role. Her brazen sexual fling in episode 1 and everyday lack of concern for her estranged child, suggest that the irresponsible wild child still forms part of her make-up. Is it really likely that such a person would have become a dedicated and meticulous detective? It's a stretch.

Indeed, believability issues are never far away. Clues usually arrive by way of coincidence, or good fortune, and rarely from hard work. Local knowledge, reluctant witnesses who suddenly crack, handy passing experts and libraries that specialize in curious local mythologies, produce more than their fair share of easy-to-come-by leads. On a superficial level, it is reasonably fast paced and moderately entertaining, but don't expect it to live long in the memory.

After viewing the first 3 episodes of Season 2, I decided to abandon the rest. It had been more of the same. An over-reliance on sinister and grisly happenings, at the expense of any semblance of character development. - 6.9/10.
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I enjoyed it thoroughly
laduqesa27 September 2020
I've rated as an eight not for the stories or the acting but because of the enjoyment it gave me. There was something definitely different about this set of two seasons of series.

{{ EDIT: I got my wish (expressed below) of seeing a third season. I wish I hadn't. I'm wondering if the scriptwriters were different or if the same ones just ran out of ideas. I've reduced the mark to a six. I worked out within 30 minutes whodunnit in episodes one to four. I couldn't work out the assassin in episodes five and six (the stories take up two episodes each as in the previous seasons) because the person's existence was only revealed twenty five minutes before the end. The plots are creaky and full of holes. It seems like a different programme to what was in the first two seasons. I'm not even sure if I am going to bother with the final two episodes. I've got better stuff to watch. }}

The two main cops, Pierre Niémans and his deputy Camille Delaunay, are part of a special unit based in Paris whose full function is never properly explained. It appears to have extraterritorial powers too. These two particular cops investigate killings all over the country that have a ritualistic aspect, often religiously inspired.

There are other consistent themes. The local cops are incompetent yokels, although some of them occasionally have a flash of intuition or are good at the PC Plod work. Niémans and Delaunay break rules to get results up to and including using violence and illegal methods. They are rude and don't tell the local gendarmes what's going on; they sometimes don't tell each other what's happening.

The murders are generally grotesque and need a detailed knowledge of history to be solved - our two cops spend a lot of time on research.

We learn a little of our heroes' backgrounds and demons, much more about those of Delaunay whose past plays a major part in one of the stories of the second season.

I've got to say that it's over the top, but the good direction and acting, as well as the stunning scenery and buildings make the overall stories more than watchable.

I'd like to see a third season.
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Horror, Cults, Mysteries.
Pairic2 February 2019
Crimson Rivers on Channel 4 (UK & RoI). French detectives investigating strange murders. Cross between Criminal Minds and The X-Files. Detective Commissaire Pierre Niemans from the crimson Rivers films is back with a young sidekick, former student Camille Delaunay. So far (four episodesin) there's Horror with ritual murder, a curse going back centuries, nazi dogs, Cults.

Pretty good, set in the dark isolated backwoods of France.
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it could have been so much better
jazfro28 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is a TV serialization of a 00's successful movie, based on the eponymous novel. Potentially, this is good Euro-scary-crime stuff. American writers deliver Hannibal Lecter, American Psycho, or True Detectives, and their European counterparts do Broadchurch, Salamander, Crimson Rivers, and the like. I usually like the European series because they nicely weave in some interesting historical nuggets together with some spectacular locations. I felt a bit let down by this one. The first story (e1-e2 as per the C4 broadcast) was intriguing, but the reveal in the second episode was just medieval fantasy, and frankly too simplistic in so many ways it's impossible to list. The sex trysts between the protagonists were shallow, unbelievable and possibly unnecessary. The acting and direction were good, and this kept me going. The aspect that got me was the fact that everybody, including the extras, in a German police station, spoke perfect French. It would have been more believable in a cross-border story to have at least some dialogue in the relevant language, and appropriately subtitled. Are producers afraid that people can't read? Other series have managed this well (e.g. The Tunnel, Salamander) and even action series like Strike Back can handle this. Watchable, but could do so much better.
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French rude detective duo, decent writing and some thrills.
surfisfun8 December 2021
Watch in original language.

So far 2 seasons with 4 cases in each that are well pace wt 2 episodes to resolve, i think its a great format.

Like many French cop show, diaplaying physical rudeness is valorise.

I really like it is in Europe ,often in rural environnements that feel historical, older. Great locations sets.
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alanl06-662-770205 August 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed Season 1 which is available on UK television App ALL4 and looking forward to the second series . Certainly different from our USA and UK fayre but all the more enjoyable because of that . Despite the poor viewer who's eyes bled , I recommend giving it a chance and watch a few double episode stories
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Intense and well narrated crime series
DLochner5 January 2020
The story is a well narrated crime story if bestseller author Jean-Christophe Grangé - who already wrote the book -Crimson River- which later became the movie with Jean Reno and Vincent Cassel. The mood and the characters of this film are really close to the series. The rough detective and his young unexperienced colleague.

I saw so many cop series that most of them are really close to each other - this one is quite interesting as most of story is based around religious topics. Every episode is splitted in two parts, which I really liked.
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Made my eyes bleed
MadamWarden1 October 2019
So bad!

So ridiculous on soooo many fronts. French cops investigating German murders, staying overnight with the victim's family, bonking the French speaking cops and French speaking German aristocratic victim's family members. Bossing the German cops, getting told they're off the case, but continue regardless, bodies found easily in massive forests but secret societies and extinct dog breeds roam freely, in secret.

In the end the plot is so bad, that you really really don't care what they eventually decide is the conclusion.

Cinematography and sets stylish but that is it.

Watch at your peril.
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Absorbing classy french crime drama
marccherry-1586630 March 2022
Love the offbeat stories the two great leads in the show. I know I'm in for quality entertainment with this show. Olivier Marchal I've seen in other shows terrific actor. Well recommended.
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edlaxton1 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Wholly improbable character behaviour - in the first episode one cop sleeps with another she's on the case with and after that her partner sleeps with a witness. Meanwhile the witness and potential next victim leaves her house unlocked despite a killer being on the loose. Not sure I'll manage another episode.
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Strange things
baunacholi-861596 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
...are going on in France. Season 1 was good, had some mystery and twists whereas season 2 and beyond is in my pov too much relying on jump scares (which are not scary btw) and the overuse of lore/religion/mystery or graphical scenes to tell a story. It falls mostly flat without proper suspense or thrill. The ideas or inspirations behind each of the episodes are fine but it misses a captivating story and flow.

Season 1 was good, had some mystery and twists whereas season 2 and beyond is in my pov too much relying on jump scares (which are not scary btw) and the overuse of lore/religion/mystery or graphical scenes to tell a story. It falls mostly flat without proper suspense or thrill. The ideas or inspirations behind each of the episodes are fine but it misses a captivating story and flow.
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I really like it!
gravloc19 March 2023
I like this show and it's actors a lot! However, I feel really sorry for the actress playing Camille. How many times is she going to walk into another trap, or have her weapon taken from her for doing something idiotic so Niemans has to come save her because she is a bumbling idiot. If I was the actress I would have to a few words with the writers. I would tell them that no one is this stupid, all the time, and also happens to be a cop.

That being said, I do actually like the actress, she is just doing her job, and well! The atmosphere is really nice too. I like seeing the cool little towns and countryside.

Anyway, that's it.
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A better Police drama
larmo8 September 2021
I liked this crime drama. The acting is good, and I liked the main characters. The murder mysteries are very interesting, and I was never able to guess who the guilty parties were, or their motives for committing the crimes. The detectives are French national police. Which means they investigate crimes in various parts of France. I liked the first season of the two that were available, the best. I think the female detective's character is treated better in the first season than it is in the second. In the second season, her "issues" are used as plot devices, that I think better writing would not have used to further the plots. I think one of the main flaws in the series, is the use of certain tropes. Detectives going off individually on their own, rather than working as a team. This gives the writers an opportunity to add drama and violence to scenes. I would like to see more of this series if more seasons are produced.
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Just ignore the first case. It gets better
ishtapaz9 April 2021
I think they made a mistake on the first case ( episodes 1 and 2 ). But what do you do when you have the beautiful Nora von Waldstätten on board as guest - show some skin. I still think it was a good episode. The next cases get much better. They already have season 2 up on Amazon PBS Masterpiece channel. Most of the stories center around north eastern and eastern France, on the border towns. I think they were filming in Belgium. Lot of Catholic references involved, more the occult and middle age myths. Erika Sainte is pretty good and so is Olivier Marchal. And no romantic trysts or eye candy like in the other French shows (Murder IN..) , it remains pretty dark and grey and gritty. I need to watch the John Reno version.

A bit of reading on the French police system helps to understand these shows. And a little bit of history study as well. I am glad that there is not so much Gendarmerie bashing that I see on other shows.

Yep the 2 detectives are not likable right away, maybe never. That's why I like it.
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Sometimes good, but suffers from a lack of realism.
woody195020 September 2022
This is series is generally entertaining, but the stories and the characters are pretty ludicrous. The situations are often fantastic and unrealistic.

More importantly, it's hard to believe that anyone would be willing to allow either of the main characters to carry be police officers or carry a gun. Niemans is a misanthrope who does anything he wants and apparently has no supervision, whatever.

Camille effectively suffers from various forms of mental illness and is barely functional. Both of them are senselessly violent at the drop of a hat.

They seem to operate in a freewheeling style that might work in Manilla, but seems absurd in France.
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Enticing, intriguing and moreish
Subtlesecret25 November 2021
Ok, first some disclaimers. I like foreign tv series and can cope with subtitles but, if you can't, this probably isn't for you. In addition in the first episode, we have cooperation between German and French police that I can never see happening.

However, set aside your disbelief and enjoy it for the French romp that it is. Good looking women, several back stories and intriguing whodunnits. What's not to like?
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brenswee21 March 2023
I just completed season 4 and found myself wondering why I still get excited when a new series gets released. The vast majority of stories are quite tiresome.

I find myself shaking my head at the number of times a seemingly respectable authority figure is revealed to be the villain. Ditto for the number of times Camille is in serious jeopardy and has to be rescued by Niemans.

For the last decent story that impressed me, I have to go back to season 2 - the glass bloodlines story. All the stories since haven't been very memorable.

I'll wrap up by focussing on a positive - No one can do moody brooding like Camille and Niemans.
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portpete-1995626 September 2020
Into the 3rd story now and Ive lost interest. Wife is keeping going. Finding various aspects of the stories far fetched and the detectives outlandish behaviour and aggression implausible. Acting very average. Generally humourless and a bit pedestrian. Not a patch on great series like Spiral or the Returned.
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Excellent Piece
transport-4481817 April 2019
Everything about this series was worthy of every star in the sky.

loved it
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Improbable French cop drama
wrxsti5417 October 2019
The actors are cool, the set stylish but only in France would this series fly. German aristocrats who've ruled a region for centuries choosing to speak French to French cops? Never going to happen even if they spoke fluent French. Likewise French cops investigating the murders of Germans in Germany, the German cops are never going to speak French just to please some French cops who are investigating the first German murdered who happened to be murdered in France - protocol would dictate that the visiting French police would at least try and speak German and if they can't then probably both would revert to English as a common language.

Only in France would an audience shrug their shoulders at a plot line where the pretty French detective sleeps with the senior allocated German detective AND the senior French detective sleeps with a primary suspect all in one episode!. Casual sex is de rigueur in France but even there, this is stretching it.

Finally a French cop taking the initiative to attack a surrounded suspect's property against all protocols of the German police oversight - I know that French police write their own rules but in the real world would not act against all protocols of the German police oversight - the French would never be so loose in prim and proper rules-bound Germany.

All these silly improbabilities swamp an intriguing story line in the first double episode. Much as I love French shows and I'm trying to learn the language, I'm unfraid I've given up.
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That's just how Grangé is
borgolarici21 January 2021
As a die hard Grangé fan, I'm happy someone finally made a decent tv product based on his works. Granted, his stuff usually works better on paper, but I find this series to be very good: it's dark, entertaining and well acted. Hope too see more!
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The best French Thriller TV series
mariopedrosousa14 March 2021
The univers of this series is captivating. Thrilling, the evil and its forces at work (hidden in so many ways), and a team of two cops fighting it.
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