43 Reviews
Lady Scorpions: The Struggle to Find Elder Care Facility
7 September 2024
Cynthia Rothrock should team up with Steven Seagal. He's been through the struggles of navigating the Medicare/Medicaid network. Finding a suitable long-term elder care facility.

Back in the day, she kicked some serious ass and now she can barely kick above her expanding waistline. Watching these aging "action heroes" stumble through their moves is cringeworthy and sad. Using their name recognition to boost careers of other, 2nd rate actors. Best advice from their agents would have been to invest in real estate. Quit the acting gig while you were on the top. Not to end your career on lows like these less than "B" grade movies.

And yes, I've said the same thing about Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nicolas Cage, etc. Are you simply pandering to the Boomers?
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Asphalt City (2023)
Volunteer to be hated?
26 May 2024
In the current times... why would any sane person volunteer to work in a job where you're hated and despised by the very same people you're trying to help?

I can't imagine anyone wanting to work as a fire fighter, police officer, paramedic... especially in large cities like New York or Los Angeles. You're called names, berated, bullied and often... battered by these people who then complain that you're not there when they actually need you.

Paramedics have to worry about people stealing drugs and medicines from their ambulances while they're treating a victim.

Police are stereotyped as the enemy all the while complaining that they are stereotyping the people they're charged with protecting.

It's a lose-lose situation and at some point, large cities will find themselves without any first responders, or any that care to do their jobs.
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Only takes one to sink the ship...
25 May 2024
That one sinker would be Elena Kampouris, or at least the role as Chloe as it was written for her. Over the course of the episodes I grew increasingly tired of her incessant whining. They stereotypical "entitled" teen who hates Daddy and acts out in the opposite way her parents would expect her to. Chloe really made it very hard to watch, much less like the show.

And yes, I know that's how the character was in the story the show is based upon but it's also one of the things I hated most about the source stories.

If one thing would sink the ship, it would be Chloe's character. And it's too bad but I can't see any other reason that the show would be cancelled after one season, even the minimal amount of shows that networks call "seasons" nowadays. What happened to 23-28 episodes per year?
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7 May 2024
Roasts, as they've been done for the last 15 years or so, are pale imitations of the roasts of days past.

Today they're simply how nasty can you be using the most vile language delivered by someone that probably has no idea who they're roasting.

Roasters having no relationship, friend or otherwise, with Tom compete to see who's the funniest with jokes that have no personalization other than to be raunchy, nasty attacks.

Monologues with no substance other than sophomoric humor befitting middle school playground.

I recall the roast of William Shatner with the same disdain for the pitiful (and despicable) line up of talking heads with nothing to offer than filth.

What happened to well thought out insults that are funny, snarky, personal... all while still being delivered as a friendly poke in the eye by friends and colleagues? Sad testament to what the current generation considers funny.
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Beacon 23 (2023–2024)
14 January 2024
Continuity... or a lack thereof. This show suffers from so many continuity breaks between scenes that makes watching very frustrating.

So many scenes pieced together seemingly out of order... characters that were just arguing or a tense scene to the next where everyone is as if it never happened or a long time has passed when it clearly hasn't. It takes you out of the story every time.

Every episode seems to have several of these continuity breaks and at first I thought it might be some oddball plot device to move through the story but after the E03, it was clear it's just poor production and editing.

It's a shame as the original story by Hugh Howey has been ruined here.
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General Magic (2018)
Not good enough to be amazing...
26 August 2023
It's not enough to have an amazing, creative group of talented individuals all marching towards the same goal.

The differences between Marc Porat and Steve Jobs is that Steve knew how to get the best out of his people, motivate them to be their best and continually reach higher. But, he also knew how to reign them in when needed, how to focus their efforts and to move them all towards a specific goal.

Was Steve the smartest person in the room... no, but he surrounded himself with them. Marc's vision of the future didn't include the mechanics of how to get there. Watching many of his press interviews, he even stated things like "in the next generation" or within the decade... Steve spoke as if the product he was demoing or talking about would change the world that day.

Not all management is bad. General Magic having no one to 'Herd Cats' was it's downfall. No one to direct the team to realistic goals, keep members on point and away from needless distractions... this is where they failed... not for lack of vision.
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Can't "gush" over this crossover...
30 July 2023
I'm sorry... I was uninterested in Lower Decks and this episode just reinforced why. Lower Decks has the same 'ick' feel as the cheap, sophomoric humor of The Orville that only rabid fanbois drool over.

Please tell me that this is not the direction the show will be taking moving forward? I'm not opposed to humor in science fiction and Anson Mount is superb in the role of Pike, showing a side of the character that we could only imagine from TOS.

I see that the upcoming Episode 9 Subspace Rhapsody is a musical... a musical, really? So it does appear that the writers and producers feel that the show has reached a peak in viewership... and this latest trend is in an effort to rejuvenate or refresh the show? Normally this type of panic attack comes around the 3rd season.

I truly hope that this is just a blip and that things get back to normal.
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Confused by Will Smith's Code-switching
9 July 2023
This documentary is beautifully filmed and directed but far too much attention is placed on Will... his point of view and opinions and jokes. To the point of being distracting and annoying.

Over the years, I've become more and more confused by Will Smith's code-switching ability and wonder what his "natural" way of speaking actually is. Which is the real or the fake Will?

I watched 3 episodes and found him too distracting to continue. Which is sad as this series has promise and I see that it wasn't picked up for renewal. Not sure if it was for the "slap" or some other reason.

Drama aside, Will is an amazing actor but as a host/narrator for documentaries... not so much.
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Please stop talking...
25 June 2023
While I enjoy seeing old, abandoned places as much as the next person, this format is tiresome... bordering on annoying.

The "narrator" for the series is fine but all of the talking heads that are supposed to be subject experts are just hard to watch.

Their feigned ignorance/shock/surprise at the sites visited by the show is annoying to the point of me fast-forwarding past them to the parts I'm actually interested. What's wrong with the primary narrator relaying these tidbits of information?

I do enjoy the filming and subject matter of the show but the additional hosts ruin the experience for me.
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Bunker (I) (2021)
Boring documentary about the ultra-paranoid
4 June 2023
What more is there to say... This, by far, one of the most boring and poorly directed/filmed documentaries I've ever watched.

I actually do feel very sorry for the people who live their lives believing that these pitiful bunkers will provide them with a way to survive the imaginary apocalypse they are predicting.

If it were as simple as protection from an explosion and potential radiation... that would be one thing. These paranoid survivalists believe that their bunker will protect them from people. If someone wants what you have, you'd be a sitting duck... hiding in a hole. Good luck with that.
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Nothing has really changed...
29 May 2023
The "Pacification" of the favela was a political stunt by the government in an effort to prove that Rio was safe for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympics and the tourists (and their money) that would come with them.

Rio hosting the Olympics was an embarrassment to the country and the world. Over 12 Billion spent on the World Cup and more than 25 Billion spent on the Olympics with virtually nothing spent on the infrastructure that the residents use everyday. Nothing spent on social programs. And the facilities from both events rot away or sit empty.

The events of this documentary are but a grain of sand on the beach of the atrocities perpetrated by the corrupt government on the poor of Brazil and more specifically of Rio de Janeiro. Atrocities that continue to this day.
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Absolutely love me some Morgan Freeman, but...
7 May 2023
I absolutely love me some Morgan Freeman, the man is truly a legend, but...

Cole Hauser as the lead in this was just dismal. His monotone reading of the script seems almost robotic. Hopefully he wasn't paid much more than the background actors. Scene continuity is out the window. The storyline, acting, editing and directing are an insult to the viewer's intelligence.

Here's hoping that Moran gets a new manager very soon as this garbage puts him in the same company as Nick Cage and Bruce Willis. This movie has done him a major disservice. I can't think of any reason he'd even consider this after reading the script.
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Love the books - Hate film adaptations
14 March 2023
If you're a fan of the Left Behind series of books, and you happen to read reviews before watching the movie... run away and don't look back.

Can we just let this series die? Even though this one was more true the book, the acting, editing, sound, direction all ruin a good story in translation to film.

Kevin Sorbo allows his toxic, extremist views to his already weak acting abilities and turns it into a parody. His career was already in drastic decline and this will likely seal the coffin.

As the Director, Kevin again brings his political vitriol into the production influencing the storyline distracting from the message of the love of God and Jesus Christ. His meddling with the story seems to be an attempt bring attention to himself.

Kevin should have retired after Hercules as his career as an actor and director has only cratered ever since.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Unnecessary change to cordyceps infection transmission method.
24 January 2023
I'm a huge fan of TLOU games and so far I'm loving the live-action adaptation. Pedro Pascal (Joel) and Bella Ramsey (Elle) aren't perfect matches to the game characters but both have, so far been, the perfect fit. Let's not forget the haunting music of Gustavo Santaolalla!

I find that the the change in the cordyceps infection method used in the show is completely unnecessary and actually takes away from the tension of the story and locations.

The use of spores in the game was much more subtle but nonetheless, effective. The spores were a passive danger that were an omnipresent danger. Limiting access or giving indication that infected are near.

Additionally, at the beginning of the first episode, the interviewers describes cordyceps as unable to infect humans as they can't survive in 98.6 degrees of our bodies... yet. Of course, alluding to climate change making the cordyceps more resilient to heat. But, without spoiling. Heat far above human body temperatures would have eliminated the "new" transmission method.

I do like the addition of the "mycelium network" as a means of alerting other infected but again, they're placing too much emphasis on the infected as a danger.

The real enemy in the game, in the world of TLOU, was not the infected... it was the human survivors and what they do to each other to.
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Idiocracy (2006)
Should be in the Documentary genre and...
25 November 2021
Should be in the Documentary genre and this isn't indicative of only the USA.

Idiocracy is more than just a comedy/parody. It's a foretelling of where our world is going if we continue down this path.

The staggering amount of people world-wide who've begun to shun fact-based research, substituting "they said" or "I heard" and internet places such as Gab, Rumble, MeWe, Getr, Parler, FrankSpeech and now "Truth Social" have given rise and legitimacy to the rantings of Q and the QAnon.

This lunacy is now spreading to schools, pushed by misguided and mislead parents spreading misinformation into class curriculum which will only lead to more poorly educated lemmings willing to follow anyone who says "Do your own research"... but they NEVER do. Reading and watching more content that support their beliefs is NOT doing research.
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La Brea (2021–2024)
Great concept killed by helicopter mommy
13 November 2021
Poorly written, horridly acted with painfully low-budget special effects... the Asylum Studios has productions better than this drivel. Even the ScFy Channel has produced better content than this. You can't blame anything this bad on the Pandemic.

Hollywood loves trying new shows with strong female leads but Natalie Zea as the fawningly over-protective helicopter Mom is just disastrous. Her acting is heavy-handed and reminds me of Debrah Farentino from Earth 2. As the lead in this sewer circus, Natalie is just a dragging this show down the drain quicker than Debrah did to E2.

Clearly the addition of Zyra Gorecki as daughter Izzy is a cheap PC attempt to cast an "impaired" actor who's better off behind a still camera. Her acting talents aren't even fit for commercials. Even though she appears to be able to work up tears on command, her facial expressions and execution of dialog don't fit the moment or the waterworks.

Whoever was responsible for casting Eoin Macken as the Dad should be fired immediately. I can't really think of anything positive about his role or his talent in this part. I really kept expecting him to die in one of the early episodes... too bad.

What can you say about Jon Seda as Sam and Nicholas Gonzalez as Levi other than they are simply just embarrassing. Was this a conscious effort by the production to cast such weak talent? Something that seems to be a trend in Hollywood over the last 10-15 years.

Chiké Okonkwo as Ty is the only secondary actor that has any chops and it's too bad he's been relegated to such a minor roll.

I watched 5 episodes of this garbage hoping that the cast would settle in to the roles and the writing and production would find their groove... no such luck. If anything, it's gone downhill. At the beginning I was intrigued by the concept but by the end of the 2nd episode, I no longer cared what happened to any of the characters and actually looked forward to a few of them being killed off... eaten or otherwise graphically dispatched.

Unfortunately, this is exactly the type of brainless garbage that will be renewed for more seasons... but one can only hope otherwise.

Stay away from this mind-numbing drivel... you've been warned.
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Level (I) (2021)
Pablum for the conspiracy theorist.
10 August 2021
This is nothing more than conspiracy theorists in an echo chamber. No facts, no proof... all film clips are either taken out of context or misconstrued by the layperson and used as fodder for their agenda to mislead the viewer.

Petitioned IMDB to change the Genre from History to Fantasy.
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Jennifer Connelly in a tight tank top...
20 June 2021
Jennifer Connelly in a tight tank top... not much else worth watching in this movie other than Jennifer. Not her first and not her best but still, the best thin about this movie!
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Don't watch if you're prone to seizures...
17 January 2021
Lot's of screen flashing and if you're prone to visual/optic induced seizures, don't watch this.

I realize that this is not a documentary but was it necessary to add overlays of fake degraded film effects to every clip. If you pay attention to the patterns and shapes of the burns/bubbles/mold/scratches you'll begin to see the repetition and it begins to become very annoying.

Apparently this was meant to be an "art piece" and art being subjective, many won't get it, and I'm in that camp. It was just a series of historical film footage with annoying, seizure inducing screen effects.
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Three words...
14 January 2021
"powerful space wizards"

What more needs to be said.
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Mocumentary or horrid proportions... skip this one!
17 November 2020
This is a work of fiction written and filmed in the form of a documentary but it fails as both.

I took the bullet... heed my warning. Save your time and skip this one.
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Another gamed rating...
15 November 2020
They only way this garbage rates anything over a 2-3 start is that everyone associated with the film has voted it 9 or 10s.

Don't waste your time... it's a solid pass!
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Star Trek: Lower Decks (2020–2024)
Was this a deliberate spoof? And deliberately a bad spoof?
20 August 2020
The show tries to capitalize on all of the past live action shows by drawing on stories and characters but fails to live up to the potential by any stretch of the imagination.

Take the worst features of The Orville, American Dad, The Simpsons and roll all that crap together and you have episodes of ST: LD.

If this was written for simpletons with the IQ of 8 year old children... they hit the mark. It's a train wreck of a show that needs to be killed off before the end of the season!
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Starts off wrong, but...
13 May 2020
The opening scroll states "at an abandoned naval base and still active bombing range..." both of these statements are incorrect. The location filmed is referred to as Slab City or "The Slabs" and the land is part of an abandoned US Marine Corps base, Camp Dunlap, and is NOT an active bombing range. To the North and East is the USMC Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range but the Slabs is not within the range.

The Slabs used to be a haven for the displaced... a dysfunctional community that looked after it's own. Now it's a tourist attraction for the yuppy millennials and the privileged, entitled "wannabes". The Slabs has turned into a ghetto Burning Man... a human "zoo" for people to gawk at those less fortunate.

The film provides an unfiltered, nonjudgemental look at these people before the tourists began flocking in. All of the people filmed have either passed away or moved on. The Slabs is no longer a safe place for these troubled people... unfortunately due to films just like this one.

Enjoy a Slab City that no longer exists.
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Vagrant Queen (2020)
Questionable 8, 9, and 10 star reviews!
12 April 2020
"Cheesy", "Campy", "Retro"...? Do you truly understand what those terms mean? They only apply to shows that are able to be described that way and still be enjoyable! Vagrant Queen is NOT an enjoyable show. Horrid acting, especially by the lead actress. Makeup is questionable as to whether they're trying to look like crap or they ARE just crap. The effects are the only standout but with the technology available to almost any production budget nowadays... I'm not surprised.

To make matters worse is the amount of 8, 9 and 10 star reviews. Are you serious? It's rare to see ANYTHING that truly rates a 9 or a 10. To see so many highly rated reviews on this title is proof that they're likely actor and production staff for this show. Don't trust them... don't waste your time.
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