Paperspace is a cloud-based machine learning platform that offers GPU-powered virtual machines and a Kubernetes-based container service.
Paperspace offers Notebooks, Deployments, Workflows, and Machines for developing, training, and deploying AI applications.
We have deprecated Windows-based templates, so they are unavailable for new Paperspace users. Users who joined Paperspace prior to 1 July 2024 can still start, create, and manage Windows-based template machines. We continue to support Windows streaming updates for existing users.
Paperspace NVIDIA GRID machines are now retired and therefore unavailable for new and existing Paperspace users. NVIDIA GRID machine types are Air, Standard, Advanced, Pro, ProL, and ProXL.
A new API for managing Paperspace resources is now available. The API provides:
A unified and predictable endpoint schema
Improved performance and scalability
Documented support for API endpoints
We have deprecated the legacy Gradient and Core API endpoints, so they are now unavailable for Paperspace users. Applications must use the new API to retain functionality. You can submit a support ticket for questions or assistance.
We have simplified how you create machines and made the following improvements:
Operating system (OS) templates are auto-selected for machines. When you select a machine, only the supported templates for that machine type are shown. This pairing of machines and templates ensures that you choose a template that works with your machine.
Machine approval and fraud detection processes have been improved. This reduces the number of machine approval requests you make. You can request approval for a machine when selecting a machine in the Paperspace console.
For more information, see the full release notes.