Simon the Sorcerer |
Originally released in 1993, Simon
the Sorcerer introduced the pointy hatted teenager to your
computer screens and is a classic point ‘n’ click
There are some things that
kids just shouldn't have to put up with. Being transported
to some weird dimension full of goblins, dwarves, swamplings,
stupid wizards and sleeping giants is definitely one of them.
When Simon discovers the tuneless
bard, the repulsive Rapunzel and a pair of demons with a serious
attitude problem, it could prove to be one cliché too
With a Nobel prize for attempted
humour and puzzles so fiendish you'll certainly need help
from the wise owl, Simon the Sorcerer is guaranteed to provide
a distraction from the drudgery of modern life.
System requirements :- System requirements :- 386/40hz Processor,
VGA/MCGA 256 Colours, 4Mb RAM, Hard Drive, Sound Card, CD-ROM
Drive & Mouse. Windows 95 or 98 (Later versions of Windows
are supported after downloading the patch from the downloads
now from our secure store!