Welcome to BadMovieRealm.com, a website dedicated to the celebration and appreciation of the worst, most maligned films ever created.

It's our goal to raise awareness of these obscure, bizarre, and (in our opinion) wonderful little films, so together we can revel in the cheap sets, delight in the silly rubber monsters, and take obscene pleasure in the laughable special effects that only these so-called “bad movies” can offer.

So if you share our passion for the cheesier side of cinema, stick around and browse our reviews, share your thoughts in the comments, and maybe even watch a flick or two in the theater. And if you enjoy the site, please tell your friends so they can become one of us, one of us...


Coming Soon To BadMovieRealm.com – Gymkata!

Coming Friday, Sept. 6 to BadMovieRealm.com, a new review for the ridiculous, 1985 gymnastic/martial arts extravaganza, Gymkata! ...

Today In Bad Movie History:
It Conquered The World Is Released!

On this day, back in 1956, American International Pictures released the Cold War paranoia-fueled alien invasion flick, It Conquered The World. With an amazing cast (Peter Graves, Lee Van Cleef,...