

Tom Mix

Tom Mix

nar. 06.01.1880
Mix Run, Pennsylvania, USA

zem. 12.10.1940 (60 let)
Florence, Arizona, USA

Biografie (1)

Americký herec, hvězda westernů a jeden z prvních představitelů hollywoodských kovbojů Tom Mix se narodil 6. ledna 1880 v Mix Run (Pensylvánie) jako Thomas Hezikiah Mix rodičům Edwinovi a Elizabeth. Vyrůstal ve skromných podmínkách, otec se živil jako dřevorubec. Jako mladík v roce 1898 narukoval a působil u dělostřelectva ve španělsko-americké válce, ale samotného boje se nikdy neúčastnil. Kariéru filmového herce zahájil v roce 1910 a trvala dalších 26 let. Za… (více)

Zajímavosti (6)

The Miracle Rider (1935)

  • Dcéra Toma Mixa, Ruth Mix, mala pôvodne hrať hlavnú ženskú úlohu, nakoniec ju však získala herečka Joan Gale, akurát meno postavy ostalo nezmenené, Ruth. (beso74)

The Miracle Rider (1935)

  • Štúdio Mascot v tomto filme použilo ako prvé metódu natáčania seriálov s dvojicou režisérov. Jeden z nich (B. Reeves Eason) sa špecializoval na akčné scény a natáčania v exteriéri, druhý (Armand Schaefer) riadil simultánne natáčanie dialógov a scén v interiéri. Tento systém rýchlo prebrali aj ostatné štúdia (napr. Republic, Columbia, Universal) pri výrobe vlastných seriálov. Vďaka tomu sa podarilo natočiť všetok materiál s Tomom Mixom za 4 týždne. (beso74)

Galerie (28)




Zelig - a.z.


Yesterday and Today - a.z.


The Adventures of the Masked Phantom - a.z.


The Miracle Rider


Gordon of Ghost City - a.z.


Terror Trail


The Rustler's Roundup


Destry Rides Again


Flaming Guns




Hidden Gold


My Pal, the King


The Cohens and Kellys in Hollywood


The Fourth Horseman


The Rider of Death Valley


The Texas Bad Man




The Big Diamond Robbery


The Drifter


A Horseman of the Plains


Daredevil's Reward


Hello Cheyenne


King Cowboy


Painted Post


Son of the Golden West


Outlaws of Red River


Silver Valley


The Arizona Wildcat


The Broncho Twister


The Circus Ace


The Last Trail


Tumbling River


Hard Boiled


My Own Pal


No Man's Gold


The Canyon of Light


The Great K & A Train Robbery


The Yankee Señor


Tony Runs Wild


A Child of the Prairie


Dick Turpin


Riders of the Purple Sage


The Best Bad Man


The Lucky Horseshoe


The Rainbow Trail


Věčné šepotání


Ladies to Board


Oh, You Tony!


Pals in Blue




The Deadwood Coach


The Heart Buster


The Last of the Duanes


The Trouble Shooter


Mile-a-Minute Romeo


Romance Land


Soft Boiled


Stepping Fast


The Lone Star Ranger


Three Jumps Ahead


V boji se smečkou vlků


Ve službách zákona


Catch My Smoke


Chasing the Moon


Do and Dare


Just Tony


Neohrožený Tom


Sky High


The Fighting Streak


Tom Mix in Arabia


Up and Going


A Ridin' Romeo


After Your Own Heart


Big Town Round-up


Hands Off


Postrach silnic


The Night Horsemen


The Rough Diamond




Desert Love


Prairie Trails


The Cyclone


The Daredevil


The Terror


The Texan


The Untamed


Three Gold Coins


Fighting for Gold


Hell-Roarin' Reform


Rough-Riding Romance


The Coming of the Law


The Feud


The Speed Maniac


The Wilderness Trail


Treat 'Em Rough


Ace High


Cupid's Roundup


Fame and Fortune


Mr. Logan, U.S.A.


Six Shooter Andy


Western Blood


Durand of the Bad Lands


The Heart of Texas Ryan


A Child of the Prairie


The Man from Texas


In the Days of the Thundering Herd


Golden Saddles, Silver Spurs (TV film)


Muž s velkou klikou (TV film) - a.z.


Hollywood My Home Town - a.z.


Hollywood Without Make-Up - a.z.


Hollywood: The Golden Years (TV film) - a.z.


I 10 del Texas - a.z.


Screen Snapshots Series 21, No. 2 - a.z.


Screen Snapshots: Seeing Hollywood


Hollywood on Parade No. A-7


The Film Parade


Hollywood on Parade Nos. 3-4


Screen Snapshots


The Voice of Hollywood No. 2


Life in Hollywood No. 4


Screen Snapshots


Screen Snapshots, Series 6, No. 16


Screen Snapshots, Series 2, No. 22-F


Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 17


Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 20


Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 22


Babe Ruth: The Man, the Myth, the Legend - a.z.


Rodeo Dough


Hollywood on Parade No. A-3


Hollywood on Parade No. A-3: Down Memory Lane


The Voice of Hollywood, Series 1, No. 2


Hollywood Today No. 4


Days of Daring


Who's Your Father?


A Roman Cowboy


A Soft Tenderfoot


Delayed in Transit


Hearts and Saddles


Six Cylinder Love


Starring in Western Stuff


The Law North of 65


The Luck That Jealousy Brought


The Saddle Girth


Tom and Jerry


A Bear of a Story


A Close Call


A Corner in Water


A Five-Thousand Dollar Elopement


A Mistake in Rustlers


A Mix-Up in Movies


A Western Masquerade


Along the Border


An Angelic Attitude


An Eventful Evening


Crooked Trails


Going West to Make Good


Legal Advice


Local Color on the A-1 Ranch


Making Good


Mistakes Will Happen


Roping a Sweetheart


Shooting Up the Movies


Some Duel


Taking a Chance


The Canby Hill Outlaws


The Cowpuncher's Peril


The Girl of Gold Gulch


The Golden Thought


The Man Within


The Passing of Pete


The Pony Express Rider


The Raiders


The Sheriff's Blunder


The Taming of Grouchy Bill


The Way of the Redman


Tom's Sacrifice


Tom's Strategy


Too Many Chefs


Twisted Trails


A Matrimonial Boomerang


An Arizona Wooing


Athletic Ambitions


Bill Haywood, Producer


Cactus Jim's Shop Girl


Cactus Jim's Shopgirl


Foreman of Bar Z Ranch


Forked Trails


Getting a Start in Life


Harold's Bad Man


Hearts of the Jungle


Her Slight Mistake


How Weary Went Wooing


Ma's Girls


Mrs. Murphy's Cooks


Never Again


On the Eagle Trail


Pals in Blue


Přepadení dostavníku


Roping a Bride


Sage Brush Tom


Sagebrush Tom


Saved by Her Horse


Slim Higgins


The Auction Sale of Run-Down Ranch


The Brave Deserve the Fair


The Chef at Circle G


The Conversion of Smiling Tom


The Face at the Window


The Foreman's Choice


The Girl and the Mail Bag


The Grizzly Gulch Chariot Race


The Heart of the Sheriff


The Impersonation of Tom


The Legal Light


The Outlaw's Bride


The Parson Who Fled West


The Puny Soul of Peter Rand


The Race for a Gold Mine


The Range Girl and the Cowboy


The Stagecoach Guard


The Tenderfoot's Triumph


With the Aid of the Law


A Friend in Need


Buffalo Hunting


By Unseen Hand


Cactus Jake, Heart-Breaker


Chip of the Flying U


Etienne of the Glad Heart




Four Minutes Late


If I Were Young Again


In Defiance of the Law


Jimmy Hayes and Muriel


Saved by a Watch


The Flower of Faith


The Little Sister


The Man from the East


The Mexican


The Moving Picture Cowboy


The Ranger's Romance


The Real Thing in Cowboys


The Rival Stage Lines


The Scapegoat


The Sheep Runners


The Sheriff's Reward


The Soul Mate


The Telltale Knife


The Way of the Redman


The White Mouse


The Wilderness Mail


Wade Brent Pays


When the Cook Fell Ill


When the West Was Young


Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor


Wiggs Takes the Rest Cure




A Muddle in Horse Thieves


An Apache's Gratitude


Buster's Little Game


Cupid in the Cow Camp


Dishwash Dick's Counterfeit


His Father's Deputy


How Betty Made Good


Howlin' Jones


Juggling with Fate


Made a Coward


Mother Love vs Gold


Physical Culture on the Quarter Circle V Bar


Religion and Gun Practice


Sallie's Sure Shot


Saved from the Vigilantes


Taming a Tenderfoot


That Mail Order Suit


The Cattle Thief's Escape


The Child of the Prairies


The Escape of Jim Dolan


The Good Indian


The Law and the Outlaw


The Life Timer


The Marshal's Capture


The Noisy Six


The Only Chance


The Range Law


The Rejected Lover's Luck


The Schoolmarm's Shooting Match


The Sheriff and the Rustler


The Sheriff of Yavapai County


The Shotgun Man and the Stage Driver


The Silver Grindstone


The Stolen Moccasins


The Taming of Texas Pete


A Cowboy's Best Girl


The 'Diamond S' Ranch


The Scapegoat


A Romance of the Rio Grande


Back to the Primitive


Captain Kate


Dad's Girls


In Old California When the Gringos Came


Kit Carson's Wooing


Life on the Border


Lost in the Arctic


Lost in the Jungle


Outlaw Reward


Rescued by Her Lions


Saved by the Pony Express


The Bully of Bingo Gulch


The Man from the East


The Rose of Old St. Augustine


The Schoolmaster of Mariposa


The Telltale Knife


Told in Colorado


Western Hearts


Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor


Go West, Young Woman, Go West


Lost in the Soudan


Pride of the Range


Ranch Life in the Great Southwest


Taming Wild Animals


The Long Trail


The Range Riders


Trimming of Paradise Gulch


Two Boys in Blue


An Indian Wife's Devotion


Briton and Boer


On the Little Big Horn or Custer's Last Stand


The Cowboy Millionaire



A Child of the Prairie


The Daredevil


A Child of the Prairie


The Man from Texas


Days of Daring


Who's Your Father?


A Roman Cowboy


A Soft Tenderfoot


Hearts and Saddles


Six Cylinder Love


Starring in Western Stuff


The Luck That Jealousy Brought


The Saddle Girth




Tom and Jerry


A Bear of a Story


A Close Call


A Corner in Water


A Five-Thousand Dollar Elopement


A Mistake in Rustlers


A Mix-Up in Movies


A Western Masquerade


Along the Border


An Angelic Attitude


An Eventful Evening


Crooked Trails


Going West to Make Good


Legal Advice


Local Color on the A-1 Ranch


Making Good


Mistakes Will Happen


Roping a Sweetheart


Shooting Up the Movies


Some Duel


Taking a Chance


The Canby Hill Outlaws


The Cowpuncher's Peril


The Desert Calls Its Own


The Girl of Gold Gulch


The Golden Thought


The Man Within


The Passing of Pete


The Pony Express Rider


The Raiders


The Sheriff's Blunder


The Sheriff's Duty


The Taming of Grouchy Bill


The Way of the Redman


Tom's Sacrifice


Tom's Strategy


Too Many Chefs


Trilby's Love Disaster


Twisted Trails


A Lucky Deal


A Matrimonial Boomerang


A Militant School Ma'am


An Arizona Wooing


Athletic Ambitions


Bad Man Bobbs


Bill Haywood, Producer


Cactus Jim's Shop Girl


Cactus Jim's Shopgirl


Foreman of Bar Z Ranch


Forked Trails


Getting a Start in Life


Harold's Bad Man


Her Slight Mistake


How Weary Went Wooing


Ma's Girls


Mrs. Murphy's Cooks


Never Again


On the Eagle Trail


Pals in Blue


Přepadení dostavníku


Roping a Bride


Sage Brush Tom


Sagebrush Tom


Saved by Her Horse


Slim Higgins


The Auction Sale of Run-Down Ranch


The Brave Deserve the Fair


The Chef at Circle G


The Child, the Dog and the Villain


The Conversion of Smiling Tom


The Foreman's Choice


The Girl and the Mail Bag


The Gold Dust and the Squaw


The Grizzly Gulch Chariot Race


The Heart of the Sheriff


The Impersonation of Tom


The Legal Light


The Outlaw's Bride


The Race for a Gold Mine


The Range Girl and the Cowboy


The Stagecoach Guard


The Taking of Mustang Pete


The Tenderfoot's Triumph


With the Aid of the Law


Cactus Jake, Heart-Breaker


Jimmy Hayes and Muriel


Saved by a Watch


The Man from the East


The Mexican


The Moving Picture Cowboy


The Ranger's Romance


The Real Thing in Cowboys


The Rival Stage Lines


The Scapegoat


The Sheriff's Reward


The Telltale Knife


The Way of the Redman


Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor


Why the Sheriff Is a Bachelor

