❝Great works do not always come our way, but every moment presents us with opportunities to do little ones with excellence.❞ – St. Francis de Sales

Today: Flu Shot Clinic

Rite Aid of Hellertown will conduct a Flu Shot Clinic on campus on Monday, Sept. 23, from 12:30PM – 4:30PM in the Wood/Heritage Room in the DeSales University Center. Those enrolled in Capital Blue Cross through DeSales University will receive the shot at no charge, however, you must bring your insurance card along with you to receive the shot. Anyone not

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9/25: RWI Course Design Workshop for Faculty

On Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 3PM to 4PM, attend an informative and hands on workshop on designing an RWI course for Lens requirements in the Connections Curriculum and completing a petition for submission to the General Education Core Curriculum Committee. This workshop will guide faculty through the creation of the RWI requirement for the new general education curriculum, examine an

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This Week: SGA’s Homecoming Spirit Week Contest

Homecoming Spirit Week is taking place from Sept. 23 to Sept. 27. The Student Government Association encourages you to wear attire based on the day’s theme. Send a picture of you rocking your outfit to the SGA Instagram (@desalesusga) where you will have the chance to win a prize! Tropical Monday – Bring the sunshine with you—wear a tropical shirt and

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9/25: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Info Session

The pre-health professions advisor, Julie Himmelberger, Ph.D., associate professor of biochemistry, is hosting a recruiter from Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 3PM in Campbell Hall, Room 114. Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine is located in Philadelphia and offers graduate programs in osteopathic medicine, physician assistant studies, and forensic medicine, among many others. During the presentation,

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10/2: Nursing & MBA Lobby Info Mixer

Attention undergraduate students! Looking to see what your options are after graduation? Learn more about our graduate Nursing and MBA programs. Join us on Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 11AM – 2PM in the Gambet lobby. Enjoy some light bites and chat with admissions staff from both programs. Can’t make it? Schedule a time to meet one-on-one. Nursing contact: jordan.manini@desales.edu. MBA contact: carolyn.woodward@desales.edu.

Faculty/Staff: Understanding Your Tuition Benefits

Tuition Exchange Scholarships – Council of Independent Colleges Scholarships – DSU Tuition Waiver Programs – LVAIC Cross Registration A Tuition Benefits Information Session communication meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 25, from 10AM to 10:45AM via Teams.  Tuition benefits are one of the most exciting benefit offerings for full-time employees of DeSales University. This meeting is for full-time employees who

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9/25: Celebrate Banned Books Week in Trexler Library

Trexler Library is celebrating Banned Books Week with the Department of Humanities by hosting a Banned Books Reading program in the library lobby on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at noon. Faculty, staff, and students will read selections from banned and challenged books. Join us to listen, reflect, and learn about the importance of intellectual freedom and open access to diverse ideas.

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Register to Vote Resources in Trexler Library

This week is a big week for celebrating democracy! Constitution Day and National Register to Vote Day fall on Sept. 17 and Sept. 20, respectively. We’ve curated a collection of resources to help inform you on the issues and learn about the history of voting rights and the Constitution. Scan the QR codes on the display to learn how to

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