The Next Man (1976)
Shaken not Stirred
16 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS***Stink bomb of a movie with actor Sean Connery as handsome and dashing but not too bright Saudi Arabian diplomat Khaial Abual-Muhsen or just KAM for short stirring up a hornet nest in suggesting that the Arab World make peace with its eternal enemy the Jewish State of Israel in order to bring both peace and prosperity to the explosive and volatile Middle-East. KAM is not only attacked by his fellow Arabs but the Jews and Israelis as well for either being nuts or a traitor or both in that no one-Jew or Arab-believes for a moment what the heck he's talking about;or that he may have just lost his mind in him staying out, without a hat or head dress, in the hot Arabian sun for too long.

This all sets off a number of political assassination by Arab extremists of Arab diplomats who go along with KAH's plan and makes him a prime target of not only his fellow Arabs but the Israiles who feel he's really trying to have Israel drop its guard by believing him and setting itself up for another Yom Kipper like sneak attack that he's really planning for.In fact there's an attack on KAH while vacationing in the Bahamas by what looks like Arab or Palestine terrorist as he's frisking around in bed with his girlfriend Nicole Scott, Cornelia Sharpe. It was Nicole who feel in love with KAH when she heard him give a spellbinding speech about peace in the Middle-East to a barley awake assembly of UN diplomats.It's the gun toting Nicole who ends up saving his life by blowing away one of the terrorists who was just about to blow him away in the attack in the Bahamas!

***SPOILERS*** It's back in NYC that a major assassination attempt is made on KAH that backfired during a both major anti Arab and anti Israeli demonstration that ends up killing 15 people with KAH by sneaking out the back of the Saudi Arabian embassy again escaping death. It's later that KAH's luck finally runs out with his girlfriend Nicole Scott who's actually working for the PLO-Palestine Liberation Organization-after shooting her partner, the limousine driver, who was about to rub out a stunned KAH then turns the gun on him after telling the big jerk, who should have known better, what beautiful brown eyes he has!
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