Hook (1991) Poster


Robin Williams: Peter Banning, Peter Pan



  • [last lines] 

    Granny Wendy : So... your adventures are over.

    Peter Banning : Oh, no. To live... to live would be an awfully big adventure.

  • Captain James Hook : Prepare to die, Peter!

    Peter Banning : To die would be a grand adventure!

    Captain James Hook : Death is the only adventure you have left!

  • Peter Banning : [sees Tinkerbell on the Peter Pan statue]  Tink!

    Tinkerbell : Say it, Peter. Say it and mean it.

    Peter Banning : I believe in fairies.

    Tinkerbell : You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming?

    [Peter nods] 

    Tinkerbell : That's where I'll always love you... Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting.

  • Moira Banning : [after throwing Peter's phone out the window]  I'm sorry about your deal.

    Peter Banning : You hated the deal.

    Moira Banning : I hated the deal. But I'm sorry you feel so badly about it. Your children love you. They want to play with you. How long do you think that lasts? Soon Jack may not even want you to come to his games. We have a few special years with our children, when they're the ones that want us around. After that, you're going to be running after them for a bit of attention. It's so fast, Peter. It's a few years, then it's over. And you are not being careful. And you are missing it.

  • Toodles : [Searching for something on the floor]  Lost, lost, lost.

    Peter Banning : Lost what?

    Toodles : I've lost my marbles.

  • Rufio : Boil-dripping beef, fart-sniffing bubble butt!

    Kids : Bangarang, Rufio!

    Peter Banning : Someone has a severe ca-ca mouth, you know that?

    Rufio : You are fart factory, slug-slimed, sack-of-rat-guts-in-cat-vomit, cheesy, scab-picked, pimple-squeezing finger bandage. A week old maggot burger with everything on it and flies on the side!

    Kids : [in unison]  Ugh!

    Peter Banning : Substitute chemistry teacher.

    Lost Boy : Come on, Rufio, hit him back.

    Rufio : Mung tongue.

    Peter Banning : Math tutor.

    Rufio : Pinhead.

    Peter Banning : Prison barber.

    Rufio : Mother lover.

    Peter Banning : Nearsighted gynecologist.

    Rufio : In your face, camel cake!

    Peter Banning : In your rear, cow derrière.

    Rufio : Lying, crying, spying, prying ultra-pig.

    Peter Banning : You lewd, crude, rude, bag of pre-chewed food dude.

    Thud Butt : [with the rest of the Lost Boys]  Bangarang, Peter!

    Rufio : You... you man! Stupid, stupid man!

    Peter Banning : Rufio, if I'm a maggot burger why don't you just EAT ME! You two-toned zebra-headed, slime-coated, pimple-farmin' paramecium brain, munchin' on your own mucus, suffering from Peter Pan envy!

    Don't Ask : What's a paramecium brain?

    Peter Banning : I'LL TELL YOU WHAT A PARAMECIUM IS! *That's* a paramecium! It's a one-celled critter with no brain that can't fly! Don't mess with me, man. I'm a lawyer!

    Kids : [chanting]  Banning, Banning, Banning is bangerang.

    Rufio : Rufio! Rufio!

    Peter Banning : Oh, Rufio, why don't you just go suck on a dead dog's nose?

  • Tinkerbell : Well, whoever you are it's still you, 'cause only one person has that smell.

    Peter Banning : Smell?

    Tinkerbell : The smell of someone who has ridden the back of the wind, Peter. The smell of a hundred fun summers, with sleeping in trees and adventures with Indians and Pirates. Oh remember, Peter? The world was ours. We could do everything or nothing. All it had to be was anything 'cause it was always us.

  • Peter Pan : I remember you being a lot bigger.

    Captain Hook : To a ten year-old I'm huge.

  • Peter Banning : [to Rufio, who pulls a sword at him]  Okay, mister. All right, show's over. Now, you put that thing away! Now, put it down before you poke somebody's eye out.

    [the Lost Boys all laugh] 

    Peter Banning : You're not old enough to shave! What are you doing with a sword? And flying around... this is an insurance nightmare! What is this, some sort of "Lord of the Flies" preschool? Where are your parents? Who's in charge here?

    [the Lost Boys all point to Rufio, who bows] 

    Peter Banning : No! No, Mr. Skunkhead with too much mousse. You are just a punk kid. I want to speak to a grown-up!

    Rufio : All grown-ups are pirates!

    Peter Banning : Excuse me?

    Rufio : [smiles]  We kill pirates.

    Peter Banning : I'm not a pirate. It so happens I am a lawyer.

    Rufio : Kill the lawyer!

    Lost Boys : [drawing their weapons]  Kill the lawyer!

    Peter Banning : [backs away nervously]  I'm not that kind of lawyer.

  • Tinkerbell : Now, who am I?

    Peter Banning : You're a - you're a complex Freudian hallucination having something to do with my mother and I don't know why you have wings, but you have very lovely legs and you're a very nice tiny person and what am I saying, I don't know who my mother was; I'm an orphan and I've never taken drugs because I missed the sixties, I was an accountant.

    Tinkerbell : Guess again.

    [Tinkerbell pulls on the floor rug and makes Peter fall down, flat on his back, on a sheet on the floor] 

    Peter Banning : [disoriented]  Oh, look, stars.

    Tinkerbell : That's right, Peter, second star to the right and straight on till morning.

    [Tinkerbell flies off with Peter folded into a sheet] 

    Tinkerbell : Neverland!

  • Peter Banning : What's the deal? Where's the real food?

    Tinkerbell : If you can't imagine yourself being Peter Pan, you won't *be* Peter Pan, so eat up.

    Peter Banning : Eat what? There's nothing here. Gandhi ate more than this.

  • [Peter recalls a memory from his childhood] 

    Wendy Darling : Peter, I can't come with you. I've forgotten how to fly. I'm old, Peter. Ever so much more than twenty. I grew up a long time ago.

    Young Peter Pan : No, no, no! You promised!

    Wendy Darling : I have children of my own now. They have children of their own. That's my grandchild, Moira, asleep in the bed.

    Peter Banning : [voiceover]  When I saw her lying there sleeping, that moment, something changed in me forever.

    Young Peter Pan : I shall give her a kiss.

    [takes out a thimble] 

    Wendy Darling : No. No, Peter. No buttons. No thimbles. I couldn't bear to see Moira's heart to be broken when she finds she can't keep you.

    Young Peter Pan : No. I mean a real kiss.

  • Rufio : [weakly, after being stabbed by Hook]  Do you know what I wish?

    Peter Pan : What?

    Rufio : I wish I had a dad... like you.


    Jack : [tearfully]  Oh, Dad, I'm sorry.

  • Peter Banning : Mr. Hook, I want those kids out of that net in less than one minute, and you better get an attorney and hope to God he's better than me.

    Captain Hook : Who are you?

    Peter Banning : I'm Peter Banning, Attorney at Law, these are my children and I want them back.

    Captain Hook : Those are your...

    Peter Banning : Children.

    Captain Hook : These are your children.

    Peter Banning : Yes, they are.

    Captain Hook : And you're?

    Peter Banning : Peter.

    Captain Hook : You're Peter?

    Peter Banning : Yes.

    Captain Hook : You're Peter?

    Peter Banning : Yes!

    Captain Hook : No.

    Peter Banning : Yes.

    Captain Hook : You're Peter?

    Peter Banning : Yes. Is there an echo in here? Yes.

    Captain Hook : My great and worthy opponent?

    Peter Banning : Yes!

    Captain Hook : No! Smee, who is this impostor?

  • Thud Butt : Peter, can I talk to you?

    Peter Pan : Sure, Thud.

    Thud Butt : I remember Tootles.

    Peter Pan : You do?

    Thud Butt : He was lost too.

    Peter Pan : How could you know Tootles?

    Thud Butt : He was a Lost Boy.

    [Thud Butt takes out a small pouch] 

    Thud Butt : These are his marbles. These are his happy thoughts.

    [Peter empties out the pouch of marbles into his hand and laughs] 

    Peter Pan : He really did lose his marbles, didn't he?

    Thud Butt : [laughs]  Yeah, he lost 'em good.

    [they both laugh] 

    Thud Butt : Peter, you know what?

    Peter Pan : What?

    Thud Butt : My happy thought will help you.

    Peter Pan : What's your happy thought, Thud?

    Thud Butt : Mine's my mother. Do you remember your mother, Peter?

    Peter Pan : Wish I could.

  • Wendy Darling : Boy, why are you crying?

    Peter Banning : I don't know. A tear for every happy thought.

  • Wendy Darling : And what's so terribly important about your terribly important business?

    Jack : Well, you see, when a big company's in trouble, Dad sails in, and if there's *any* resistance...

    Peter Banning : Well, he's exaggerating. I'm still into mergers and acquisitions. And I'm dabbling in some land development.

    Jack : Any resistance - and he *blows* them out of the water.

    Wendy Darling : So, Peter, you've become a pirate.

  • Toodles : Have to fly, have to fight, have to crow. Have to save Maggie, have to save Jack. Hook is back.

    Peter Banning : Who?

  • Peter Pan : Jack, Maggie, all you have to do is think one happy thought, and you'll fly like me.

    Maggie : Mommy.

    Jack : My dad, Peter Pan.

  • Peter Banning : [flying from Neverland with his children]  Thank you for believing.

  • Peter Banning : [arriving at Wendy's home, knocks on the door]  Remember, you're in England, land of good manners.

    [the door opens, to old man behind the door] 

    Peter Banning : Uncle Toodles!

    Toodles : IT'S SNOWING!

    [slams the door closed on the Bannings] 

    Jack : [chuckles and starts choking and Peter pats his chest out of his gum] 

    [a housekeeper happily screamed in high pitch, when Peter yells happily and Moira shrieks suprisingly with all the kids] 

    Liza, Wendy's Housekeeper : LOOK AT THESE ADORABLE CHILDREN!

    Peter Banning : It's good to see you, Libby, Linda... Lisa!

    Liza, Wendy's Housekeeper : Liza.

    Peter Banning : I said that.

    Liza, Wendy's Housekeeper : OH!

    [points at him, smiling] 

    Liza, Wendy's Housekeeper : Ho ho ho! Oh, Moira, how are you?

    [she exclaming excitedly at Moira and started hugging] 

    Liza, Wendy's Housekeeper : Look at the size of you... Look at you, such a big, sweet thing.

    [she looks at Moira] 

    Liza, Wendy's Housekeeper : Granny Wendy will be right down.

    Moira Banning : She's upstairs? Oh, good.

  • Peter Banning : [unearthing his cell phone]  Wow. Brad, hi! You been holding this long? Uh huh. I'm incredible. Yeah, Neverland. Uh-huh. Lost Boys. Jim Hook, duel to the death. I'll fill you in later. Listen, I'd love to chat, but I gotta climb a drain pipe right now. Why? Because I ran out of fairy dust, if not I would've flown up.

    [surprised he asks] 

    Peter Banning : Why?

  • [Encountering Tinkerbell for the first time] 

    Peter Banning : Firefly from hell. Big damn bug.

  • Peter Banning : I do not believe in fairies.

    Tinkerbell : Every time someone says 'I do not believe in fairies', somewhere there's a fairy that falls down dead.

    Peter Banning : I DO NOT BELIEVE IN FAIRIES!

    [Tinkerbell falls down the stairs of the dollhouse unconscious] 

    Peter Banning : Oh my God, I think I've killed it.

  • Pirate : Wait, ain't you - ?

    Peter Banning : Peter Pan.

    [Pirate jumps out the window] 

  • Wendy Darling : The stories are true! I swear to you! I swear on everything I adore, and now he's come back to seek his revenge. The fight isn't over for Captain James Hook. He wants you back. He knows that you'll follow Jack and Maggie to the ends of the earth and beyond. And by heaven, you must find a way. Only you can save your children. Somehow, you must go back. You must make yourself remember.

    Peter Banning : Remember what?

    Wendy Darling : Peter, don't you know who you are?

    [Wendy opens up the book and shows an illustration of Peter Pan as Peter looks in disbelief] 

    Wendy Darling : [whispers]  Yes, boy. Yes.

  • Captain Hook : I have waited long to shake your hand with this. Peter Pan, prepare to meet thy doom!

    [draws sword] 

    Peter Banning : [draws sword]  Dark and sinister man, have at thee.

  • Peter Banning : [to Tinkerbell who is fighting off the pirates]  Are you related to Mighty Mouse?

  • Peter Pan : [to the lost boys]  Let's get ready to show them the white light we're made of, boys.

    Captain Hook : [to the pirates]  Remember the fires of hell that forged you. Charge.

  • [Hook hangs Maggie and Jack from a net atop the mast] 

    Captain Hook : I'll make you a deal, Mr. Chairman-of-the-Board. Fly up there and touch the outstretched fingers of your frightened children, and I'll set them free.

    Peter Banning : I can't fly!

    Captain Hook : Come on, explode out of there! Stop the charade! Free you children!

    Maggie , Jack : Help, daddy!

    Captain Hook : [Peter whispers to Hook's ear]  I beg your pardon?

    Peter Banning : [inaudible whisper]  I have a real problem with heights.

    Captain Hook : You must be joking.

    [he laughs] 

    Captain Hook : Peter Pan has a real problem with heights!

    [Hook and the other pirates burst out laughing] 

    Peter Banning : I'm not Peter Pan.

  • Thud Butt : [sadly]  Don't leave us Peter, and don't say goodbye.

    Too Small : What's goodbye?

    Ace : [voice breaking]  It's going away, that's what it is. Forgetting about us all over again.

    Peter Banning : You're all my Lost Boys. I'll never forget you, never. So who will I leave in charge?

    [Peter takes out his sword and tries to figure out who will be the new Pan, he chooses Thud Butt] 

    Peter Banning : Now I want you to take care of everything that's smaller than you.

    Thud Butt : Okay.

    Too Small : Then who do I look after?

    Peter Banning : Neverbugs - little ones.

    [Peter backs away and flies off as the Lost Boys watch him as they all smile] 

    Too Small : That was a great game!

    Peter Banning : [flies away]  Thank you for believing.

  • Kids : [sits at the dinner table and clasps hands together for prayer]  Everybody say Grace.

    Peter Banning : Bless this, O Lord...

    Kids : - GRACE!

    [quickly grab at the food all at once] 

  • [Peter and Hook are dueling] 

    Peter Banning : Good form, old man.

    [Hook traps Peter and grinds his hook near his face] 

    Captain Hook : You know you're not really Peter Pan, don't you? This is only a dream. When you wake up, you'll just be Peter Banning, a cold, selfish man who drinks too much, who's obsessed with success, and runs and hides from his wife and children!

    Too Small : I believe in you.

    Latchboy : I believe in you.

    No Nap : I believe in you, Peter.

    Maggie : I believe in you.

    Thud Butt : You are the Pan.

    Jack : You're Peter Pan.

    Tinkerbell : I believe in you... Peter Pan.

    [Peter pushes Hook off and returns his sword. As Hook takes it, he slices Peter's arm with his hook] 

    Jack : Bad form!

    Ace : Jack, stop!

  • Peter Banning : [to Hook]  You killed Rufio, you kidnapped my children. You deserve to die.

  • Inspector Good : So, Mr. and Mrs. Banning, we've wired the phones, and two of my lads will be outside at all times. Of course, you know, it is entirely possible that this whole thing is some kind of ridiculous prank.

    Peter Banning : My children are missing.

    Inspector Good : Yes, but the literary history of the family and everything suggests that... Well, let's hope so.

    Toodles : I've forgotten how to fly.

    Inspector Good : Yes, well... one does.

  • Peter Banning : [Jack is angry at his Dad and tossing his baseball to the ceiling and catching it]  Will you stop doing that? You could break a window.

    Jack : They're double-layered, you can't break 'em.

    [he demonstrates his point by banging his ball against the glass] 

    Peter Banning : [confiscating the ball]  Give me that!

    Jack : [in disbelief]  You're afraid of getting sucked out!

    Peter Banning : [defensively]  No, I'm not!

    Jack : [insisting]  Yes, you are. You're afraid of getting sucked out.

  • Peter Banning : Tick, tock! Tick, Tock! Hook's afraid of an old dead crock! I think not! I think James Hook's afraid of time, ticking away!

  • Peter Banning : I never should have come here. I should have stayed until the deal was done.

    Moira Banning : You haven't been here for ten years, though Granny asked you to visit every year.

    Peter Banning : I've been a little busy, Moira.

    Moira Banning : You promised the children some real time here...

    Peter Banning : I just got here, what are you talking about?

    Moira Banning : ...and you haven't even looked at them except to examine them or yell at them.

    Peter Banning : That's not true.

    Moira Banning : How many more broken promises, Peter?

    [Peter's phone rings; Peter and Moira share a tense moment of silence] 

    Peter Banning : It's Brad, Moira. I gotta take this call. I gotta fix this.

    Moira Banning : No, you've got to fix your family first.

  • Peter Banning : It's okay. Hang on, son. I'm coming, sweetheart.

    [begins to climb up a rope ladder] 

    Peter Banning : Someone give me a hand?

    Captain Hook : I already have.

  • Captain Hook : Peter. I swear to you wherever you go, wherever you are, I vow there will always be daggers bearing notes signed James Hook. They will be flung into doors of your children's children's children, do you hear me?

    Peter Pan : What do you want, old man?

    Captain Hook : Just you.

  • Peter Banning : Jack, my word is my bond.

    Jack : Yeah, junk bonds!

    [he hits the ceiling door in the plane with his ball, and causes the oxygen masks to drop down and scare Peter half to death] 

    Peter Banning : What in the hell's the matter with you? When are you gonna stop acting like a child?

    Jack : [laughs]  I am a child.

    Peter Banning : Grow up.

  • Peter Banning : [while the children are running around making a noise, shouting into the phone]  Wait a minute. You're telling me a 10-inch owl has a 50-mile mating radius? Why don't they just fornicate someplace else? What, a five billion dollar deal falling apart because of this? Why doesn't somebody just shoot me in the head?

    Jack : [making a gun gesture with his hands]  Bang, bang!

    Peter Banning : [abandoning call, shouts]  Will everybody just SHUT UP!

    Jack : [backing away in fright]  I'm sorry.

    Peter Banning : And leave me alone for one moment! Moira, get 'em outta here, will you? I'm on the phone call of my life!

    Moira Banning : [exits Maggie and Jack]  Come on, Jack, come on. Out, out out.

  • Wendy Darling : Hello, Boy.

    Peter Banning : Hello, Wendy.

    Moira Banning : I told you, Gran, I'd get him here, by hook or by crook.

  • Shoe-Stealing Pirate : I fancy them shiny shoes for my booty!

    Peter Banning : Well, I think you can get them at Armani.

  • Peter Banning : [flying to England on a plane in turbulence]  I'm not gonna make it to my next birthday.

    Moira Banning : You're not gonna die without a phone and fax machine.

    Peter Banning : I'm halfway there. I got the phone in my briefcase.

  • Peter Banning : Don't mess with me man, I'm a lawyer!

  • Peter Banning : I'm not a pirate, so happens I am a lawyer

    Rufio : Kill the lawyer!

    Lost Boys : Kill the lawyer!

    Peter Banning : I'm not that kind of lawyer

  • Peter Banning : [to Rufio]  You are a very ill-mannered young man. Do you know that?

  • Peter Banning : Are you alive, little bug? Look out!

    [she slapped his finger, she wasn't dead] 

    Tinkerbell : Clap your... hands, Peter. It's the only way to save me.

    Peter Banning : Clap...

    [he starts shivering and then starts clapping softly] 

    Tinkerbell : Louder.

    [he claps loud then she shouts] 

    Tinkerbell : LOUDER, PETER!

    [he starts clapping louder and starts shouting] 

    Peter Banning : Okay, I'm CLAPPING! I'm clapping!

    [and Tinkerbell starts getting up] 

    Peter Banning : Oh God, you're alive!

    Tinkerbell : All right, Now. Who am I?


  • Peter Banning : What a nightmare. Moira?

    [he hears no answer when he suddenly peaks to the spinning of a clock] 

    Peter Banning : [he rips off the sheets where a bunch of Pirates waking up for their call and Tink peaks out] 

    Pirate : Here yee! Here yee!

    Parent : Roll out. Roll out!

    [Pirates were laughing, coughing, and calling for their sales] 

    Pirate : Neverbirds! Three for a farthing.

    Pirate : PIES FOR SALE!

    Pirate : Lovely fish! Fresh fish! We keep the eyes so they'll see you through the week.

    Peter Banning : [he walks downstairs to talk to the pirate]  Excuse me. Is there a pay phone around here?

    Pirate : [he looks up at him] 

    Peter Banning : That is so real.

    Tinkerbell : Peter, get back here! Get down, get low. HIDE!

  • Peter Banning : We have an obligation to clarify this "Pan" problem.

    Captain Hook : This disaster.

    Peter Banning : Which must be remedied.

    Captain Hook : Expediently, I agree.

    Peter Banning : I want my children. For me, the stakes can be no higher.

    Captain Hook : And for me, sir, they can have sunk no lower AND I WANT MY WAR!

  • [the Lost Boys chase Peter] 

    Peter Banning : Help me!

    Lost Boys : Help me!

    Peter Banning : Not *you*!

    Lost Boys : Not you!

  • Tinkerbell : All you need is one happy thought, Peter. Just one happy thought and it will make you fly.

    Peter Banning : I got it! Not being in this slingshot would make me very happy.

  • Peter Banning : We don't know each other and - I doubt that we have very much in common except this wonderful woman, Wendy Angela Darling. Granny Wendy brought me in from the cold. She taught me to read and write. She even found people to be my parents and adopt me. She's loved so many children just so efforlete - efforse - effortlessly. That's her achievement. Many of you here tonight were once lost children; but, Granny Wendy found parents and homes for each of you and saved you. That's her miracle. And I know that if you could stand now you would express much better than I have your feelings of gratitude, appreciation, and warm feelings for this wonderful woman. I guess we do have something in common. We're orphans.

  • Peter Banning : If it's your time to go, it's your time to go.

  • Peter Banning : Tell them there's always been casualties of evolution. Ask them if anybody misses the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  • Peter Banning : What's gotten into you?

    Moira Banning : Oh, this house. This house has gotten to me. Some of those things I was when I was young have never left me. Oh, Peter. We were children in these rooms.

  • Peter Banning : Thank you, Nigel. Norman?

    Chauffeur : Neville, sir.

    Peter Banning : Neville. Is that English?


  • Peter Banning : I read recently that they're now using lawyers instead of rats for scientific experiments. They do this for two reasons. One, the scientists become less attached to the lawyers. And two, there are certain things that even rats won't do.

  • Tinkerbell : Whoever you are, it's still you. Because only one person has that smell.

    Peter Banning : Smell?

    Tinkerbell : The smell of someone who's ridden the back of the wind, Peter! The smell of a hundred fun summers, of sleeping in trees, adventures with Indians and pirates. Oh, remember, Peter? The world was ours. We could do everything or nothing. All I had to be was *anything* because it was always us.

  • Peter Banning : Tink! Tink! Help! Tinkerball. Tinkerbutt!

  • Tinkerbell : If less is more, there's no end to me, Peter Pan.

    Peter Banning : Peter Banning.

    Tinkerbell : Pan.

    Peter Banning : Banning.

    Tinkerbell : Pan.

    Peter Banning : Banning.

  • Tinkerbell : It is true, then. You did grow up. I drank poison for you. You used to call me "Tink." Have you forgotten everything?

    Peter Banning : Are you in there, little bug?

    Tinkerbell : I'm not a bug. I'm a fairy.

  • Wendy Darling : Hand me my book, please. It's time to tell you, at last.

    Peter Banning : Tell me what?

    Wendy Darling : How far back can you remember, Peter?

    Peter Banning : I remember the hospital on Great Ormond Street. You worked with orphans. Taught me to read. You arranged for the adoption by my American parents.

    Wendy Darling : You were 12, nearly 13. I mean, before that.

    Peter Banning : There's nothing before that.

    Wendy Darling : Try, Peter. Do try.

    Peter Banning : Nothing.

    Wendy Darling : You know, when I was young no other girl held your favor the way I did.

  • Peter Banning : Somebody give me a hand.

    Captain Hook : I already have.

  • Peter Banning : Oh my, a wall.

  • Too Small : You're doing it.

    Peter Pan : Doing what?

    Pockets, Lost Boy : Using your imagination, Peter.

  • Tinkerbell : Why are you in Neverland?

    Peter Pan : That's easy. To always be a little boy and have fun.

  • Tinkerbell : Do you like my dress?

    Peter Banning : You look beautiful. What's the occasion?

    Tinkerbell : You are.

  • Peter Pan : Pan "The Avenger" is back.

    Captain Hook : And the Hook is waiting, Peter Pan.

  • Captain Hook : [addressing the pirates]  Well, my stupid, sorry, parasitic sacks of entrails - revenge is mine.

    Tickles : Long live the Hook!

    Captain Hook : I baited that Hook and now I'm proud to announce: we have his children.

    Peter Banning : [disguised amongst the pirates, under his breath]  My God! Jack and Maggie.

    Captain Hook : Finally I'm going to kill Peter Pan - that cocky boy who cut off my hand and fed it to the crocodile!

See also

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