606 Reviews
Bad Boys is Bad Ass (Retort to "bad is the right word for title")
braindog22 February 2005
I think us movie buffs sometimes forget that not all movies are made to have some sort of under lying message that can or will change our lives. That's why it pains me to see some users give this film a bad review because "the dialog is weak" or "the scenery isn't vibrant" or something along those lines. This is not a stab or an insult to you, but what I'm saying is; sometimes movies are made with one intended purpose... ENTERTAINMENT! I could careless if this film had poor actors, poor script, poor lighting, that doesn't matter when you watch an action film. This movie delivers your monies worth too, in my opinion Will Smith and Martin Larwence make such a great team that part of the fun is just watching these two get into it from time to time. And with Michael Bay directing, you know you're going to get some good action scenes. Let's face it, Bad Boys II has one of the best car chase scenes ion recent history, it dominates the dismal over played chase in Matrix Reloaded which was the other big summer sequel of that year. I think all that needs to be said here in a retort is the movie is an action movie ans needs to be looked at as an action movie. To hell with the elements that the Academy looks at, appreciate the film for all the stuff that blows up and the laughs the cast can bring you to.
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Over the top, trigger happy macho nonsense. I loved it!
ExpendableMan21 March 2007
It must be awesome being Michael Bay. I mean, can you imagine any other director who is given mega-budgets every few weeks and told to blow up more than he did in his previous movies? In the first Bad Boys film an air-plane hanger was blown to bits and was swiftly followed by an asteroid being nuked in Armageddon and the destruction of Pearl Harbour in...uh, Pearl Harbour. Not to be undone, Bad Boys 2 has him indulging in not one, but two chaotic car chases where muscle cars which most of us would spend our lives saving up for are torn to pieces like yesterday's newspapers and rounding everything up by detonating a sizable part of Cuba. If this trend continues, there won't be a building left standing in the whole of North America once Transformers is through. Not bad for a smug little geek with a rubbish haircut.

If you've seen the first Bad Boys film, you'll know what to expect. Will Smith and Martin Lawrence return as Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett, a pair of loose cannon cops whose only similarities are their penchants for arguing and getting into gun fights. Lowrey (Smith) is all laid back cool, stylin' and profilin' his way through the Miami underworld while charming the pants off every woman that crosses his path. Burnett on the other hand is an insecure, neurotic and over protective family man. Not only that, but he has a bit of an anger management problem as well and has been half a step away from a severe nervous breakdown for the majority of his adult life. So far, so very similar to any cop orientated buddy movie you've ever seen, but Bad Boys 2 overcomes the total lack of originality thanks to the natural charisma of the stars and the sheer spectacle of its action sequences.

The plot of course is throw away guff designed to hurtle Smith and Lawrence into the thick of as many explosions as possible, but when they bounce off each other this well it's difficult to care. Martin Lawrence has never been a great leading man but somehow, when partnered with Will Smith his career makes perfect sense, his manic edginess being the perfect foil to Smith's effortless charm. You could argue that being on screen with the World's Most Charismatic Man would make anyone look good, but then you'd clearly not have seen the terrible I, Robot, where nobody looked good. Not even the robot.

And then you have the aforementioned action sequences. Yes, we all know they're going to be over the top, but lord almighty, it's still an adrenaline pumping thrill to see them happen. The opening John Woo impression with the Ku Klux Klan is just the starter to a main course that consists of a destruction derby car chase, a close quarters battle with some Rastafarian gang members, a fist fight on a train carriage, ANOTHER insane car chase and a dessert set in Cuba, where a mansion gets destroyed. Throughout, bodies fly off overpasses to go crashing into glass phone boxes, men are riddled with machine gun fire and the balls of fire get bigger and more firey the later they appear. Bad Boys 2 might not be subtle, but it sure as hell is fun.

However, there is a drawback: the running time. It might be an energetic exercise in flashy excess, but did it really need to be two and a half hours long? Entertaining though it is, there comes a point when you've seen enough faceless henchmen getting holes drilled in them and just want to see the villain being brought down. Given the extreme running time, isn't also a bit unusual that Joe Pantoliano's role as the best clichéd police chief in movie history is so small? Maybe they were worried he'd pack the movie into his bags and run off with them like he did the first time around...

Those grumbles aside, there's little complaint to be made about Bad Boys 2. Sure, it's so shallow that I could just as easily have written "Will Smith and Martin Lawrence destroy stuff" and summed up the entire enterprise, but it makes for an exhilarating action movie and the natural successor to all those ones produced in the eighties when brain cells were exchanged for body counts and biceps. Try not to take it seriously and you'll have a blast.
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james-jones18024 January 2020
Bad Boys II takes everything the last film did and ups it to the next level. The action is fast paced and a lot of fun without being too ridiculous. The comedic pairing of Smith and Lawrence is even better here because of the time that's past to make their relationship feel more authentic. Unfortunately, the film's runtime is also increased by nearly 30 minutes from the previous film and its mostly unnecessary filler moments that feel like they don't have much bearing on the actual plot. Granted a couple of these scenes are fun (we all love that Reggie scene) but most just bring the film to a crawl.
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Good film I enjoyed!
0U22 February 2020
Bad Boys II doesn't reinvent the wheel, it just makes it bigger, faster, and more attractive. The film is little more than a collection of high intensity action scenes with a tons of irreverent humor and mild characterization tossed in between. It's slick, high energy fun and a huge success for what it is and wants to be, which is, essentially, the quintessential Michael Bay experience.
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Loads of fun ---7/10
Sfpsycho41521 July 2003
This was a really fun movie to watch. It has some intense action sequences. Actually, a lot of intense action sequences. The shooting never stops and the explosions keep on coming. Martin Lawrence and Will Smith are hysterical, again. And Joe Pantoliano makes every movie better. The two funniest scenes are when Burnett and Lowery are scaring the hell out of Burnett's daughter's date and after the chase scene with the dead bodies and Captain Howard goes off on the two. Absolutely hilarious! My only gripe is that it seemed that the writers were running low on material and resorted to gross-out humor like rats having sex and corpses losing their heads. Not funny. Otherwise it was very funny, due to the amazing chemistry between the two leads. I still prefer the original Bad Boys, but this is still a great time at the movies. 7/10
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so totally cool!!!!
dickie_jonus_tsr11 August 2005
Bad Boys 2... what can one say about it? well, put it this way, it's much much better than the first and has one of the best car chases in history.

Will Smith and martin Lawrence are two cops have a lot in common, especially their attitude, are sent to investigate the a Cuban drug smuggler who smuggles drugs in America. What a wild, surprising and funny time they have! I know the storyline doesn't sound very convincing, but, this movie is not 'okay' as most people put... it's the action movie of the year! The storyline is, as I said, probably not very convincing and that lots of movie have been made like that and you think that you've seen every on of them...

But if you watch this movie, you'll be really, really surprised. The director, Michael Bay, is one of my favorites and this movie is one of his action masterpieces.

Rating: 7/10
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Bay Boys 2: Bay Harder
questl-185922 January 2020
Bad Boys 2 is basically what you'd expect. Everything from the original gets amped up. The story is more ridiculous and less contained. There's no restraint here just pure Bay indulgence. This movie is bonkers but it knows exactly what it is and doesn't pretend to be anything it's not. I can respect that and I appreciate this movie more than the original for that very reason.
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Popcorn Fun
cosmic_quest12 March 2006
Like it's prequel, 'Bad Boys II' is not the sort of film you should watch if you like deep-thinking, philosophical dramas. But if you're just wanting to be entertained by plenty of action, sarcastic jokes and wisecracks then this is a perfect blockbuster for you.

It doesn't pretend to have some deep plot-- the storyline is the very simple premise of catching the drug dealers and getting the girl-- but it is pure popcorn entertainment complete with car chases and gun fights. The interplay between Will Smith and Matthew Lawrence is hilarious (the 'Bad Boy' films are the only time I can tolerate Lawrence); a more up-to-date version of Riggs and Murtaugh in the Eighties classic buddy flick 'Lethal Weapon'.

Very enjoyable action comedy that should please most fans of Hollywood blockbusters and cop flicks.
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What do you expect?!?!?!!!!
Jester6920 July 2003
I hate reading these reviews putting this movie down. This movie kicked ass plain and simple. It's a fun movie to watch and enjoy!!! Sure, there's not much of a plot but if you wanted that why would you go to see this film?? The only reason to see this film is because you want 2 1/2 hours of entertainment!!! That's what this is, pure fun.
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Not a thinking man's movie...
Cephyran17 November 2004
I haven't seen the precursor to this movie, but I get the feeling I don't have to to know that this one is your average popcorn flick.

Will Smith is a half-decent actor, and a lot better in comedy roles than anything else, so it almost worked having an action story with the occasional comedic relief. However, it's mostly flash and bang. The special effects are satisfactory and the cinematography is respectable, but the plot is really shallow. I could have cared less about what was going on most of the time. This movie is not a thinker, that much is clear. It's meant to entertain the part of your brain that likes explosions and watching people get shot for two hours. I'd put it on par with a movie like XXX.
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I'd give it a rating of zero if I could
mmcardle17 October 2003
I was quite looking forward to this as I quite enjoyed Bad Boys.

It started with some wild action and wise-cracking from the cheeky duo, but as the film moved on I started to feel more and more uncomfortable.

First of all, repetition set in early. How many shootouts, car chases, and arguments between Smith and Lawrence do you need in a film? How many different ways are there to eviscerate someone? And the plot? The plot is this: Smith and Lawrence bust a drugs gang........again.

There is much jollity from Smith and Lawrence amidst total carnage. And this is my biggest problem with it. If it was just a bad movie, my comments would have ended in the last paragraph. This is a very very nasty film. Bodies explode, people are shredded by gunfire, limbs sawn off, and heads are sliced off and our two heroes wise-crack their way through all the devastation. Not just wise-crack, but laugh about it. Oh, but it's good fun to wave a gun in a humorous way in the face of a teenage boy whose only crime is to fancy your daughter. And let's have a bit of fun with some dead bodies shall we? The scene that really did it for me though, is when Lawrence is hiding in the mortuary under a sheet with a naked dead girl. I sat in the cinema feeling very uncomfortable. True, this is a "comedy thriller", but why such cheapness with human life and sickening use of women? Strangely enough, the film gets serious when Lawrence's sister or daughter(I can't remember which) is kidnapped. The wise-cracking stops and the audience is invited to share Lawrence's pain. I didn't. I wanted her to die so that Lawrence's character learned the value of human life. But, she is rescued and the moment she is safe, it's back to comedic carnage. This was rated 15 for the audience in the UK and I just worry about those young minds watching this. It should have been an 18 certificate (or R-rated in the USA). Better still, it shouldn't have been made at all.

I could forgive it for just being a bad movie, but this is sadism and cruelty dressed up as coolness for the 21st century.
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If you hate Michael Bay, why did you see this?
neo_jenner21 July 2003
I've never understood this bizarre hatred of Michael Bay that so many so called film ethusiests have. I mean, what is it about HIM that struck a coard with so many? People don't bash Simon West,Martin Campbell, Tony Scott, or Dominic Sena the way the bring the hammer down on Bay. It's not like he was the first guy who was really good at style over substance. I for one am gonna defend the guy here. And no, i'm not some idiot teenager who thinks Charlie's Angels is the best movie ever made. I am an avid film watcher. I probably see close to 100 movies a year IN theaters. Big movies and small alike. I appreciate any genre of film if it's done well. But obviously my first love is, and always will be, action. And I think Michael Bay is one of the best action directors around. As good as James Cameron, John Woo, Ridley Scott, John McTerninan, John Frankenhiemer, and any other guy named John.

Is Bad Boys II too exrtavigant? Too explosive? Too indulgent? It's not your money, why should you care? BB2 is action filmaking in it's purest, most volitile form. I can't remember seeing an action movie with this much, well, ACTION in it. This thing drills you like a jackhammer in a way that The Rock could only dream of. It comes close to the "Enough Already" level of action as in Armageddon, but holds off with all the humor brought by the stars. Was there one too many car chases? Yeah, probably, but I'm not complaining. Two and a half hours looks just fine too me. Personally, I like my action movies to exhaust me.

And what action it was. The car transport chase is easily better than anything in the Matrix Reloaded and even T3. Not only that, but it's great to see full blown R rated action in all its bloody glory again. Ahh, just like the good old days, when men were men, and action movies were all rated R.

Look, if you're all about hating Bay, and blaming him for all of scociety's ills, as well as acusing him of being the antichrist - then what in god's name are you doing watching this movie? It's been pretty well established since The Rock, and especially Armageddon, that you don't like the guy - so why do you keep going to see these movies if you know you're going to hate them? Do the rest of us a favor, get off your high horse and drop the condescending art house jerk act, it's as old as the first Bad Boys, but not as enjoyable.
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This movie's so bad it stinks!
vlahov12 October 2003
Actually I loved Martin Lawrence especially after "Blue Streak" (1994). I even bought the original DVD! I haven't had big expectations for BB 2 but this has gone over the top. The plot (or the lack of it) is misery , every single incompetent soviet director and writer would have been achieved better results! The so called jokes are trite, there's awfully much parody especially at the end when the total mockery of the viewer is taking place. (how come none of the swat team been at least wounded when they attack Cuban house with the Cuban army all over the place ... it's ridiculous) No words to describe it.

If you have plans for the evening to amuse someone with this action flick, better go watch porno instead (huh french one of course :)))
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Ten times the action, total hardcore
pete-13119 July 2003
Well after that blunder of a motion picture called "Pearl Harbour" Micheal Bay bounces back with a better movie here. To his credit though in the few short films he has made so far none of them have bombed. This movie was 10x the action definately, and was actually way funnier than first one. Will Smith was definately more built, much tougher and more in charge, Martin Lawrence stole the show with his silly remarks every 5 seconds but I loved it.

The car chase scene on the highway was way better than the Matrix Reloaded's car chase scene, it puts that one to shame. But this highway chase scene will definately rank up there with T3's. Some parts in this movie were a bit overdone such as the morgue scene, won't get into it but I'll leave it at that, and the rats...that's it! :)

If you are looking for a solid type performance from Will Smith to be a good actor don't bother, this movie was all about pure action, and mindless fun, if that's what you want then go see it, if not don't waste your 2 hours and 40 minutes seeing it. Funny thing is, it didn't feel that long.

Can't wait to see this out on DVD in superbit. A great sequel.
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Hilarious Buddy-Cop Comedy & Action Hits the Silver Screen!!
mjpiro13 April 2023
Bad Boys II is the second Bad Boys movie in the Bad Boys series of movies starring Will Smith (Men In Black) and Martin Lawrence (National Security) as Miami Detective's Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett respectively. The two cops paired together are absolutely hilarious, with Lawrence being slightly older than Smith in real life and the movie giving him a bit of an older brother vibe on screen who in this movie almost constantly considers retiring early or transferring to a different partner when Lowrey does something spectacular as a cop. Their chemistry is fabulous though, and it carries over to the rest of the cast including Burnett's younger sister Syd, who is also in law enforcement. Syd is played by Gabrielle Union (Bring It On). Also in Bad Boys II are Captain Howard played by veteran actor and sometimes funnyman Joe Pantoliano (The Matrix), and Detective Marco Vargas played by Jason Manuel Olazabal. Both thespians put forward solid performances and are convincing in their roles as law enforcers. Bad Boys II centers around drugs in the Miami area and how Lowrey and Burnett will take charge busting the operation. Drug kingpin Johnny Tapia, played admirably by Jodi Molla, has to constantly shift his business around the Miami area to avoid being apprehended by the police until very late in the movie. I don't want to go into too much detail about what happens then to spoil the ending for you, but let's just say that it, especially the drawn out conclusion, is very exciting!! That's one thing you can always count on with Jerry Bruckheimer produced movies, is a very exciting movie and Bad Boys II does not fail in this respect!! The action in the movie is outstanding, whether it's shootouts between Lowrey, Burnett and the bad guys, or fist fights between our favorite two cops and the bad guys!! There are chase scenes galore, director Michael Bay made the streets of Miami his personal playground by including at least two outstanding chase scenes in the movie!! The acting, especially the comedy that I have previously mentioned is very good!! The directing is great, and the orchestral music and live soundtrack to the film make Bad Boys II a fun movie to see!! The costuming in Bad Boys II is very good and the film nicely sets up a Bad Boys III. The movie is the type that should be enjoyed by family and/or friends on either a weeknight or weekend by adults, as the film is not for the children. 7 out of 10 stars!!
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The budget increased, not the quality. Yet, fairly good.
Bad Boys 2 (2003) : Brief Review -

Bad Boys 2 got almost 6x the budget of its prequel, Bad Boys (1995), and was a longer film too, but the quality? Oh, don't ask that. We can cut that shiit and get back to entertainment. Yes, BB 2 has some crazy car action sequences and witless banter between Marcus and Mike, but it isn't funny enough compared to the first film. Mike and Marcus are off to bust a drug racket, but the opponent leader has quite a strong record against the cops. He has fooled them many times before, so all they need is strong evidence against him. While Mike and Marcus are planning to bust into his house and get the evidence, Marcus' cop sister is doing her part as an undercover agent turned the leader's girlfriend. As expected, M & M get what they want, but the sister, who also happens to be Mike's girlfriend, is in the bad guy's custody. Meanwhile, Marcus had made plans to part ways with his partner, Mike, who still believes in "We ride together. We die together. Bad boys for life." The entire department turns into their aides, and we have a long and big action sequence in the climax. As mentioned earlier, the comedy is weak, mostly because the banter between two buddies lacks humour and wit. Bad Boys 1 ended with Julie and Mike getting handcuffed together, so I wonder what happened to Julie. There was no mention of her in this film. It just started off like a fresh film altogether. The scripting is fine, but the film is 15 minutes longer. That doesn't mean it's boring. It's a tight shiit alright. Lawrence and Smith save the day, and thankfully they get the maximum screen space. Jordi Mollà, as the new baddie, is decent, while Gabrielle Union, as a female cop, was okayish. Michael saved the bay with enough light from his signature explosion scenes and terrific action. Overall, a good flick but a step down from the predecessor.

RATING - 6/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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Action-packed but over-the-top
Falko_h128 May 2024
"Bad Boys II," directed by Michael Bay, is a high-octane sequel that reunites Will Smith and Martin Lawrence as the dynamic duo, Mike Lowrey and Marcus Burnett. The film follows the pair as they take on a dangerous drug cartel in Miami, delivering non-stop action and explosive set pieces.

While the chemistry between Smith and Lawrence remains a highlight, providing plenty of comedic moments, the film's over-the-top action sequences often overshadow the plot. The storyline can feel disjointed at times, with the emphasis clearly placed on spectacle rather than substance.

Michael Bay's signature style is evident throughout, with rapid cuts, slow-motion shots, and massive explosions dominating the screen. However, the film's excessive length and relentless pace may leave some viewers feeling exhausted.

Overall, "Bad Boys II" is an entertaining, if somewhat chaotic, ride. It delivers on action and humor, but its lack of focus and overblown sequences prevent it from reaching the heights of its predecessor. Fans of the genre will find enjoyment, but those seeking a more balanced narrative might be left wanting.
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Ignore the story, watch the action
Spanner-222 July 2003
Will Smith and Martin Lawrence return as tough Miami cops, here trying to break up a drug ring.. or audition for a remake of "Miami Vice" .. I wasn't sure which.. The story is pretty meaningless and a number of subplots are pointless garbage.. but the film is still watchable due to the charisma of Will Smith, who is usaly worth watching... and some impressive action sequences, that truely are fun to watch unfold. GRADE: C+
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A great summer action flick
swipht123 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a hell of a lot of fun to watch. The action sequences were really well done, and there was tons of them. It was a lot more violent than the first one as I noticed. I thought the scene with all the cadavers was really unnecessary. It was kind of gross. And the chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence is great. The arguments really reflect from the first one. I was really enjoying the tense scenes where the cars were flying off the truck. A great movie. 8 out of 10.
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Good sequel
muamba_eats_toast23 January 2020
Some sublime action set pieces and a great front duo more than make up for the lack of many other things without being anywhere near perfect it was very enjoyable.
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Bad Taste, Needless Violence & Pompous Directing
Tompson27 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Bad Boys II is waste of money in all senses of the expression. Wasting money from production point of view for something as stupid as BB II is just incredible. The movie is full of spinning camera angles in about 97,6% of the time. C'mon Mr. Bay, the effect of the circling camera works about once in a 90 min movie if well placed. It is not cool at all when used three times (in slow motion) for every 90 seconds all the way.

The dialogue -- well, what dialogue?? Does anyone use the word starting with 'mother' in every single sentence in real life? Mr. Smith and Mr.Lawrence do. The bud chemistry that sort of worked in BB I, is nowhere to be seen in this one. Moving on to the comedy side?? Well, I laughed once for 'Marsupial', enough said.

And then the violence. Do we need to see all those bodies created and handled in imaginable ways for humor's sake. I don't know may people who get amused seeing dead corpses decapitated on the freeway. Obviously, Mr.Smith and Mr.Lawrence see that as an appropriate spot for throwing a catchy one-liner as the excellent script defines. BTW, can't recognized actors use own judgment and refuse to deliver the worst stupidities. Obviously not. SPOILER AHEAD: "So, let's attack Cuba just the two of us... Wait, there are twenty volunteers coming along, thank God. Nothing can stop us now".

As I realize, BB II made well at the box office, which means that we'll see this sort of "entertainment" in the future as well. Too late to change that, but whatever you do, don't buy the DVD. Show that a consumer can have a say of things to come. Don't waste your money, please.

*** 1 out of 10 ***
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A little overdone but still a good watch
iwatcheverything17 December 2003
This movie was very entertaining. It had me wanting to watch all the way until the end. It was about 30 minutes too long I'm afraid though. There were many times that I thought there were scenes that could have been cut and still made this movie funny and with great action. Some of the parts were a little overacted as well. All in all I thought this was a good film and I will watch it over and over again for a few scenes. It does have some horrible language in this movie so do not let you kids see it unless you don't care if they repeat what they see. Check the movie out if you are of age. It's a good film.
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Mindless fun
thomasjay-220127 January 2019
Nothing much to see just 2 and a half hours of essentially non stop action, which is mostly fine and well executed especially the finale which is high stakes and entertaining but a bit is lost in the non stop explosions and jumble of random sounds. It's lost a bit of the charm of the original but has a few more laughs than that came before. Ultimately despite the few advantages in terms of objectivity the original is a slightly better to me personally anyway, still a solid film but not quite the first
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BroadswordCallinDannyBoy3 September 2005
A huge budget sequel to the dumb "Bad Boys." I guess it was inevitable.

I saw the HBO special on this movie and watch how Will Smith, Michael Bay, and Jerry Bruckheimer went on and on about how great this movie is. What was really happening was that Michael Bay and Will Smith were happy that they received a fat paycheck and Bruckheimer was happy that he will make another huge pile of money with the release.

They said "we finally got it perfect." Perfect? Perfectly over-blown trash maybe. There is not the slightest distant glimmer of anything that faintly resembles originality here. It is all one boring dull mindless cliché after another until the viewer is literally ready to puke.

The "story" starts with Will Smith, who is hot for Gabrielle Union who is Martin Lawrence's sister which is a a cheesy love vs family problem that is addressed so poorly that it shouldn't be there. And guess what? There is a twist! Gabrielle Union is an undercover cop working on what maybe the same case! Oh dear! We are also treated to a big loud car chase in which well over thirty vehicles are totaled along with the bad guys. But the good guys? They don't even get hurt. Some cops manage to land in critical care, but after flipping over in a car going 80 mph straight into a massive fireball in the middle of the highway you'd be dead. Yes the T-1000 survived such a feat, but he is a futuristic robot.

Moving right on from the pathetic story and horrible action is the humor. It is also dumb, cliché, and overly vulgar. I mean are rat sex and junior high school level gay jokes something you'd expect to see in a movie not by John Waters? Types of humor have their placement in film, or as Michael Bay demonstrates so well, misplacement. Moving on we come to a sick excuse for a plot device. Towards the end our heroes got save Gabrielle Union who was kidnapped. They pack their service pistols and prepare to go to take on an entire drug cartel. But guess what? The police chief's friends are in the CIA and they decide, out of the goodness of their heart, to help two hotshot loose cannon detectives! So now, with the help of a bunch of CIA commandos half of Cuba is blown up and everyone goes home safe. Preposterous on all counts.

There are entertaining movies that follow this kind of preposterous formula. James Bond, for one. He is just as ridiculous as this movie, but he has a light side. He doesn't take himself too seriously. Those films have a tongue in cheek nature that constantly reminds us that we are watching what is basically a fairy tale. Not here. This film takes it self so seriously and tries to be ultra cool and slick. Thankfully it fails on all fronts of film making. Let's hope we don't see anything like it anytime soon.

Sick, disgusting, unoriginal, a horrible waste of money, superficial, unentertaining, unfunny, vulgar, and just plain terrible. This sort of Hollywood junk put the word 'bad' in the dictionary. Either that or the Bubonic Plague. Well, I guess they are both bad. 1/10

Rated R: excessive violence, relentless profanity, and all around bad taste
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I can barely believe I saw all that I saw in this movie!
Wizard-826 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Along with SPECIES 2, this may be the closest Hollywood has ever come to the unbelievably perverse and over-the-top nature that Hong Kong cinema is sometimes known for. We have corpses being run over and their body parts scattering across the street, people being shot in the head and their blood and brain matter just *flying* behind them, people are smacked into concrete posts at 60 miles an hour *then* fall several stories to their death, dozens of cars get smashed up in high-speed freeway chases, buildings get blown up, cops have to dig into the guts of corpses for clues, and a drug shantytown on the side of a mountain gets torn up by several vehicles racing through in what is a blatant rip-off of a famous scene from Jackie's Chan's POLICE STORY - for starters.

Now if you have a taste for sleaze and over-the-top action like I do, no doubt you will find all this stuff inevitably entertaining to a degree, and it will have you slack-jawed at times. However, though the movie has the "stuff" of these Hong Kong movies, it's not done with the same *finesse* - the movie is *way* overdirected and edited, making it harder to get a firm fix on whatever happens. It's also *way* too long, especially it's a really simple story that somehow took several screenwriters to crank out. Also, these two fellows got old fast - they are *so* loud, *so* foul-mouthed, and *so* angry-minded (and even downright cruel at times) that the movie is sometimes a chore to sit through, even though it's about them. Still, I'm giving this a cautionary recommendation - see it when it's cheap to rent and you are in the mind for something brainless - if only to see how berserk big-budget Hollywood filmmaking has become!
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