2 Reviews
staggering ..
saxofonix1 May 2002
Sheer brilliance .. in the music, and in the accompanying videos. If you are even a casual fan of Massive Attack, don't hesitate in getting this collection.

These promos show the same imagination as they do in their music. For the most part they rely on interesting camera work and interesting concepts, rather than fidgety post-production work .. and this is all the better for that. Most of the videos have an urban theme to them, adding to the edginess of the music.

The only problem with this set is the lack of ANY info or labelling or booklet. It comes in a clear case with no markings of any kind, and even the lettering on the actual DVD is hard to read. This minimalist approach will surely mean that a lot of fans are missing out on this spectacular collection of music videos.
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Good, but not great......
jamalionerf3 September 2002
Only a handful of DVDS/ videos featuring music promos by bands are a must buy. HIStory by Michael Jackson is one of them, another could be Faith No Mores' Video Croissant. Some of them, like Madonna or David Bowie, are worth buying because they're so dated they're hilarious. Massive Attack is a bit of both. I'd say that some of them are a little dated now (Safe From Harm, Daydreaming shot in moody, cliched black and white) but others, like Be Thankful For What You've Got, are great (for obvious reasons when you see it). Teardrop is unforgettable (a baby in a womb sings the song through the whole video) and of course, there's contender for Greatest Song Of All Time- Unfinished Sympathy, featuring Shara Nelson walking through the streets of LA. A surprisingly poignant visual image that actaully enhances the song, when you reach this promo, you'll have it on repeat. Worth it to buy just for this.
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