Out of Jimmy's Head (TV Series 2007–2008) Poster


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johnchase18 July 2008
A boy Jimmy gets hit by a train and then for some reason needs a brain transplant. He gets someone's brain and has hallucinations of cartoon characters, who don't actually play an important role in the show. The show's sad attempt at comedy sometimes make me cringe and the laughing track doesn't help. If they're gonna have a laughing track, at least laugh at the rare funny parts, not the corny other jokes.

The characters are unlikeable, Jimmy is like a 5-year-old girl and wouldn't survive in a real middle school, Craig likes to use his best friend to make money, and then Jimmy has an older sister who IS AN ALIEN? WHAT THE HECK? His mom (who is an astronaut) found her. His mom also OWNS A ROCKETSHIP thats his dad likes to fly. He crashes it, but sadly, does not die. Oh yeah, Jimmy's sister's boyfriend is a were-wolf (or just a wolf i forget).

Sonny Appleday, the "evil villain" of the series, is the worst of them all. He announces his plans out loud, ruining them. He wants Jimmy so he can take over the world (is it ever explained how Jimmy will help him take over the world? Nope!) so he tries to steal Jimmy's brain.

So, in the end, this series is Cartoon's Network's worst series. Oh I almost forgot! It's on Cartoon and yet its LIVE ACTION! Seriously, the tag-line was "CARTOON Network's first LIVE ACTION series." WTF? You get my point. -infinity/10
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bch061830 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly, the movie wasn't all the great. The premise was weak, so the movie BARELY made it, but the show is going down.

First of all, in the movie, Robin and Craig Wheeler were Asian. In the show they're African American. Does CN HONESTLY believe that viewers don't notice that? Also, halfway through they show, the realize it isn't funny. AT ALL. So what do they do? They add a LAUGH TRACK. What? So we know what we're supposed to think is funny? Are we stupid? No. We just don't like the show.

In the movie, Jimmy had people walking all over him. Now he's arrogant, and even a little dumb. Just...no. Just kill the show now and spare us.
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They call this crap entertainment?
iamzavok19 December 2009
In all honesty, the shows premise was slightly clever. The movie's premise was OK as well. It was based on an old myth that Walt Disney's brain was frozen to one day "reanimate" him and then hidden somewhere in a ride in Disneyland. This show takes that idea and tries to work with it. Making it so that whoever has the brain of the brand-x Walt Disney will see the cartoons he created. That is were the cleverness ends. This show took an interesting idea and murdered it.

The people above me have already dissected how awful the show is, and done a pretty good job of it. I'm just reviewing this just to make sure YOU the reader know that this show is probably the most horrible thing you will see on Cartoon Network.
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Re-Animated got a TV series??
DannyD199715 July 2017
I thought Big Bag was the ONLY live-action show from Cartoon Network. But no, years later, they decided to make MORE live-action shows. From what I have heard, this show is even WORSE than the movie. I know it was back in 2007, but that was when Cartoon Network TRULY began to suck after the Boston Bomb Scare. No wonder Chowder was the new show that saved Cartoon Network, before AND after a lot of our favorite shows ended. The animation in the movie pilot was better than the animation in the series. The animation in this show is horrible. This makes lesser sense than the movie it was based on. It's retarded. No wonder this show lasted for only 20 episodes. This show was created by Tim McKeon and Adam Pava, who previously wrote for Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends and the Life and Times of Juniper Lee, and also creators of Weighty Decisions (a short segment that was featured in Cartoon Network's OTHER short-lived series Sunday Pants). I'm glad Cartoon Network is no longer allowed to produce anymore live-action shows, but still. This show is, without a doubt, one of Cartoon Network's worst shows of all time.
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So bad, there is no word to describe it
the-alistair4 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, what were they thinking? This carton is the worst mash-up of awful, dry humor, horrible parodies, and well, just overall suck.

The Storyline: Jimmy goes to some "creatively named" theme park with his classmates on a school trip. He was being stupid, and a train hit him. Somehow, he needed a brain transplant (which does not work in real life. Speaking of which, wouldn't he remember everything that the original owner of the brain had, instead of everything he experienced?), and the only brain available was the brain of that famous cartoonist. Because of this, he starts tripping for no apparent reason and sees horribly parodied and animated cartoons. Sony Appleday figures out Jimmy gets the brain, and quests to capture to so he can have it to take over the world. The brain helps him for reasons unknown. So, in a nutshell, the story sucks. It is a horrible mash-up of anything you could possibly think of.

The Characters: The characters are completely unlikable. Jimmy is a complete imbecile, who would believe the sky was made of Jello if someone told him. He also brushes off the cartoon characters as often as he can. That brings me to them. The are completely negligible in the series. Anything they say/do adds nothing and is not funny at all. Craig is a using, abusing beaver that really needs to cut the fro and act normally. If Robin had better character depth and overall development, she could be decent, but is not. Jimmy's dad is a jerky idiot. Character development is at a minimum, if at all.

The Overall Premise: Well, it is to make every single thing every single person says and does funny, even though all of it is humorless.

The Laugh Track: Yes, it is deserving of a section all of its own. The laugh track is likely the worst part of the show. The laugh track is played so often it gets really irritating really fast. It is also placed in spots where id doesn't belong (which are almost all of them), and is basically there to tell the audience to laugh. My guess is that the execs at the Cartoon Network division of Turner realized the show wasn't really all that funny, so they added it in to make it seem funnier. Didn't work at all, obviously.

I know the last episode aired almost a year ago, but this show is so awful that I cannot forget it. I wish I could, but something this stupid just doesn't go away.
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Didn't they know?
tfayyazi14 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Didn't they know that not a lot of people LIKED the movie Re-Animated before they went on to make a live action show and give it a WORLD PREMIERE? I mean, the characters are dull, the plot is just stupid. I mean, a boy goes to an amusement park, gets hit by a train, and gets a brain transplant??? Couldn't they have done something more realistic? And he has an alien sister? His mom is an astronaut? This is one of those shows they waste a lot of money on just to find out no one even wants to watch Cartoon Network anymore. It's just sad. I watched the premiere the other night, and i have to say, the beginning was pretty grasping, but i mean, the penguin is suddenly a comedian, and he gets insulted so he runs away, bla bla bla, the end. I didn't even watch the encore. I didn't even stay up to watch Foster's. I think they should just take the show off the air now, before people start turning away from CN forever. This TV channel will fail.
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Not sure how I watched this as a kid
mitsubishizero7 October 2020
This was a show that didn't need to be made. It was based off a movie that also didn't need to be made(at least not without a few rewrites). The show focuses on a kid named Jimmy(Dominic James) who has to deal with the aftermath of his brain transplant and how it affects him in his daily life.

This causes him to hallucinate characters he grew up with much to the confusion of others. In addition to having to deal with school, he also has to deal with a nut trying to steal his brain as well as his wacky family. The one that stands out most is his adopted sister named Yancy. I have to admit I had a crush on her and she along with the cartoons were the only good thing to come out of this show.

Otherwise, this show was forgettable. The jokes aren't funny, the acting's stiff(though I can't blame the actors as they do what they can with the bland script), and the stories have potential but just aren't interesting. This's definitely one of Cartoon Network's worst shows aired. Looking back, I don't know how I watched it as a kid.

It's not awful or offensive, just dumb and forgettable. With being said, skip it. Leave it to be forgotten.
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This is terrible
maddoxsmith-7912115 May 2021
My brother and I are very into lost media. We enjoy watching old movies and shows that were once lost. But this show is just the worst. I wish it was never found. I don't understand this show! WHY IS HIS SISTER AN ALIEN?! WHY IS SHE DATING A WEREWOLF?! WHO IS THE CREEPY GUY CREATING MONSTERS AND ROBOTS IN THEIR HOUSE?! WHY IS IT PEOPLE UNDERSTAND HE SEES CARTOONS? WHY IS THERE AN ANNOYING MAFIA KID RUNNING THE SCHOOL?! WHY IS EVERY ADULT AN IDIOT? THIS SHOW IS TERRIBLE. DO. NOT. WATCH.
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Why Cartoon Network? Why?
BobbeCole8 June 2013
Just as bad as Re-Animated. Changing Craig and Robin's actors was probably the only good thing (because they were a TAD better than the ones in reanimated). Let's think of ways it rips off of other shows. So the show focuses on a kid who was hit by a train (sort of a rip off of My Name is Earl (way funnier than this sh*t)). He gets a new brain, which is the brain of Milt Appleday (basically the whole idea is Walt Disney). Now I'm honestly not a Disney fan, but I'd take those over this. Anyway, a guy named Sonny who turns out to be Milt's son is trying to steal the brain with lame ideas that blow up in his face (Rip off of Looney Tunes?). The sister is an alien, adopted by an astronaut who is Jimmy's mother, and his father is the principal of his school. All of these feel like a ripoff of Family Guy (wacky dysfunctional family) and American Dad (alien relative). And last, and maybe least you have Jimmy, who's the kid that got a new brain after being hit by a train. He sees random cartoon characters who do nothing, but bounce around in his head and contribute nothing to him, but annoyance and bad advice. But, that's not the worst part. The fact that it aired on Cartoon Network AT ALL is bad. It's called Cartoon Network for a reason. It's not supposed to air live- action crap like Nickelodeon does. The laugh track wasn't a good thing it just made the show worse than it already was. So you'd think Cartoon Network would've learned after this, but they didn't. Now we've got the Annoying Orange to go with it. Man, I miss good old Cartoon Network that only aired cartoons and not live-action programming with acting that makes any TV made Syfy Channel or Steven Seagal movie look like gold. If I could vote this 0 I would, but it's not happening. Seriously, Jimmy's actor was better off on ER. I'm sure everyone's happy this was cancelled.
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Had a good idea....
nikkebaby14 May 2021
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Really weird, kind of a throwback
deadpanwalking-110 June 2008
I caught this one afternoon when I was bored. I've never seen the movie and I don't watch a lot of Cartoon Network outside of Futurama, The Venture Brothers, and a few other lessor shows on Adult Swim.

I actually just had the show on in the background in another room, but the sounds and lines were so strange and the laugh-track so loud and annoying, it caught my attention.

At first it seemed to make no sense and be scattered until I started recognizing its influences. The Absurdity of the plot, character types, and character interactions remind me The Adventures of Pete and Pete. The animated bits rely heavily on the visual gags of classic cartoons with an emphasis on Loony Tunes. Some of the pacing of the jokes and timing reminds me of Arrested Development, particularly the similarities of the main character to Michael Cera's brilliant character in that show.

There's a lot of Zucker/Abrams/Zucker (the guys who did Airplane! and The Naked Gun) background gags and archaic clichéd gags scattered throughout. Also like Arrested Development, there's never a "message" in any of the episodes, and characters never seem to learn any kind of lesson, instead maintaining their established character traits. All of this comes off surprisingly well. There should be more kids shows with this level of daredevil comedy.

It's not noticeably sophisticated, but some of the comedy is very dry and referential so it may go over the heads of some viewers, both kids and adults.

I think comedy nerds will like it and anyone who liked Pete and Pete should give it a chance. This show needs to ditch the turned-up-to-11 laugh track (My guess is that someone high-up at the network insisted on the laugh track because they were sweating the dry humor.)
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The movie was better than the show
curtisjudgeiii15 December 2019
I gotta say that this was the worst show everyone ever heard of and it was bad very bad and i gotta say the charater designs were really awful during cartoon networks airing of live action crap i mean why do we even agree to cartoon networks plan in the first place.
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arielsiere12 May 2022
😡😡😡😡😡 oh my god what the hell is wrong with Cartoon Network this is the worst show from the classic era from Cartoon Network since 2007-2008 i have to agree it's nothing but trash. And i cannot believe this show had his own movie called reanimated which is the worst movie from the year 2006.
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Whatelse can I say about this?
shatteredglass-5351224 January 2016
This show was awful, and I mean awful. It really makes my blood-boil and is a total spit in the face of everything Cartoon Network stands for...

It's not just because that its a live action show on a channel dedicated to Cartoons (Well, that is main reason), but it's because the show no one acts like real people. We got a boring kid who has a brain of a dead animator...(it happens...), an adopted sister from another planet, a astronaut Mother, and a Father who is the biggest man- child and somehow the principal of a school and is a jerk to his son.

Nothing in this world makes sense what-so-ever too. Unlike Adventure Time, that world is weird, but has a reason. With "THIS" its just pointless nonsense without anything to explain it. We had a Duck in a classroom...WHY IS THERE A DUCK IN A CLASSROOM!?!? THERE'S NO REASON FOR THAT DUCK TO BE THERE! IT'S NOT FUNNY, IT'S NOT CLEVER, IT'S JUST STUPID!!

The cartoons don't redeem it either. They're rude, loud, annoying and not even funny in the slightest...the animation isn't even good, it's looks way too much like Flash-Animation. Golly Gopher is like a hybrid of Mickey Mouse and Bugs Bunny, only annoying, rude and comes across as a total jerk...Dolly is a Minnie ripoff, Crocco is just Goofy with the funny taken-out and Tux is "NOT FUNNY"!!!

Don't watch this show, it is not worth your time...
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Why did this show happen?
fmckeownstudios12 February 2024
This show is the most cringe worthy, dumb, and most pointless thing Cartoon Network has ever released! The show is a spinoff of the 2006 film Re-animated. The film itself was just..decent??

But this show is probably the cheapest budget show CN ever produced. There is lots of "cheap jokes" and other juvenile humor, and the characters are SO OFF MODEL. I'll say this, Golly in the film is meant to be a narcissistic. But in the show he's just a cringy weirdo that's obsessed with killing people. There is SO MANY ERRORS IN THIS SHOW, THERES EVEN A FRAME OF ANIMATION MISSED IN EPISODE 8!

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WeAreLive1 May 2018
The movie for this show in my personal opinion was enjoyable. But this series is not.

The humour is forced like there is nothing there.

The whole concept of the show is absolutely stupid.

But at least it's not unbearable like Teen Titans Go!

The acting is good though.

But don't watch this show.
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Was fine at first
mitsubishizero15 July 2019
I thought the movie was ok as a kid and I thought the show was interesting but as the show went on it began to get more and more stupid. The show's about a kid named Jimmy (Dominic James) who can see cartoon characters due to having his brain replaced with a deceased cartoonist. In addition to having to deal with the hallucinations he also has to deal with his wacky family and school with the help of his goofy friend named Craig (Jon Kent Ethridge II) and crush Robin (Tinashe Kachingwe). This doesn't sit well with his son Sonny Appleday (Matt Knudsen) who goes through great lengths to get his brain so he can be a cartoonist himself. There's not a lot of funny jokes in this show, the acting's either over-the-top or stiff, and while the ideas are interesting they never really go that far. The only things I liked about this are the cartoon characters and Jimmy's adopted sister Yancy (Rhea Lando) who's an alien. Aside from that this's one of Cartoon Network's worst live-action shows. Live-action's not really their strong point. It didn't last that long and it's not hard to see why. It goes without saying but skip it.
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Based On Re-Animated
jscplatt22 February 2020
Out Of Jimmy's Head


Based On The Cartoon Network Movie: Re-Animated
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The guy above me...
CCharmanderK4 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
...is an insane psychopathic freak. Ou of Jimmy's head is at least 2,078,679 times better than the pile of horse crap that was Re-Animated.

The plot is no longer trying to be epic, and the movie's plot is more of a side note than anything else.

The acting is much better than Re-Animated and Jimmy doesn't get as flustered as he used to whenever he's around Robin.

Some of the actors have changed, and that's for the best, I think. Besides, I think that Robin and Craig are better as African-Americans.

And speaking of Craig, he's improved a lot too, which is also better. Hey, at least he isn't too annoying this time!

Overall, watch OOJH. You'll love it.
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Everything Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs: The TV Series Should've Been
tommypezmaster23 March 2018
This show is amazing. Cartoon Netwoork is really struggling now, with "Baby Looney Tunes" and "Cloudy with A Chance of Meatballs: The Series". The Channel's glory days were obviously before they mistreated Hamtaro. The shows like Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed, Edd and Eddy and Hamtaro, it was the best way to start a new era. But with constant Teen Titans Go, YTV Canadian Imports, and Flicks, it sucks. Cartoon Network should bring these shows back.
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