10 Reviews
Good one!
koskouk8731 January 2021
A good story about city vs countryside people. A bit of annoying characters at times but all in all pretty good cinematography and direction. Nothing groundbreaking but definitely worth a watch!
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Childhood traumas
MiguelAReina31 January 2021
The homecoming of a writer who fled country life after a traumatic childhood turns into a gentle comedy that reflects on memories, traumas and the clash between country and city life . Although this part does not avoid clichés (urban characters are vegetarians and idiots, while farmers are rude but with a good heart), it works in the most personal aspects, in the need to leave the past behind and face the present without regrets.
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a great...
ops-5253512 May 2022
Little danish survival story, about how to survive farmville, where the tractorhumping and cowshoveling is bloodborne, and where the rednecks good old traditional jantelov where the first commandment says''youre nothing'' along with 9 more, that has ruined the main caracters ghildhood and age coming. Moving to the city becomming a liberal freestyler, vegan and other open sexual relationships, long hair cut short, and dressing more he than she, make the thin red line when she returns to jutland for her brothers wedding.

Its a film with the clashes of the giants, and where the table is set and adjusted, merely revengefilled and at moments rather embarrasing. Allthough its a drama it has a mouthful of comedy, and a lot of serious elements that may feel reckognizabel to many, the grumpy old man have had it all, well acted, good cast, unique settings but couldve had some more gunpowder in the end. There are possibilities that a sequel will come, and that ill look forward to. A recommend from the haystack...
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Wedding with problems
mogensenf4 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Laura (Rosalinde Mynster) was growing up in a small town in Denmark, with her parents and a brother, Jannik (Adam Rohweder). She always felt like the black sheep of the family, and has since left the family and has travelled to Copenhagen to become an author, at the same time she changed her name to Irina. As a subject to a book she chose to tell about her upbringing and her younger years, and there is certainly not much love in the written word. When we meet up with Irina she is driving home to her birthplace to attend her brother's wedding. She's certainly not looking forward to this reunion, but she do want to be there for her brother. Shortly after she has arrived she discovers that the brother's bride to be is her old Nemesis, Catrine (Anne Sophie Wanstrup), who was bullying her throughout her schoolyears. It soon shows that this wedding won't be without problems. Already at the dinner on the first day Irina has to miss out on most food, after she left home she has become vegan. Not good news for the parents, they run a farm! On the first day "home" Irina meets her former boyfriend David (Jesper Groth). We hear that she left for Copenhagen without saying goodbye to him. Later the first day the actual boyfriend arrives, another Copenhagen author. The next few days, amongst other things, we learn what Catrine did to Irina in their youth. Being a guest to her 10 year's birthday, she cut off all Irina's hair. Things escalates and the two women ends in a fight on the wedding day. The rest of the film is about the women befriending each other, Irina's boyfriend leaves the party for Copenhagen, and David and Irina open up to one another.

The film is a drama with a squish of comedy. I think that it must have been the director's idea to say that one thing isn't better than another, no matter where you live, and what you choose to do with your life, which of course is true, but I must say that Catrine shows the worst behaviour by far, apart from the bullying, she have stolen 4000 Danish kroner from Irina's mother, to buy a wedding dress. Meaning that I have the most sympathy towards Irina when the film is over.
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Modern Life Story
auste9431 January 2021
A beautifully written, directed, lighted movie about the modern conflict in Denmark. The childhood in the farm, vs the new life in the city and memories arising as soon as you visit home. Very relatable, a great work.
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Lazy, uninspired and toothless
j-oudhof22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie wants to show the contrast between urban and countryside life but never gets any further than the most basic of clichés. The start is pretty alright but it soon devolves into a story that you could predict from the second act. The reconciliation between the main character and her former bully is fully out of the blue and seems to stem from the directors unwillingness or incapability to show a true conflict or let the audience feel uncomfortable. A shame since Danish movies usually excel at that trope. Overall a waste of time. Do not recommend.
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Comparing it to Festen a/o finding fault with imperfection is just lazy
kerstenwouter23 November 2021
I loved Festen. But asked why, it is impossible to explain. There are no sympathetic characters there, only troubled ones. So any movie that critics are desperate to compare to it are in trouble.

PNG has few immediately likable characters in it. At first sight. The counter point is that this makes them all the more human. Critical reviewers might find that fact of life bland, but the non-binary nature of humanity is exactly what this movie demonstrates. No one is as they seem, at first sight. Because no one is 1-dimensional. This is not spectacular as an observation, but the movie does well in developing this line of thought, without becoming too cliche.

Better movies exist, but to dismiss this one as a failure is just lazy, IMHO. There might be no clear winners in terms of the plot, but anyone who dismisses this as negative is clearly more destined to adore the superhero genre. This is about actual people, including all of their imperfections without making an enormous deal of it. Deal with that.
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Cliche upon cliche that never gets interesting
rumagent-53-97338324 July 2021
If you find cliches quirky and fun and do not like to be challenged or surprised at any point, this movie may be for you.

The story is bland, the direction terrible and the actors clearly don't care.

Danish cinema has much to offer. I would suggest you find something else.
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Grey area
flook-016756 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When looking at reviews it seems, to me, quite funny how the majority of the viewers think that Laura/Irena is supposed to be in the right, when, in my humble opinion, the film is actually quite adept at showing that the world is not black and white, and that people can change, for better or for worse.

I think the film very much succeeds in its reflection on the many moral questions that it brings up. Where do we draw the line for right and wrong? When is family more important than the self? Are our identity bound or shaped by our past, or are we allowed to change as humans? How do progressive value affect us as humans, and not beings of pure logic? Etc.

The only gripe I had was: 1. The cinematography which varied drastically in quality, especially night scenes.

2. The tone of the film, where the integration of humor, could be more subtle in certain places. (Which was especially done very well, when Laura's boyfriend scolds her for making fun of handicaps)
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Emperiumnostra25 January 2022
If you have have experienced the same as the main character, you will find this movie amazing! If you have been a bully in school, if you are a cultur-radicale who haven't grasped the obvious fake of your ridiculous life or if you never have had conflicts with your parents, you will find it a bore!
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