Teen Wolf (TV Series 2011–2017) Poster


Parents Guide

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Sex & Nudity

  • Girl makes guy grab her ass whilst they kiss in season 3.
  • Little sexual references and innuendos throughout series.
  • A girl walks in the boys locker room and sees a guy taking a shower. he is suggested to be fully naked. Only top half shown.
  • Mild cleavage shown throughout series. However a considerable amount of male topless nudity.
  • A guy's mom finds condoms in his room.
  • A fully nude boy lies in the back of a car, whilst having surgery. Nothing is seen.
  • A boy and a girl have make out in a car until a boy knocks on the window.
  • A girl talks about not wanting to be a "17 year old virgin," .
  • A guy drops a condom in front of his class... by accident whilst trying to take a coin out of his pocket
  • A boy suggest a girl is sexually frustrated.
  • other sexual references and innuendos

Violence & Gore

  • A man is having surgery and his tumor grows bigger and bursts into a swarm of live flies very gory and disgusting
  • A older man cuts a werewolf in half spine is visible for seconds (graphic)
  • a man is impaled with a metal stick. quite gorey. the stick stays in for a while. blood shown
  • a lot of punches are thrown throughout the series. sometimes blood is shown
  • a man is punched and gets up, there's blood in his mouth.
  • a guy's head is smashed against lockers. not very graphic, a little blood shown. he gets up after it and appears fine
  • a man spits out blood. this is shown quite a few times
  • a man is strangled with a wire. no blood shown and it happens quick
  • lots of dead and gorey bodies shown throughout the series. some images may be a bit disturbing, a man rising from the dead for example
  • a man puts his hand over another man's face and squeezes until the skull breaks. we see skin splitting and blood coming out of his face. it sticks to the hand of the first man when he pulls away and creates an image that might be a bit disturbing.
  • a guy throws up and there's mistletoe in his vomit. for people with emetophobia this can be triggering
  • a woman lifts many shards of broken glass into the air with magic powers, and shoots them at another woman. the shards stick out of her body an face, blood is shown.
  • a creature somewhat manlike grabs a younger man's head in both hands and rips the head off his body. lots of blood is seen pouring out the neck.
  • Lots of blood, cutting, deep scratching, fights, surgeries, bodies cut in half, and murders all throughout the show. Can be upsetting for some and not for the squeamish.
  • man gets stabbed in both eyes with 2 arrows. Quite disturbing and somewhat gory.
  • A woman is shown having her throat ripped out the action is shown and so is the body afterwards (graphic)
  • This show has intense action scenes that normally include some blood.
  • A dead mans bare chest is shown with claw marks down it. (Graphic) This is shown quite a few times.
  • Half of a body is shown. (It shows the waist which is very bloody and gory from where the body was torn in half)
  • Stiles opens a container revealing the other half of the body.
  • A man gets burnt really badly. (You see his face, chest, legs, and arms all covered in blood with burn marks. (Graphic)
  • A man smashes another mans face on his laptop.
  • A girl shoots a guy with a gun. (He lives) (No blood shown)
  • A girl shoots a guy in the leg with a bow and arrow. (No blood shown)
  • A girl shoots a guy in the arm with a bow and arrow. (Small amount of blood shown)
  • A werewolf slits a girls throat with his claws. (Graphic + a lot of blood shown)
  • A young boy is stabbed by an older man. (You see the knife go in and stay there for a while. Blood shown)
  • Many people are punched, kicked, and thrown into stuff quite a bit. (Sometimes a little bit of blood is shown)
  • A man is hung outside his car.
  • A lady is almost killed but then the person that is going to kill her leaves.
  • A man covers a ladies mouth and nose and kills her.
  • There are many graphic and bloody attacks throughout the episodes.
  • A janitor is shown dead. (A lot of blood)
  • A car crashes into another car.
  • There are many intense scenes plus an intense car chase.
  • A boy pins a girl up against the wall. The end up falling to the ground and he wakes up. (He was being controlled) The boyfriend of the girl walks in on the other guy pulling up his pants. They then fight each other. They: punch, kick and throw each other. Also they break stuff
  • A doctor is shown inspecting some scratches on a teen boys neck before he cuts into his neck with a variety of medical tools and pulls out a long piece of parts of an unknown substance (most likely some kind of body part) mixed with blood and purple flowers. The boy is shown in great distress before he wakes up and realises it was dream. Still extremely bloody/gorey and disturbing. (Graphic and quite disgusting)
  • We see a man commit suicide by hanging himself. We hear bones breaking. (We are not familiar with this character when he dies but still very disturbing)


  • Few profanities like: b*tch,crap or swears like: "oh my god","what the hell","holy god" or "holy crap" etc. There is also some mild name-calling such as: "Idiot, stupid, dumbass, moron, brainless, etc.

Alcohol, Drugs & Smoking

  • a teenage boy gets drunk.
  • Mild smoking throughout series.
  • There is a scene where Stiles takes out Scott to get drunk.
  • At a club you see people drinking.
  • A man smokes a cigarette.
  • A boy brings a bottle of vodka to Prom. (You see him drinking from it a few times)
  • A kid gives his dad so much alcohol he gets drunk.
  • There are some brief scenes of underage kids drinking.
  • A man is given magic mushrooms to help him.

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • Season 1 has some intense moments nothing too graphic
  • Season 2 a bit more darker but not by much
  • Season 3a starts to get very dark and instense most people would class it as TV-MA
  • Season 3B darkest season out of all of them some scenes may be disturbing for some audiences
  • Season 4 pretty dark it has it has a lot of murders in
  • a lot of frightening scenes throughout the series. blood and gore is shown many many times.


The Parents Guide items below may give away important plot points.

Sex & Nudity

Violence & Gore

  • Snake goes into Jackson's mouth and makes its way out of his eye socket very bloody and disturbing
  • Stiles and Scott dig up a dead body. (All you see is the head. The rest is underground)

Frightening & Intense Scenes

  • In season 3B stiles gets possessed by a Japanese spirit called the nogitsune
  • Season 2 we see Isaac being abused by his father (verbally and physically ex. Glass being thrown at him and cutting his cheek) there is talk about it in season 2-3a/b. Can be quite upsetting to some viewers.
  • In season 6A, in the opening scene you see a young girl continuously pull out a boys heart. While the girl had a big hole in her chest with bones sticking out with a lot of blood. This scene is very bloody in general, could be disturbing to some.
  • In season 2 Isaac Lahey arrives and you found out that his father physically and emotionally abused him. ie, locking him in the deep freezer.

See also

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