369 Reviews
Surprisingly effective, interesting, and well acted
fraser-simons14 September 2022
Though it could have been truncated, I thought this was surprisingly good. Interweaving re-enactments of stories from the Book of Mormon related to a double homicide in Utah, the detective-a Mormon himself-finds himself going through a trial of faith similar to the primary suspect: the husband of murdered mother and daughter, the deeper the mystery goes the more entwined it becomes with the church itself, delving into some esoteric and antiquated aspects of the LDS faith.

It was effective and compelling. I hadn't heard of the real case this had been based on or the book this adapts. But I am aware of the LDS faith and the splintering; including the offshoot of polygamy, but not where it came from. I ended up being as interested in that aspect as the murder investigation.

Stand-out acting as well. Another pleasant surprise.
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Andrew Garfield is terrific here!
Supermanfan-1317 June 2022
Under the Banner of Heaven was so much better than I expected. This series has been nominated for tons of awards and deservingly so, especially Andrew Garfield. He leads a star studded cast who all do an outstanding job. It's based off a true story as detective Jeb Prye (Garfield) investigates the murder of Brenda Wright Lafferty (Daisy Edgar-Jones) and her baby girl in Salt Lake City, Utah. He uncovers buried truths about the Mormon religion and the violent consequences to keep those secrets. What he uncovers shakes his own faith. It's definitely a tough watch but a must watch for any true crime fans.
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Rob133130 September 2022
Under the Banner of Heaven was a very well made series. As most people here have already pointed out Andrew Garfield is absolutely brilliant here. He's such a good actor in just about everything he's ever down and has been nominated for major awards throughout his career but he definitely deserved the Emmy nomination he got for his role in this. Garfield isn't the only one to shine in this though, almost the entire cast is terrific and is the reason why this show is so highly rated. Sam Worthington, Daisy Edgar-Jones, Wyatt Russell, Billy Howe and Gil Birmingham all deserving of recognition for their job in this. The writing and acting for this show is fantastic and I binged through the entire season in just a few days.
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Superb. Gripping. Worth It
milts-221331 September 2022
What an amazing show. Whilst I agree with all the other reviews stating Andrew Garfield being superb you can't forget the rest of the cast, they are all fantastic and make this show a definite must see. It is infuriating at times that there are actually people out there like this but that makes it even more gripping and keeps you hooked. If you're a fan of crime dramas/thrillers and/or love shows that you can binge in a few days and not worry about if they're going to drag as many seasons as possible out of it then this is for you. Well worth 7 hours of your time. Know some reviews have said it's a slow burner (I disagree)
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skpn1235 May 2022
Andrew Garfield is such a nice surprise in this series demonstrating a depth and range I didn't know he had - he was totally believable as a complex, conflicted Mormon detective.

Daisy Edgar-Jones was another strong performer among an almost flawless cast as an enigmatic woman trying to combine her faith and her ambition in a world that has stood still but now is trying to propel backwards. A progressive woman is not welcome or valued.

This plot is intricate and emerging so if you don't appreciate a slow build and want something simplistic, don't watch and certainly don't review. Every episode gets better as we are immersed more deeply in a world digging backwards to a dark history.
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It's a rare tv show.
marveller-6629 April 2022
Never seen anything that's so religious like Mormons and LDS. It kept me interested with Andrew's typical amazing acting and the mystery surrounding Daisy's character Brenda. And I also like the intriguing atmosphere. The entire story kinda feels like it's revolving around something small but it keeps getting more intense. There wasn't any major twists but the execution of the story, direction, visuals, music and cinematography deserves huge praise. I think people who are into religious stuffs will appreciate this even more. Anyways, this is a well-made show. And Andrew got an Emmy nomination!! Well deserved! 7.5/10.
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The Book Was Great, This Is Even Better.
Siebert_Tenseven11 June 2022
I enjoyed Jon Krakauer's book quite a bit. It's written in the third person, so I was intrigued by the inclusion of Jeb Pyre, the Mormon detective who uncovers the truth of the murders. He is not a real person and did not appear in Jon Krakauer's book.

The adaptation of this book is stunning because it introduces the struggles of a man of Mormon faith coming to terms with the murder inflicted by other believers in his community. Andrew Garfield embodies the role very deeply and the viewer gets the impression that he is torn apart and thoroughly tested in his faith. Garfield's role is a first rate acting assignment.
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I'm Mormon, and this was good!...with exceptions
brookelaurispeakman7 July 2022
Let me start off by saying I'm an active Mormon and I rated this a 7 so no, *all* Mormons aren't giving this the lowest rating.

I was raised in "the Church" and still attend, although I've never been die-hard religious so maybe that's why I can view this show at least somewhat objectively. I also lived in the Utah Valley for over a decade so I definitely got the full "Mormon experience" 😂

First off, let me start by saying that I've talked to a LOT of Mormons and at least in my experience, NO Mormon actually talks like they do in the show. I actually laughed out loud several times when they kept quoting scriptures or prophets or said "Heavenly Father" in almost every sentence. Lol. No. I get that this is a dramatization but oh my, it was so cheesy.

Also the portrayal of Brigham Young was a little bit of an eye roll. He was kind of a weird dude for sure and made some questionable decisions (as every human does btw) but making him out to be this scheming villain (again, for dramatic effect I'm sure) was a little over the top.

Overall the cinematography was great, the acting was phenomenal, and the story was shocking and engaging, although it was told a little too slowly. Bottom line, really good, interesting show with a few flaws.

Anyway, definitely worth a watch, and if you're Mormon and considering watching it, just relax, enjoy it for what it is, and maybe learn something. "Fundamentalism/FLDS" is obviously an extreme offshoot of mainstream Mormonism and most people know that, if they're not ignorant. Also, every single religion has done some pretty messed up stuff and justified it in the name of a higher being. I'm not saying it's okay because it isn't, but churches are run by humans and again, humans are flawed. Doesn't mean your whole life is a lie and God isn't real.
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Sure it's sensationalized, but it's accurate as well.
terrillmelville30 May 2022
I served a 2 year mission and married in the Temple before I ever knew Joseph Smith had more than one wife. I give this as an example of the lack or honesty and transparency within the Mormon church. I've read the book twice, which I prefer to the series. I find the book more accurate and more convincing than the series. But what the series does so masterfully is show the intense faith in members and how that faith is born of a mythical history and how the members actively and subconsciously guard against anything that causes doubt (just read the 1 star comments and you'll see what I mean). Garfield does an amazing job showing the progression of his faith crisis. I've really enjoyed it.
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Excellently Done!
schuerg19 May 2022
Top notch acting from everyone. Great script. I appreciate how got they portrayed both versions of the church. Extreme fundamentalism in any religion can be a dangerous thing.
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It's OK: Mormon Perspective vs. Secular
bradencn29 April 2022
I grew up a mainstream Mormon. I know the culture better than most. I've attended BYU, and have served a Mormon mission. I still attend church and appreciate the togetherness with my local church-going community. We bond. I do not currently live in Utah, but I HAVE lived in Utah.

That being said - I would probably be considered the "PIMO" Mormon - physically in, mentally out - in the sense I no longer adhere to the fact that we are the one true church, and this is for reasons very similar to what this show (and book) bring to light.

With this in mind: this show does not portray mainstream Mormons or fundamentalists Mormons properly. For those that are not Mormon, but are FRIENDS with Mormons, I know they would say the same thing. Mormons can be weird, me included, don't get me wrong, but the weird things you see in the show are not fully accurate to our "weirdness" today.

The show is accurate in that we constantly wonder and hope that we are doing things according to "Heavenly Father's will," but we don't communicate about it all the time as if we are some massive cult blindly doing just whatever people tell us to do. Mormons started off that way, and fundamentalists might be like that, but mainstream Mormons generally like to blend in with the crowd, and just be that: normal.

We can be kooky, perhaps, but some people, and especially the fundamentalists (Mormons that still live in polygamist colonies and the like), can perhaps portray us as being culty. However, it is not as intense as this show seems to indicate. The show makes us seem as if the Mormons are as much a cult as those that followed Warren Jeffs, or the Branch Davidians, which we simply aren't.

Now, watching this as a "PIMO" Mormon, the show is not my personal favorite just based on the story telling. The music is engaging, they keep it spooky, but they don't do the best job at connecting the dots and moving parts. It seems like it is slightly unorganized. Essentially, they leave me thinking TOO much, rather than guiding me along this story.

Worth the watch? Yea - it has me hooked right now. If it keeps going too heavy on the "kooky" side of Mormonism, though, I might have to step away simply because the story's fiction is not a depiction of the truth, which is what fictional stories should be.
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Worth watching
alanschulman16 May 2022
The series is very good. I read the very good book years ago and this adaptation is worth watching. Not sure I understand the reviews that say it's boring. Certainly not. It's actually quite absorbing.
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gerardmartin776 August 2022
It just goes on and on and on ! It could easily have been 5 or 6 episodes. Its a good story but i was nodding off towards the end. K. I. S. S should have been the order of the day.
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Should've been a movie
SeanLikeYouReadAbout18 July 2022
....or 2-4 episodes, maximum. The story of the true events is so interesting that it keeps just entertained enough through the 7 episodes, but frankly there is too much filler content and overly slow paced shots. Cut all that out and you'd have a really good 2-3 hr movie otherwise.

PS: ending was somehow both rushed and cut short, yet still insanely slow.
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The bad ratings seem to be from Mormons
SickJeezusIsSneezus28 April 2022
The church's history is dark and a lot of devout Mormons get really defensive when its brought up. Just like how the detective reacts to some of the testimony of the husband on mormon history. In the end, the shows great so far. This is an excellent series that will get backlash from Utah and devout Mormons trying to protect the church.
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Well written
surfingnaked15 May 2022
This is very well written and produced. Andrew Garfield is well cast. Just look at all the terrible tv out there this show is easy to watch and engaging.
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Worth a watch if not over long and drawn out
porcgi4 August 2022
Compelling story which could have be told in about 4 episodes. The flashbacks to early Mormonism whilst helpful for those with little prior knowledge only detracted from the main story which I was eager to get back to when they occurred. Good acting all round...but the fake beards are just so amateur...(minor point)...dragged in places, so much so that I'd switched off near the end....shame...!
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Pfffff these reviews suck
troydg847 May 2022
If you like the trailer you'll like the show. A few episodes in and it is gripping and intense. Very good. The religious angle adds intrigue if you have no bias.
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Laying it on thick
jwoodall-6618030 April 2022
Let's get one thing out of the way, I'm an inactive Mormon. I grew up in the church and I'm surrounded by it through my family and friends that are still active. Now that's out of the way, they lay the Mormon thing on REALLY thick. No one just quotes the leaders of the church or the scriptures. Especially in every day life, work, schooling, and conversation. It's not talked about on a daily basis or all the time. I get these people were fanatics and what they did was disgusting. Great. But it gets cheesy to someone who knows what mormons are like. If you're trying to get us to know that everyone in this story is LDS, except the out of state detective, Bravo. Mission accomplished. But from someone who has lived in it and continues to live around it, it gets corny the more you lay it on.

Edit: Another odd one. When Mormons meet, talk, or talk about Native Americans they don't call them "Lamanites". They call them by the tribe they belong to, "Native Americans", or "Indians", just like everyone else.

Other than that, it's good. I gave it a 7 because the I like the casting, and I would like to see how they tell this story.
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karinahatem3 September 2022
This was a nice surprise, I thought this is going to be another boring tv show about some religion nutter, but quite the opposite, this was surprisingly good. Great cast and great performance, specially from Andrew Garfield, whom I thought he can do such a job. Good script, dialogue, the way events were going, one can follow the story very well. Loved how the suspense kept building up by the end of each episodes.

Besides being a good drama show, it was also educational, and what I liked about it the most, that it did not attack the LDS church, rather showed when people become to fanatic, what they are capable of doing.
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The acting is good, the story and script is meh for me.
gokhan-erguven5 August 2022
I love crime-drama-mystery movies and series, and this mini series began promising. But as the episodes followed up, the series became kinda boring for me. It has too much religion/cult issues that it made it hard for me to follow. It's based on the book that is based on the real events and I'm not saying the story is bad, or the script - it's just TOO MUCH religion and cult for me. The final episode was good, though, and both Andrew Garfield and the rest of the cast are acting successfully. If you're not bored of extreme dozes of religion, you might like it.
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I love the show but...
jellsworth881 May 2022
You really need to either be a Mormon or ex Mormon to fully understand the show. Once you understand the culture you'll understand just how accurate it portrays Mormonism is the 80's and the extremist Mormons today. As an ex Mormon, this does trigger some PTSD from having grown up in a similar environment. I will clarify not all Mormons are like this, but unfortunately the extremists exist.

Andrew Garfield is perfect and so are the other actors in the series.
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Use the cutting room please
Reel11208 July 2022
Great cast, director, cinematography etc. Very intriguing story. Unfortunately, per usual with these streaming service limited series, they don't edit anything. This could have been done in 4 or 5 episodes, not 7. I had to power through to the end. Surprisingly, because this was the same director as Hell or High Water which I thought was very tightly done and moved at a fast clip.

All of the actors are superb, especially Garfield, Jones and Birmingham. It has a great period correct look. The story just gets muddled to the point you just want it to hurry up and reach a conclusion. Too many drawn out, pensive scenes that should have ended up on the cutting room floor.
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Did it have to move that slow!?
suroviana14 July 2022
Good story giving you an idea of another world. I love Andrew Garfield, the reason I watched the show. It was so damn slow! I tried to keep up but just couldn't.
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Review as a former Mormon
jrodhdog29 April 2022
I've done multiple deep dives into historical writings and books. Jon Krakauer's book is well reflected in the first two episodes released. From what I have found the book is accurate to an acceptable degree of what actually occurred in the Lafferty case, and the show appears to be on the same course. Please don't let the negative reviews of jumpy religious zealots deter you from an intricate true crime show, based on an intricate true crime book.
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