Dykhanie (2023) Poster


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the tale of the coronavirus or ventilators from underwater masks. Very strange , but at the same time quite sensual
yuracheburekov17 November 2023
Hello everyone I couldn't ignore the world's first film about the coronavirus, and that's why I watched it. My mother was ill with it 3 times, which had a very bad effect on her health. Yes, and I got sick once, I thought, with ordinary pneumonia, but they told me that it was probably a coronavirus. In general, this virus has not bypassed our family. And I decided to watch a movie. Especially since my mother works in medicine. It seems like the whole film is going fine, except for a few moments. This is propaganda for the treatment of coronavirus. That is, what they showed us on TV. We were told that the virus is very dangerous, and a person working in medicine says that this is all a complete fiction. But if it were fiction, they would not introduce mask regimes, there would be no quarantines, so many people would not die. I think all sensible people will agree with me here. Further, at the end, we observe how the doctor makes ventilators (artificial lung ventilation) out of underwater masks. Yes, that's exactly it. And the doctor understands that it is unsafe. But it's necessary to think of such a thing. Bottom line: I don't recommend the movie. Yes, this is some kind of emotional story , but it contains a lot of nonsense. Also propaganda. So why watch a movie that tells a lie ? Two and a half will do.
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Breathing: mediocre about coronavirus
romanrock-485689 August 2023
Breath is an average movie about medicine and a coronavirus. You won't find anything new in it. It will not surprise you in any way.

Let's go through all the points for an adequate assessment of the movie:

1) The plot - it is banal to the point of impossibility. There is no clear division into a plot, a climax and a denouement. The climax is simply absent. Yes, the story moves quite logically, in a measured way, but absolutely nothing hooks you. The slogan "It touched everyone" is not justified and does not suit the film, only the moment of the beginning of the pandemic is shown. I noticed only one emotional scene in the whole timeline, but it is rather the merit of the actors, not the screenwriter. There are also 2 branches of the plot in the movie, one of which makes almost no sense, and only slightly complements the main one. The only thing that is good is the logical ending and the smoothness of the narrative. That's why I give it 2 points.

2) The actors are probably one of the few good things about this movie. They are lively, the lines are well written, they are believable. They do not look cardboard in the frame and behave according to the role. Especially I would like to note Irina Gorbacheva and Galina Sazonova, they coped with their roles 100%. Especially Sazonova revived this movie, even if only for a little bit. I can't say anything about the protagonist, he's just an ordinary, bland character. Heroes are not revealed, the same Dmitry Pavlenko got a great role, but it was not developed in any way. This is certainly a drawback. For the occasionally successful cast only +1 point.

3) Visuals - the movie doesn't have any amazing camerawork, it's quite ordinary. The color palette is well chosen. The hospital ones are moderately dim, moderately bright. Overall, the movie is not dark. Action scenes are filmed quite well, the color correction in them is also not stressful, another 1 point in the piggy bank.

4) The finale - it is absolutely obvious in one line of narration and has no connection with the other line. There is no intrigue in it, everything could be guessed after the second third of the movie. Everything is faded and not particularly interesting. That's why only one point.

There is nothing to say about the music, personally I found the title song out of place. Otherwise it is also ordinary.

In conclusion, I can say that I would not recommend this picture to the common man. Yes, it may appeal to people who like doctor movies and so on. For the rest of us, there's just no point in watching it.

5 out of 10.
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Best Russian drama from the last one I watched.
anonim-7388319 July 2023
Like for playing the song "Breath" by Nautilus Pompilius👍 in the film and on the credits

"Breathing" is a great Russian drama about one famous event that took place in 2020. And this event is the coronavirus pandemic.

I want to praise this film for: a great plot, great dialogue, great actors, great acting, excellent cinematography and direction, great music, and much, much more.

I didn't notice any cons in this film!

And now briefly about my impressions: The film is an emotional roller coaster, and you laugh and worry about the characters, and for the first time in 6 months I even shed a tear on the film.

The tape captures and keeps you in suspense from the first minutes and does not let go until the end. From this, the 99-minute running time passes quickly and imperceptibly!

Again, the film was interesting and emotional, as well as a little heavy, but on the contrary, it is good for him.

In general, I repeat that "Breathing" is the best Russian drama from the last one I watched.

I think that this film can be watched at home, but in the cinema it will look more emotional.

My rating is 10 out of 10 and I recommend going to the cinema to see this film.
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