Mad Max (Video Game 2015) Poster

(2015 Video Game)

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The road warrior beckons
sharkattack197815 September 2015
Now if like me, you love the Mad Max movie franchise, this will obviously peak your interest. So many years, the franchise of movie based games has been very poor and fallen on hard times. RAMBO the video game could have been SO much better, so you can be forgiven for thinking that this Mad Max game will be lacklustre. However you would be VERY wrong. Avalanche Studios and Warner Bros have crafted a great game and i say this after playing this game NON-STOP for a whole week. My family lost me for a long while because this game is involving. I became addicted to it for that whole week. Literally the whole week. I myself LOVE Mad Max (both the franchise and the game) The game brings everything we love about the Mad Max films and ramps it up like they did with Fury Road. This game is set after Fury Road where Max is brought in by the warring factions to rid themselves of a tyrant called Lord Scrotus (no seriously that is his name) after Max's beloved car the Interceptor is stolen and Max is left for dead. From here he meets Chumbucket (again, that is his name) who is a real whizz with mechanics and cars (and he helps you supe up your new car, the Magnum Opus.

For here on, YOU do what you want. Want to supe up the car first, find and smash up any convoys or rampaging Warboys so steal their scrap and use it for your own personal use to make you machine almost unstoppable. Everything is available to upgrade from tires, to exhausts, to spikes. As well as some particularly fun vehicular manslaughter, there is a chance to get out of your car and busts some heads, jaws, arms etc in the marked camps where something or someone nasty is always lurking and waiting to bust your head open if you aren't fast enough. Once you get the hang of the block system (the combat system is pretty much like Batman Arkham Knight and that's not a bad thing) you can really go to town on these rabbles and their top dog which awards you with their colour of your car. Although some colours look absolutely hideous, Also you can upgrade yourself to become the bad-ass of the game. The Wastelands open world is VAST, there is so much to do. From Death Races (yes it is what you think) to defuse minefields with your trusty dog Dinky Di which help lower the threat level of the territory ( and lower theses and you got the best rewards) The game itself is comprised of wasteland missions (which are side missions) and the main story that is unfortunately not that long. My advice would be to do the wasteland missions first, smash a few convoys and then finish the story, that way you get some great upgrades before the finale (which you will need) The whole experience was fun, intense and sometimes heart-wrenching. There was only one level that seriously infuriated me and that was the race with Stank Gum who cheats at every opportunity by sending his cronies to stop you at every available opportunity (bu ramming you, throwing thundersticks and even boiling oil as well as handing bombs.

This game has everything: Brutal hand to hand combat that is satisfying. Vehicular manslaughter which again is satisfying when you get rammed off the road the first couple of times. Ah, revenge is sweet. An involving story and some heartache and a game you'll want to play again just to finish all the camps, enhance the strongholds (which give great rewards), get the convoys and defuse the minefields, then the world is yours to do as you please, for scenic drives around the wasteland or lie in wait of a rampaging Warboy/war-boys to smash to smithereens.

All in all, i recommend this 100% to anyone who loves the Mad max movies because this is a blast and fun to play. The only reason i never gave this a five star is because the story itself was short.

I for one, would LOVE to see a sequel to this game.
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Don't expect too much, then you'll be surprised!
SirDuke6662 November 2017
I'd like to keep it short...

This good piece of work is VERY underestimated!

This game was giving me about 100 hours of good gaming time. The graphics are up-to-date (about 2015/2016). It's easy to understand, the game mechanic easy to learn. And I like the kind of storytelling (it fits quite well into Mad Max lore).

And most important; It's just fun to play!

So I think, it became a low-price title with a decent good content. You'll get a lot of fun, for just a few dollar.
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Dreadful stank gum race...
mondar-5911122 March 2019
Person responsible for stank gum race should not work in game industry... rest of the game was good.
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Mad Max Review
Moviememmer1 November 2019
  • Great "Batman style" combat
  • Inventive car combat
  • Great graphics
  • Amazing sandstorm effects
  • Good survival elements
  • Good customisation

  • Forgettable story & characters
  • Generic open world structure
  • Repetitive main and side missions

Verdict: Despite a Generic game structure and a poor story, this is still a fun game with some addictive combat and good customisation which keeps you playing.

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Best Movie to Video-Game Adaptation Ever
WasiReviews3 August 2020
This game shocked me by how good it is, you can customize your ride clear encampments scout out areas drive around kill people. You can drink water and collect it which I found really cool (most games don't let you do that). Even the combat is great. Don't even get me started on the visuals the sudden nuclear sandstorms the creepy underground slave stuff going on in the background man this game surprised me. This is the most underrated open-world game I have ever played.
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Can an ending ruin a game?
sethdecker22 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have been excited for this game for a while. It's actually a big reason behind my PS4 purchase (besides Arkham Knight and Kingdom Hearts III), so I want antsy to get home and pop this bad boy into the disco drive.


Gameplay - This game isn't fluid at first by any means, but I called upon previous gaming experience to adapt quickly. Seeing as the game is about adaption, perhaps that was the intended plan. Burnout III was all I needed to recall to get the hang of "Offensive Driving Maneuvers" in vehicle combat. The Batman gaming franchise had trained me well for the fighting (it uses the same engine), but it didn't prepare me for the brutality. Coming from batman games, I was use to bone snapping, but careful consideration for human life. Max says "F*ck human life" and eviscerates his adversaries. Grand theft auto has taught me not to become overwhelmed by large maps, the story will take you through all of it in time. The initial area you are dropped into is the same size as the desert in GTA V. And it's a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the map that you unlock.

Story- The initial first 2/3's of the game creep by slowly. Tons of driving, fighting, and exploding, but not much as far as exposition goes. Like most Mad Max stories, we're introduced to the world abruptly and forced to figure things out for ourselves. Once you've worked you way up to your first car and stronghold though, the story dries out like the desert you're surviving. I had explored half the map and done most of the side missions for the first two strongholds before I even ventured near Gastown. However, I was glad I did, because the northern half of the map is unforgiving and relentless. Once there, the story picks back up and doesn't let up til the very end. At first I thought maybe the game maker didn't have enough plot so they spread it thin, but then i realized; this game wouldn't be nearly as fulfilling if you didn't have to brave the wasteland, walk for miles to find gas or shelter when you didn't plan well and run out, or die fighting your way into an enemy camp. By the time you come the final acts of the game, you feel like a weathered warrior.


Gameplay - In game mission markers are not well done. Sometimes the activate, sometimes they don't, sometimes they move and don't tell you. The map system can be a joke at times; good luck looking for mission markers the size of pencil erasers on a map the size of Pennsylvania. There's no way to jump to current mission markers, it's just a hunt and peck type mapping system that can drive you crazy. There are some sound issues as well, one I had happen pretty often was the dropping of certain sound layers. Sometimes the music would drop out, sometimes it was just the car sound effects that would mute. Chumbucket (faithful companion and mechanic) has little quips in game that sometimes wouldn't activate, and then would all catch up and be spoken in succession. Maybe that was just me, but it happened enough for me to learn to quit the game and restart to fix it.

Story - My only real issues with the story were at the end. The characters would tend to be a little flat and stereotypical of dystopian settings, but I could look past that. Opportunities for good exposition into Max were glossed over, replaced with bipolar helpfulness-to-gruffness transitions without rhyme or reason. I could even look past that, but the real kicker for me was the ending. SPOILER: You beat Scrotus with two thunderpoon hits. That's it. By the time you've brawled your way through thousands of war boys and bosses, the final boss is defeated with two measly hits. You don't even get to punch him. Maybe it's because I was raised on increasingly difficult arcade bosses that glowed red with a good hit, but I was expecting more. Maybe they wanted you to feel hollow in your revenge victory to really pull you into the emotion of the game. If that's the case, they failed on my part. I spent the next 5 minutes into the credits going "is that really it?" over and over in disbelief to my TV. I need harder bosses.

All in all, I was satisfied with this game. There is lots to be learned and improved on, but that just means further installments will be that much sweeter!
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This one is an entertainer
kghosh138 January 2018
This one was never made to become a classic. This one was made to entertain. And it does not disappoint.

The only objective in the game is to strengthen and improve Max's car Magnum Opus. This may sound uninteresting, but trust me after the first few hours it would become your obsession.

The graphics are sleek. Looks quite stunning in PS4 versions. But the best part is the game play. It is fun and the fist fights dont become boring even after hours and hours of gameplay. There is option for Max to learn new skills as you progress and when Max is in a rage you really really feel the adrenaline rush.

The driving is perhaps the best part of the game. The car mechanics are admirable.

Overall this game shall not disappoint you. In my opinion this one went quite underestimated. It had the potential to do far far better.
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Embraces the spirit of the films to great effect
those_who_dig20 February 2017
I don't think many people like the 'Mad Max' films for their plot. They tend to like them because of the apocalyptic theme, the brutal aesthetics, quirky characters and high-speed chases. You should be pleased to hear that the 'Mad Max' game has all those qualities in abundance. Whilst the theme of 'Mad Max' may closely resemble the slightly older apocalyptic game 'RAGE', I found it to resemble some of the 'Red Faction' games more closely than anything else. Like 'Red Faction: Guerrilla', it has a fairly interactive (i.e. destroyable!) environment, there's a huge quantity of activities scattered across the map, and the story is typically advanced by returning to a quest-giver and completing an action-packed recon/destroy/retrieve mission. Completionists or perfectionists may complain of a certain amount of monotony after a while, but I never found it dull. I'd recommend it to anyone who particularly enjoys games about the apocalypse, games involving lots of driving, and games which allows lots of destruction.
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Mad Max 2.0
mmuggi10 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Mad Max is a 2015 game that was released at the same time as the amazing movie Mad Max: Fury Road. However, there is no direct connection between them, although there are some coincidences anyway. Coincidences such as the appearance of some enemies, but there is also plenty of coincidence for the original Mad Max movies, including especially Mad Max 2, but also Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome.

The combat system, both in car and hand-to-hand, is quite competent, and the lighting is really beautiful and alluring far down the road.

Max is by definition a very static character. There is not much development in him, which is why he is hard to follow in this game format. Because he does not develop. Many of the boss fights are repetitive, and Max's movement mechanics are very clumsy and stiff when just moving around.

The side missions are fine, but basically useless, and the gameplay is generally very monotonous.
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This game WAS AWESOME!
mc_texican27 June 2021
This game was AWESOME! The world was bleek and believable. The vehicles were fun to drive and easy to control. The graphics were awesome for the time and the car combat was epic!

The personal combat system was really easy and brutal.

I did not like the boss system for the big camps however. Each boss looked identical. (Though splatted with different colors that you unlock upon their defeat.) It was abandoned shortly after release and had no dlc unfortunately...WORTH A BUY!!
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Enter Max's world and become the road warrior!
Aaron137522 November 2016
I got this game not sure what to expect as it was a game based on a movie and those usually turn out rather poor. However, I have always wanted to play a video game where I was Mad Max so I decided to give it a shot. Seeing as how I would always try to recreate his character in other games like, Fallout 3, I figured why not play the game where you are him and that features vehicles. In Fallout 3, you can get the character close to looking like Max, but there are no cool cars. Well, I played through this game and have to say I rather enjoyed it, more than I was expecting considering all the harsh criticisms I had heard about it. Not perfect, by any means, but the game does what I wanted it to and that is place the gamer into Max's world of chaos and anarchy. It is also a very lengthy world as it took me a long time to get through this one, but if you're not trying to complete all the tasks as you are going and only do story objectives it can probably be done somewhat quickly. The game could use a few more things to do considering the size of the world, but still offers a good number of things to do. You can drive around, raid enemy fortresses and scavenge for scrap to create the ultimate car for the wasteland!

The story has Max, losing his car and his shotgun right from the get go and fighting a hulking man named Lord Scrotus. Max soon finds himself in the middle of nowhere with no car and no water, but soon finds a man named Chum who tells Max that Max is the man to drive a car that he wishes to craft...the Magnum Opus. So Max drives this man's buggy to his hideout and soon goes on the search for a body for this new vehicle; however, Chum can only get his hands on a V6 engine and Max needs a V8 to cross the plains of silence so Max must find his way through the wasteland controlled by Lord Scrotus and various other factions, befriend camps of people not quite as crazy as the wandering gangs or the war boys and make his way to Gastown to complete his vehicle all while making a name for himself in the wastelands.

The game play is rather fun as you have hand to hand combat which was fun and consisted of countering, using knives and blasting away with Max's shotgun. Then there is driving where you can simply try to outrun the enemy or ploy right through them! The driving was good for the most part, as through most of the game you are in the middle of the wasteland; however, the Gastown race which is near the end was a very frustrating affair as you are placed in a race with horrendous corners and turns and that section of the game is the only one that had me cursing up a storm! Other than that section the driving was not too bad. Another minor complaint is the fact they were a bit to generous with the water and gas. When you first take control of Max, finding water and shells was difficult and made it more interesting as you would hold back using your gun or try not to use to much water. Instead of this being the norm, once you build up the ally camps, you get all the water and shells you need and gas too! Just made the game a bit less challenging. Still, overall it was fun just driving through the wasteland and ramming enemies who were parked alongside the road!

So, yes, I found this game to be quite fun and entertaining. I thought the ending was a bit of a downer as Max usually rights wrongs before driving off alone and into the nothingness, but for the most part the game got the tones of the movie right. I would have liked to have heard the theme from Road Warrior play though as that would have been cool and maybe an enemy or ally from the films would have been cool too. Perhaps a base run by Lord Humongous? For a game based on a movie though they did a great job of crafting a huge world where you could explore and make the wasteland your playground of blood chaos and sorrow!
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spiff-1217 July 2018
What's his motivation? He wants a big engine for his car. Apparently all full sized pick-ups fell into a black hole or something. Weak. The story is awful. The game is massively grindy, the bases are confusing and the bosses aren't all that hard. What is the point of having most of the better 'Archangels' right at the end of the game!? If I'm a stone's throw away from the end, why would I grind 'Pink Eye' rep down to zero and spend 16 thousand scrap to build a few template cars that I would only really ever use in a handful of races!? It's pointless. Though there can be all different modifications of the same car, there really only is one version that truly makes sense going into the late game. What else? The driving is janky and tends to over or under steer. Good points? The world is large. None of that 'Rage' limited driving. The voice acting is pretty good. Combat is flashy and fun until it gets tired and you've seen everything Max can do. I enjoyed the enigmatic 'Griffa' encounters.
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Very Good
tascagan26 July 2018
Mix of a fine story,good driving mechanics and customizing.I really suggest you the game.
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A Great Game based on the excellent Mad Max Films. The Gas Town Race level is AMAZING!!
robertandrews-445567 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
As a huge Mad Max fan, I was very excited when this was announced all the way back in 2013. When the release date came around finally in 2015 (not long after the release of Mad Max: Fury Road), I couldn't stop playing for days!

The world design in the game is exactly what you would want in a Mad Max game. A leak post-apocalyptic desert with souped up flaming cars speeding about. Mutated savages, War Boys....the works. The whole concept of building your very own post-apocalyptic car (the "Magnum Opus") out of junk and parts was something that took me hours to get the hang of, but it is so rewarding when your vehicle is finally complete and is able to handle the threats of the Wasteland better.

The graphics are beautiful, and the cutscenes engaging. My favourite part of the whole game is the car race in Gas Town. The whole atmosphere is fantastic, and it is really a unique feel. Just the thought of a bunch of survivors in a post-apocalyptic world having a crazy deadly race at this huge flaming oil refinery like a psychotic version of a demolition derby is something that really pulls you into the Mad Max world. In fact, I really hope George Miller takes notes of these Gas Town races in the video game so he can perhaps make up something similar for Mad Max 5 when it finally goes into production.

The storyline of the game , however, is quite thin and is the only reason I have not rated the game a 10. Max's famous V8 Pursuit Special Interceptor is stolen and stripped by a gang of War Boys led by the main villain, Scaborus Scrotus. Max meets up with a mutant deformed mechanic named "Chumbucket" who tells Max that together, they can soon build a vehicle which will be just as powerful and fast as the Interceptor. It is called the Magnum Opus. To make it complete, however, Max knows that he must win the Big Chief V8 engine from a vile character called "Stank Gum", the current champion of the Gas Town races who wears masks made from human skin of his victims (much like Leatherface).

Late in the game, Max meets with a concubine named Hope, and her daughter, Glory. Romantic sparks are hinted at, but when Max fails to pursue these feelings, Hope and Glory are murdered by Scrotus. Much like in the first film, where Max goes insane due to the death of his wife and infant son, he goes "mad" again after the deaths of Hope and Glory and pursues Scrotus across the Wasteland for his final revenge. He is victorious, Chumbucket dies protecting the Magnum Opus, and Max gets his V8 Interceptor back before driving off in the Wasteland alone once again.

Now, though the story of the game is quite thin, I really did enjoy certain aspects of it. For example, I loved how they decided to give Max a love interest of sorts, because in the movies, he has never really had a love interest again after his wife's death in the first movie. It was interesting seeing Max's attitude with Hope and her daughter. But, of course that tragically comes to an end. I also liked how the plot revolved around Max on a quest to retrieve the Big Chief V8 for the Magnum Opus. I would really love to see a Mad Max film where he solely tries to help out himself, as opposed to helping strangers like he does in all the films. It really does build his character into a lone "road warrior". And through all of this, he is still not heartless, and tries to help others (Jeet, Gutgash, Pink Eye, and Deep Friah)--his obvious former intentions of a highway cop coming out onto the surface.

A couple things I could not understand within the story, however, was just a couple of minor details that contradict the films. The first being, that in the opening scene and through an old photograph, it would have one believe that Max once had a wife and a daughter who looked about 10-years-old. I really don't get that option. In the original film, Max and his wife had an infant SON named Sprog, not a daughter. And of course there are a few references to the biker gang who killed Max's family. Throughout the game, Max finds photographs and other items relating to Harley Davidson motorbikes. This is likely an obvious reference to Toecutter's gang from the original film (the ones who made Max "Mad" to begin with). In one mission, Max has to collect a vehicle with the skeletal remains of a biker (perhaps even Toecutter himself) war lord mounted at the back. Upon adding that vehicle to the vehicle collection in the garage, a quote comes up which Max is thinking, "I hope this does not haunt my dreams". These are obvious nods to the original film, but one nitpick is that Toecutter's gang in the original rode Kawasaki 900's and not Harley's. But this is not important, and the bikes may not even be a reference at all. Plus, I know that this game has been marked as non-canonical.

Overall, Mad Max: The Video Game is an excellent experience and should please any Mad Max fan or post-apocalyptic, vehicular combat fan alike.

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One of the best
shane-adkins87-778-88204129 September 2019
If you are like me and grew up in the 80's then you will appreciate this game. Nostalgia at its finest! My kids love this game and the movies. I look for way to more Max Rockatansky!
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Perfect except for the races that I don't think anyone would have needed.
knightchris66628 February 2020
The game is almost perfect for me, but the one negative point goes to the car races. But maybe it's because I basically don't like any. Otherwise great game.
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Great game, highly underrated
85122229 April 2018
Greetings from Lithuania.

"Mad Max" (2015) is a great game. It starts to be repetitive that is for sure, but never for a minute did i lost my interest in playing it, and i beated it all and did all side missions and etc.

I highly enjoyed the world itself. Its bleak, hopeless and the ending was - well, lets just say in a spirit of Mad Max. Graphics were very solid as well as game play mechanics (controls, fighting, driving and etc).

Overall, i highly enjoyed "Mad Max". It has great open world, yet with repetitive activities but involving story and concept. Great game all in all.
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The game is far from perfect, but it is not at all a bad experience.
edgarsbautra1 April 2024
Overall rating: 7/10 As a person who enjoyed the Mad Max movies, I have to say that this is a pretty well made game based of off the movies. The game is far from perfect, but it is not at all a bad experience.

  • The wasteland map is pretty well done - every scrotus camp, scavenging location and even region mostly feels unique so that you can easily tell a difference that you are somewhere else.

  • The story is... okay, I would say. The pacing seems a little bit off and the way that Max acts/speaks during cutscenes seems comical to me.

  • Car combat is one of the best parts of this game. There are a bunch of different ways that you can approach attacking enemies with your car. Though as the game went on, I just stuck with using the thunderpoons to blow up the cars as it was easier and faster.

  • Hand-to-hand combat is decent but it just felt a bit off sometimes. The controls felt inconsistent at times, for example, while fighting someone, you can do a certain move on them which is also indicated with a prompt above that enemy and when trying to use that move with the shown key, it either didn't want to do the attack or was very delayed so I had to spam the key until I got the attack to go through (even with the spamming, the moves did not go off some times).

  • The Top Dog boss fights were just copy-pasted as the enemies had no difference except for their look. They were interesting but not as exciting as they could have been.

  • Some tasks that you could do around the world felt a little bit pointles, for example, dragging out a car wreck from the sand as it just gave you such a small ammount of scrap. Same goes for the scavenging locations - they just feel like they dont give you enough to go to them and the rewards don't scale. For the last car upgrades, the 20-60 scrap for one location compared to a 2000 or 4000 scrap upgrade seems like nothing.

  • I also encountered a few bugs that broke my emersion while playing. One of them was that some pop-ups were not showing anymore, for example, for completing a scavenging location or lowering threat in a region. I could not figure out what was the cause for this to avoid it. A few times I also had the sound breaking where some of the sounds just did not play. For example, hitting sounds did not play but the grunting or yelling from enemies played. These bugs were fixable by going to main menu and going back in game.

All in all it's a nice game, that is flawed but good at the same time, to play through once as it has very little replayability. But I have to say that it succeeded at making you feel like you're in the Mad Max movie post-apocalyptic world.
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This game is crazy and its perfect
lucasfellows6 April 2024
If you like the mad max movies or just fury road you should at least try this game! The story gets crazy and sometimes less interesting but the gameplay is the most fun ive ever had playing a game! The explosions look so deadly but they really aren't because they are so common. The car combat becomes so easy and fun once you get the hang of it and people like to compare the hand to hand combat to the arkham games, which it was definitely inspired by yet i like it more, its more realistic and brutal and max can enter fury mode where he goes from quick punches and parries to big full force punches and will finish the combo by either drop kicking, or body slamming. The graphics stun me today (2024) with the sky looking so realistic with dense clouds and a colorful sunset, the sand (most of the map) looks so good and changes color slightly based on the time or place, out in the dunes the sun can make it look shiny yet other places it can look orange. This game is also extremely brutal as you can explode people and their body parts will go flying. And the cars are so realistic, not only how they drive but how they sound and feel. Each car has a different sound and feel to it, some feel so powerful even when you slightly tap the gas and some are just fun and or look really cool. I could go on for hours about how much of a great game this game really is, there is just so much to do, there are convoys you have to take out, camps to clear out, minefields, so so so many places to loot and more. Apparently the new furiosa movie might say something about the game as something in a earlier script said the game was canon. I honestly cant find a game where the love for it outweighs the hate so so so much, ive seen only a few bad reviews on ign and YouTube yet ive seen hundreds of good ones and im not even looking for the good ones anymore. If you even think of getting this game you seriously will not regret it as its always on sale and so so so fun, again the story wasnt going to win any awards but the gameplay should've or did!
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Bland writing, Bland narrative, Bland Plot, Bland Characters
seansjf6 February 2016
One little thing I am rating this game solely on it's story, writing, characters, narrative and pacing. If I were judging this on game play AND general writing then this would still only get a 6/10. Is it fun? yes, is it good? no. First the flaws. The writing is atrocious, There are so many immersion breaking points of dialogue, there is nothing of substance in this game. The characters are either bland or annoying, sometimes both. The plot was uninspired and contrived. The pacing was downright terrible, you go from beginning to end; there is no middle. Now for the good. I liked the history relics and how they hint at what came before. It also had a well done bittersweet ending. over all Mad Max is just another shallow AAA game. I would not even recommend it for it's game play. Do not buy it.
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mailgamingu7 April 2021
What tool designs the trigger for your shotgun as the circle button instead of your right trigger on your controller? The idiot WB developer. Its like moving your steering control on your vehicle to your turn signals and your glove compartment button is now your brake! Why? How void of common sense must you be to not even see how bad that decision was? And placing an insignia out of reach of your shotgun which is your only ranged weapon is so dumb too. Why do bad devs always want to mess things up that are fine the way they are? Its like they think they are going to show you how smart they are by doing it. Why not just spend that time on making the storyline better or something productive like that? He is an idea. Start selling your next game release for 5 dollars. Then raise the price every year afterwards? No? Why not? Sounds reasonable considering your button assignments.
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It's ok
jonathanjameskelly-8122613 August 2020
It's an enjoyable game that gets held back by a few glitches (ramming a car and it not taking damage, falling through the map, that kinda thing) and repetitive gameplay. But if you can get it for a low price I would recommend.
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Why make this stupid error?
mattkn859 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I can't believe what this movie could have been if they hadn't made the stupid mistakes as using naval tactics as sole battle tactics... While generaly the best starting point for a desert environment one critical adjustment has to be made; water doesn't whirl up and create hard to see through dust clouds.

In the first scene he could have easily gotten away by creating a distraction by whirling up sand once he hit the open space by driving zig-zag or in a circle. Once the attackers are disoriented either use this decoy to get away or snipe out the command vehicle.

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A racing game with terrible racing physics.
dsims371 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's an open world game so the driving is passable at best. Then come the mandatory racing sequences. The tutorials send you in the wrong direction, quests are super repetitive, the fighting is ghastly, and the racing is the worst. The game tries to play like taking over bases requires stealth and planning but as soon as you come within range of anything it automatically notices you. Don't waste your time.

Want to find settlements for scrap you don't need after the first half of the game? There's 1000 of them.

Want to complete a quest that kinda replicates the finale of the Road Warrior? It's just driving a slow truck alone and shooting the tires of 3-4 cars that can't really hurt you anyway.

Want to upgrade your car? Most of it will be done before you get close to the end of the story.

Want to be a badass wasteland warrior? You can't even keep a melee weapon when you get in a car.

Want to steal the villains cars and use them? They are all useless and don't drive nearly as well as yours...or for that matter they don't match the cars driven by the war boys before you stole them.

Garbage game.
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