The Good Place (TV Series 2016– ) Poster

(2016– )

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794 Reviews
Having just watched the series finaale
Broccolidwarf3 February 2020
I just popped in to tell you all:

The ending makes the journey worth while..... I promise :)
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A feel good show with a stronger message underneath
hfreexx27 October 2016
I love this show. It's a feel good comedy that's lighthearted and will make you laugh while still trying to get some good life lessons across. You also don't need to search to find the deeper meaning in the show, its made blatantly obvious, but its not heavy.

Kristen Bell is quirky and lovable in this, and the rest of the cast is an odd blend of characters that just mix so well together. The acting and writing is phenomenal and the production is bright and cheerful and pleasant to watch.

NBC is winning this season with new shows.

I definitely recommend it.
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Entertaining enough to drag me into binge-watching
roughacresrlmckee24 October 2016
I thought this would be boring, but watched the pilot... then the second episode... then the third... fourth... fifth... sixth... seventh... and came full-stop only because those are the only episodes I could watch now On Demand.

Smart, funny, and thoughtful, with diverse characters and a quirky premise. Fun to see Ted Danson in a comedy again, too.

Not the usual, run-of-the-mill comedy, but also not just an off-the-rail-whatever show. Always seems to be an ethical point made.

I especially like the "Welcome" movie. Wondering about MY score.

Hey, Janet?
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After Finale- Please Give This Show Whatever Award There Is
buke951 February 2020
Perfect. Just perfect. I appreciate that the series ended at the right time, and I can feel that it served its exact purpose. The whole cast/crew deserves a standing ovation. Every detail of this series is so meaningful, funny, sad, smart, emotional, all at the same time.

It was a unique and enlightening experience to watch this series. I can recommend it to anyone, with any kind of taste.
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Take it sleazy
Dracyan_TheRealOne31 January 2020
I know true perfection doesn't really exist and that every show has it's flaws, but with The Good Place I just can't think of what they would be.

The Good Place is a fantastic show that I will forever remember fondly and to anyone reading this I hope you give the show a chance and watch it through.

Take it sleazy.
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a cure for my grief
aerosmith5203 July 2020
Two moths ago I lost my wife.So many Grief I had ,So many tears. This show told me maybe she is in the good place now. After many years I will find her in the good place. Thank you. All the cast of the show. Thank you! The creator of the show.
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I'll miss this show
ankitak-643401 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After watching the last two final episodes of this series I've changed my rating from 8 to 10. Why? Because I loved the last two episodes - the simple and sweet ending they gave to this awesome show, with no twists whatsoever.

Gonna miss this show.

Well done all you guys associated with this show!
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the good place is when a tv show is changing the world for the better
ahmedgorshy23 October 2020
The good place is when a tv show is changing the world for the better. There are no longer a lot of this type of program on television, and this is a rational thing in the public domain, but an act that has become a bad place, or this is what I thought before I watched so good place. When I watch The Good Place, I do not watch it as an entertainment series. I am changing my life for the better, and the series has already succeeded in doing that. Thank you, The Good Place. Note The series contains the most relaxing nerve ending you will watch so don't forbid yourself to watch it
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bateman-834652 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Picture a wave. In the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. And it's there. And you can see it, you know what it is. It's a wave.

And then it crashes in the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while. You know it's one conception of death for Buddhists: the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be." -Chidi.
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Original, funny enough, and maybe with a hidden message...
Dr_Sagan20 September 2016
Just watched the double-episode pilot of "The Good Place" and I would say it's a "Good Comedy".

First of all the premise is original. Another newcomer of the season "Kevin Can Wait" is the epitome of family sitcoms. This is almost in every way new. Only downside: it would be more fitting for a movie than a (long-running?) series. At some point might seem repetitive or loose its initial spark.

Second, it seems like it has high production values, I mean a wide set and good visuals. All bright and cheerful.

The script holds a few surprises to keep you interested and the blunt editing from afterlife to life and back adds to the entertainment.

I like Kristen Bell as the main character. The part suits her. The otherwise great Ted Danson is OK in this one, but I think the writers have to improve his lines.

Overall: Because of its very distinct premise, some might love it, some might hate it. Personally I find it entertaining enough to continue watching.
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Funny, binge-worthy and clever (until s3)
RubyMouse3 October 2018
This is a wonderful shot (only 20 mins) of comedy that is clever enough to keep your brain functioning without being over taxing. I just wonder why - in the afterlife - there are no old people??

Sadly while I enjoyed the first 2 seasons, I can't get through season 3. It has become a dirge.
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Plot Twists Abound!
windsoflight2 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I only started watching it for Kristen Bell, but it quickly became my favorite TV show. I couldn't spoil this even if I wanted to. You really have to watch it for yourself. Every episode left me going, "Wait, what?! How can you stop it there??" and the final episode of the season literally made me scream "WHAT THE FORK?!" Ignore the reviews of anyone who hasn't seen every episode yet. Trust me when I say, you have no idea what you're watching until that last episode. Then, you'll likely have to re-watch it (like I am right now) to see it in a whole new light.

I LOVE plot twists. This show has the biggest one I've ever seen, and it's only the first season! Where do they go from here??
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Everything was great until.......Season 3
juhimittal-2308218 August 2019
This show made me laugh and think and introspect about moral philosophy more than anything. Even the silliest of scenes and dialogues raised some very philosophical questions. It wasn't 'laughing your stomach out' funny but yeah it was interesting and overall a fun watch. One could easily write a essay on the moral philosophy in the first two seasons. It made sense and it was fun to watch.

But from from season 3 onwards it became extremely dull and unintelligent , and it just completely stopped being funny. Season 3 was this endless chaos where I am not sure what the writers are trying to portray/ ask/ or even try to convey anymore.

The thing that made the show special for me was its ability to convey something meaningful but with a bit of humor. But it seems that the writers are just dragging along the story line now just for the sake of extending this show to a certain number of seasons.
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It really was a good place
AvidWatcher1011 February 2020
And now it's over but I won't forget it. There is nothing more I can say beyond what has been said. This show was unique and wonderful. I loved it. I loved it so very much. I will miss it. Thank you Michael Schur and everyone involved - you did a good thing.
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Great start, outstanding ending!
dudu-adao31 August 2020
There are very few tv shows/movies that I give 10 stars - and The Good Place is one of them.

The first season was great, I always thought the after life to be a great subject with endless possibilities, and they gave it a nice and smart idea, with good humour.

The 2nd and 3rd seasons werent amazing, but it was still worth watching. I really thought that the director had lost the way, because after the first plot twist what else could they show us, right? I had the impression the storyline was getting too "crazy". Well, I was wrong, it was all to lead where the writter wanted.

I read somewhere they had it planned from the beginning that the show would be 4 seasons and I finished watching - the last one was absolutely marvelous. The way they worked with all the "afterlife problems" that many people can think of but never give too much thoght to it - it was all explored in the series, and the ending was one of the best finales in TV history, superb. They gave every character a proper closure, leaving no loose ends.

The show is way way more than I expected at first sight, has deep philosophical reflections, awesome characters - their development as a (dead) person, and the way they finished it made it go to my masterpiece's list. A show that I'd recommend to anyone, any age.
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Imaginative and Fun
jakew50031 October 2016
Honestly, this show is fun. That's the bottom line for it. I have watched the first eight episodes so far, and it's not the funniest or most clever TV I have every watched, but it was fun to view. It's bright, has fun set pieces, and the characters are all great. Kristen Bell and Ted Danson both play their parts beautifully, and are a pleasure to watch perform. One of the most fun aspects of the show is slowly having the rules of "The Good Place" revealed to you as you watch. I hope this show isn't cancelled, because I would be sorely disappointed if I didn't get to keep learning how this world operates. If you haven't yet tried out "The Good Place" it is well worth a shot.
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Virtuously Sleazy!
geraldjaupi4 February 2020
One of the most inquisitive and exquisite shows ever made. So deep on so many levels but yet fascinatingly simple. Goodness, beauty, happiness, truth. Simply transcending.
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The Best Place
kathleenkyleceralde1 February 2020
The final season proved that this show really is a beautiful one (and one of the best shows ever on TV).

Final episode is just crazy. Couldn't think of any other better way to end the show. <3 <3 <3

Take it sleazy xx
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"Toughen up, Nerds," it's something different
jyu0130 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm only 4 episodes in, but it's already my favorite comedy on television right now.

The premise is that the characters are in some "Good place" afterlife, but it's not quite endless bliss--in fact, the show wants you to think about what that phrase really means--are you endlessly happy because you are with a bunch of other do-gooder people that make you feel inferior? Are you happy eating frozen yogurt everyday?

Or maybe, just maybe, endless bliss is a journey, kind of like life. Meanwhile, you're getting this while listening to snappy dialog and interesting and different characters. ("Toughen up, nerd" was one of Kristen Bell's lines from ep. 4.)

Seriously, this is not your average comedy.
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Adore this show
danapointmatch25 February 2024
This show is so sweet with a great message and the quirkiest of quirky characters. The world, the actors, the stories are everything I love about Television.

I'm sure I'm Not alone in wishing there were more episodes, seasons, and one liners.

Many, Danson, Kristen all shine and flourish in this setting which I recently saw on vacation on the universal tram tour.

I'm hoping all the creative people behind this get together in a new project or a spin off somehow.

Could we maybe get a Good Place movie this year? Please?

Who do I write to about that?

Thank you again for giving viewers a good place to go.
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Should have been a two season show
sanveer-4850017 March 2020
50 episodes was a bit too much for its premise. The first season is good, second season less good, third season is the worst, season 4 is just average.

If it had been 3 seasons of 10 episodes, it would have been one of the freshest TV shows ever. Too many stretched and unnecessary episodes. The writers were out of idea, to be honest!

I fail to understand how it even got an average of 8.2... This has been one of the most tiresome binge-watching experience for me.

Seasons 1 and 2 are still recommended though...
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A very special show with a very beautiful ending
doomedmac25 July 2021
The Good Place isn't the best comedy show, but it might be the most creative and thought-provoking. It's very special.
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What happened?
matthawkinsuk12 October 2018
Loved Season 1 and 2.

Season 3 changed all the characters and dumped them in a boring place. It is like watching a low budget sit-com. It has none of the interest and charm of the previous seasons.

I assume they changed writers or existing writers didn't get the deal they wanted and they just churned out some scripts to meet legal obligations.
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I Really Wanted to Like This
jason-hopwood21 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to love this because the premise is fun and I love Ted Danson as an actor. After season 1 the writing becomes so boring and formulaic.


Why did they keep up with same stuff over and over? I feel like every show needs an aspect of naughty and nice and in their effort to be The Good Place (e.g. heaven) everything is always nice. The characters and the plots aren't very compelling outside of the original narrative. The jokes started to become really stale fast.

I kept asking myself "why aren't you laughing?" and then I realized that despite how funny I wanted it to be it just wasn't.
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A Good Place for a Good Show
Narce28 September 2016
First off, I have loved Kristen Bell's work ever since the late, lamented Veronica Mars series. Like Buffy, she is the perky blonde who saves the world. And perhaps in this series, she will have to do the same - literally! The whole "look and feel" reminds me very much of Pushing Daisies - the saturated colours, the segues into absurdity, even the life-after-death motifs. And that's not a bad thing - Daisies was one of my top favourite shows.

Ted Danson gets to put aside some of the gravitas that he had to bring to CSI, and return to his successful comedic abilities a la Cheers.

I'm looking forward to seeing more.
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