
87 Reviews
Six Feet Under (2001–2005)
Party of Five Meets the Addams Family...
19 June 2001
I have to say that I have totally become addicted to this show after just watching the first three episodes. Rarely does a television show pull me in so quickly. I love every minute of the show when it is on and I actually dread the time when its hour of programming is up.

Who would have thought that a funeral parlor could have so much beauty in it? This show actually made me feel a little less afraid of death now that I can see first hand what really goes on in a funeral home.

The characters are fascinating to watch. They are each flawed in wonderful and thought-provoking ways. All the actors do an excellent job. I have no complaints about this series. I hope it has a VERY long run on HBO. I'm also glad that the show now follows Sex and the City. Now I don't have to sit through all of that terrible show Arliss to get to more of the good stuff. A+
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Cruel Intentions 2 (2000 Video)
Not as good as the original, but not awful
30 April 2001
The sequel to "Cruel Intentions" could have been a lot better if it had not beed titled "Cruel Intentions 2." The television show "Manchester Prep" looks like it must have been a decent show, but it should not have been edited together to make a film. Perhaps the best way to present these episodes would have been to release a video collection that had all the episodes (and maybe a couple of extra ones to end things more conclusively).

Turning these shows into a film sequel just confuses people and takes away from what's been done here. For one thing, there are numerous plot inaccuracies that turn up when comparing this movie to the first film. This movie robs Sebastain of his loveable vicious streak, which we saw in the fist movie. Also Sarah Michelle Gellar's performance as Katherine was certainly more menacing than this actress's work.

This movie lacked a lot in plot development. We saw a lot of things that just didn't add up. Why throw in a scene with Katherine trying to turn good when it will never evolve to anything by the film's end? Why quote lines directly from the first film and then reuse them in this "sequel" as if no one will notice? Why present a ditzy girl subplot that mirrors the Selma Blair subplot in the first movie? Looking at "Cruel Intentions 2," you can't help but wonder why this movie was made in the first place and what direction did it MEAN to take?
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great movie dealing with racism
23 April 2001
This is a wonderful movie from a time long ago. "Broken Blossoms" is a very sad and thought-provoking film that should be remembered for another 100 years to come. This movie deals with a lot of issues that are still important today. Racism, femininity, child abuse, religion, and more are all presented in this little film, and it is well worth taking a look at.

You may need to bring a box of tissues though. This movie has an ending that could make the toughest viewer shed a tear or two. A+
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The Comic Strip (1987–1988)
A wonder cartoon variety show...
21 April 2001
This is sadly a great cartoon show that has somehow been forgotten by the masses. This show contained four cartoon shows ("The Mini-Monsters," "Street Frogs," "Karate Kat," and "Tigersharks") that were mixed together in small segments during each episode.

My personal favorite was "The Mini-Monsters." This show had a bunch of monster kids attending summer camp. There were a little vampire, Frankenstein monster, werewolf, mummy, witch, invisible man, and many more. There were only two humans that went to camp at Camp Mini-Mon, and they often tried to show the monsters what it was like to be "normal." It was a really fun show, and the monsters were not at all threatening for kids to watch.

"Street Frogs" had a group of street smart frogs that loved to sing and record rap tunes. They had some real style as they made their music. They had some really hip tunes (it is too bad there may never be a soundtrack).

"Karate Kat" was a crime-fighting cartoon with "meow, baby." This was a really fun show with a lead who was literally a cool cat.

"Tigersharks" was a show about a race of humanoids that lived under water. I do not remember much about this particular show because it was my least favorite of the four.

I think that everyone who loves cartoons should try to look up these titles. Each cartoon is available on video in separate installments. Some are even still on amazon. I especially love the "Mini-Monsters" video collection.
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Count Duckula (1988–1993)
One of the best cartoons EVER...
21 April 2001
It would be a dream come true for me if "Count Duckula" was back on television again. This was one of the cartoons that I loved most in my childhood. I used to watch every episode of the show religiously. I especially loved the theme song. This is certainly a classic show.
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Erotic Survivor (2001 Video)
Very Funny Flick...For Fans of Raunchy Humor
19 April 2001
This is a film for fans of the CBS show "Survivor." This spoof is VERY funny and VERY sexy (but more funny than erotic I think). If you like dirty jokes, then you will love this movie. Only in a movie like this would contestants bring adult toys, whiskey, and cigarettes for their luxury items. Also, be prepared to see contestants cut their way through the island wilderness using an artificial penis, and more than one contestant who loves to walk around camp in the buff. This movie is a lot of fun, but be prepared for some serious sleaziness!
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Grosse Pointe (2000–2001)
Excellent TV Show!!! (A Must See)
19 February 2001
So far "Grosse Pointe" seems to be one of those yet undiscovered treasures on television today. This sitcom has it all--a beautiful and funny cast, clever writing, romance, and hilarious comedy. How could you go wrong by watching it?

I personally love the character named Hunter (the one you love to hate). She gives Karen on "Will & Grace" a run for her money as the biggest sitcom diva out there right now.

Dave and Marcy also make the show a lot of fun with their sweet-natured characters. I really enjoy the episodes that center around these two's star-crossed situation.

Do yourself a favor and check out the best kept secret on primetime television. This show often seems even better than the shows that it parodies. If you like "Dawson's Creek," "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," "Melrose Place," "90210," or "Felicity," then you will LOVE "Grosse Pointe."
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Valentine (2001)
Wonderful horror flick...
11 February 2001
I just saw "Valentine" and I have to say that it was the best slasher movie that I've seen in years. Unlike the recent trend of 90's horror flicks, this movie is more concerned with being eerie than it is with being self-mocking. For those out there that hated "Scream," there is not one reference to "the horror rules" in this movie (even though the old slasher movie rules do apply here).

This is the perfect blend of 80's and 90's horror. You get the style, cinematography, and good acting of 90's films and the stalking-slasher madness of an 80's flick. I guess the year 2001 is going to finally give horror fans the kind of movies they were longing for. This is definitely a move in the right direction.

Denise Richards stands out here as a fun character. You can tell she liked her role, and that makes her stand out. I loved her in this movie.
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Hannibal (2001)
More of a slasher movie than a thriller...
10 February 2001
I just saw "Hannibal" and I have to say that it is a mix between "Friday the 13th" and the sitcom "Frasier." For the first time we really get to meet Hannibal Lector (who was not really concentrated upon all that much in "Silence of the Lambs"). He is a fun character to watch. He's a snob, he's sadistic, and he uses a lot of one-liners (like a lot of 1980s slasher movies I can think of).

There are some cool death scenes and a lot of gore to see. But don't expect some deeply psychological thriller here. Turn your brain off and just enjoy the madness. If you try to analyze things too much you will ruin the movie for yourself. This movie is definitely less believable than "Silence of the Lambs."

I was happy to see Julianne Moore in the role of Clarice. She is great in this movie. Actually, I think she played the part even better than Jodie Foster did. It's too bad that this is not the kind of movie that could get Oscar attention. The movie itself doesn't have a whole lot to say. It is just a mindless slasher horror piece. If that sounds like your kind of movie, then you would surely like "Hannibal." If you are looking for something intense and haunting, go see "The Gift" instead.
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The Gift (2000)
Better than "The 6th Sense"
20 January 2001
"The Gift" was an excellent movie. Believe me, you won't regret seeing this film. The cast is excellent. I especially loved Katie Holmes's shocking role in the film--I never would have thought the shy little girl from Dawson's Creek would have evolved into such a sultry lady.

The movie is like "The 6th Sense" meets William Faulkner. There are a lot of zany Southern characters to watch in the movie (apparently there is no such thing as a "normal" person in the South as far as Hollywood is concerned). Anyone who is a fan of thrillers should enjoy this movie. There are a lot of scares, laughs, and disturbing ideas to chew on within this ambitious film. I was very pleased to have seen it on opening night at the local theater.

Here is a quick indication of how good the movie is: Seven friends and I went to see the movie last night. We are a very diverse group of people, but oddly enough we ALL liked this movie. It gave us a lot to talk about during the night. Do yourself a favor. Get a group of buddies together and go see this movie. You'll have a lot of fun and be brilliantly entertained.
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Great kids movie...
14 January 2001
I read the Bunnicula book series as a child, and loved it. As a childhood fan of horror (and especially vampires), this movie was right up my alley. It has vampires and all the lore that surround them, but without all the frightening stuff. Bunnicula, after all, does not drink blood, but vegetable juice. This is a lot of fun for folks of all ages. If you liked the books, then you will love this movie. I give it two thumbs up. A+
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Dracula 2000 (2000)
A weak vampire movie...could have been much better
14 January 2001
I really wish that the makers of Dracula 2000 had just made a modern day version of the Bram Stoker tale. It would have been interesting to see the classic story told from a year 2000 mind set...But as the movie stands, it isn't much.

The movie was corny and very 1980's in its style. There were simply one too many one-liners in the flick to take it as a serious horror movie. I really didn't enjoy the whole bible connection between Dracula and Jesus either. It all seemed really cheesy and far-fetched. I was happier with the way that Stoker explained all the vampire lore.

The only thing about the movie that made it bearable were the three very sexy female vampires who serve as Dracula's brides. If the movie had JUST been about these three outrageous ladies, then we might have had something worth watching. I was especially happy to see the singer Vitamin C in the film.

If Hollywood wants to make a good horror movie in the future, maybe it should rely less on comedy if it wants to be spooky and inventive. I really wanted to be scared by the movie, but all I got was disappointment--and the wish that I could turn back time and just wait until the movie came to video. C+
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A good interpretation of Naylor's novel...
14 December 2000
I read the novel in my college African-American literature class and loved it. When I saw the movie version, I was very happy with the way it was done. Jackee steals the movie with her presentation of Etta Mae. Oprah does a good job as well. This movie stayed really close to the plot of the story. If you want to read the book, but don't have the time, you could probably just watch this movie and pick up on everything that is crucial. A-
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The Best of the Howling series...
6 December 2000
I am not a huge fan of the Howling series, but this film is a lot of fun. The mystery element (of the "who's the werewolf" theme) was fascinating to watch. I wish that all of the Howling movies had been this interesting. This is a must see for all horror fans. A-
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Evil Toons (1992)
So bad that it is good...
5 December 2000
I am not a huge fan of Fred Olan Ray's movies, but I find this one actually quite entertaining--in a warped way. The acting is horrifyingly bad. The special effects are not much to be desired. The plot is non-existent...Yet I am strangely fascinated every time I watch this little video. It isn't even because there are so many naked girls randomly running around. There's something weirdly exotic about seeing cartoon characters killing real life people. This movie is like "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" meets "Slumber Party Massacre." This is a cult classic. B+
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Great movie for kids of all ages...
30 November 2000
This movie was a great Christmas flick. It did all the things that the old cartoon did, plus a lot more fun stuff. I was afraid that I wouldn't like the movie since Jim Carey was in it--I've been scared off from his movies since I saw that whole horrible "Ace Ventura" trash. Jim Carey or not, this movie was great. I loved the childhood Grinch and all the new focus on the WHO'S of WHOVILLE. Molly Shannon was great. I have no complaints about the movie. A+
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Great social commentary piece...
15 November 2000
My gay best friend and I watched this movie together recently. I found it to be quite a funny and touching film. It played on all the typical gay stereotypes, while also discrediting them. I found it to be highly enjoyable. There were some genuinely comic moments to be found here. Everyone (gay, straight, bi, or whatever) can get a pleasant laugh out of this movie. Don't miss out on it just because of its controversial subject matter. A+
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Very fun movie...
5 November 2000
Six friends and I went to see "Charlie's Angels" this weekend. I have to say that all of us loved it. In fact, everyone that left the theater seemed to really like it. It was everything that a person can want in a movie. It had laughs, action, beautiful women, and more. Men and women will like this movie in equal amounts (you don't see that often in a movie).

It is rare that we see a movie that shows women showing their sexuality so blatantly, and yet it also shows women in roles of total control and power. This is harmless fun for all.
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Don't waste your time. The first one was way better...
29 October 2000
"Blair Witch 2" just couldn't decide what kind of movie it was. Was it a slasher horror flick? Was it a psychological thriller? Was it supposed to be a serious look at the persecution of modern day witches and Goth kids? Maybe it was supposed to be all these things, and ended up being none of these things.

All we had here was a movie that tried to be clever, but didn't have very much to say. Horror fans will be greatly disappointed with this installment in the "Blair Witch" series. The first one was honestly creepy and cleverly done. This one just laid there like a bored hooker. It went on WAY too long and had only a few scares that consisted mostly of breaking windows.

We still didn't get a good look at the witch and we didn't even get a good look at the murders that took place during the film. All we get is a bunch of artsy footage that leaves us confused at best...and knowing in advance how the movie was going to end. In fact, the end was ruined by the sheer fact that we already knew what was going to happen.

The only character that made this movie even remotely worthwhile was Kim. She made a lasting impression with her portrayal of the resident "goth chick." The movie should have focused more on her character. Her sexy black look was the only really interesting thing in the movie. C-
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Sex and the City (1998–2004)
Great, honest, and funny show
20 October 2000
I absolutely love this show. Every episode is fascinating and thought-provoking. Carrie, Miranda, Sam, and Charlotte are all wonderful to watch. I learn so much about myself and humans in general by watching this show. Anyone who has not experienced "Sex and the City" MUST do so as soon as possible. This is the best show to come to television in a long time.
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Great cartoon to bring back the Scooby gang!
14 October 2000
I really liked this movie. It was nice to see the Scooby gang in a modern setting--a real shock to see them dressed in 90's fashion. I loved the new spin on the Daphne/Fred relationship. The sexual tension between those two has always been thick enough to cut with a knife! I am also glad that Scrappy did not appear in this movie, but I would have liked to learn what became of him.

This movie is kind of spooky, so I would not recommend it for really small children. It might scare them. This is great for adult and teen fans of the Scooby Doo show. A+
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Death Ship (1980)
A decent horror flick...for the most part
4 October 2000
This movie has a lot of 80's slasher cheese to it--I will freely admit that--but overall I think it is a pretty good movie. It is good enough to be added to any horror fans video library. The idea behind the movie is interesting. The whole haunted Nazi ship thing was really creepy (especially with the spooky ship used to make the flick). The cast did a pretty good job. The only thing that bothered me was the way that the initial ship collision was shown--no one bothered to explain how the 8 survivors got off their doomed ship or why a group spread out all over their ship would manage to get together on the lifeboat (and oddly they all seemed to know each other before the crash)! Maybe I shouldn't be so picky though. It isn't like I haven't seen cheesier horror flicks than this one in my life.

Watch "Death Ship" only if you are a die hard B-movie horror fan! It is worth a view.
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One good scene in the whole movie...
22 September 2000
This movie was so bad that it almost fooled me into thinking it was good. It is sure to be a campy classic in that regard. There are parts that are just plain cheesy. The plot is really unbelievable (even for a slasher flick). The ending has no logic at all.

There was one scene worth watching in the whole movie. The kidney heist urban legend take was really unnerving. It managed to be really gruesome and very frightening. That scene, which was toward the beginning, gave me the false impression that this was going to be a great sequel--all that followed turned that around.

I did like the character Vanessa (Eva Mendes is the actress' name I believe). She would have been a better character to focus attention on. Make the story about the sexy lesbian chick and you'd have something worth watching!!!
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Bring It On (2000)
A fun movie for young people...
18 September 2000
When I went to see "Bring It On" I wasn't expecting a lot. I thought it would be just another stupid teenie bopper flick (not that I don't enjoy those type of movies usually). What I saw was a subtle social commentary about social classes and racism. You'll have to see the movie to see what I'm talking about. This movie had a lot going on. It was an intellectual film that could also pass for a "valley girl" movie. I was strangely reminded of the 1980's when I saw this movie.

The most interesting thing was that the characters spoke like a combination of "Dawson's Creek" meets "Heathers." Simply put, very enjoyable one-liners for all.
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A fun slasher flick for lovers of B-movies only!
18 September 2000
I grew up on cheesy 80's slasher movies. That's why I have developed a thick skin when it comes to films. I can appreciate almost anything now that contains a few murders and some random nudity. (Believe me, I know how awful that sounds).

Cheerleader Camp is one of the movies that I loved best in my youth, and still enjoy to this day. It is one of those movies that doesn't expect you to think too much while you watch. It is simple eye candy.

I think it has a pretty good plot for a horror flick (with a very unexpected ending). It is also funny to see just how low former teen idol Leif Garrett could go (who would ever have pictured him a slasher flick like this one?). I think that the characters are all very likeable, and you actually pity them when they get picked off one by one.

Fans of B-movies HAVE to love this one!
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