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"Wherever I go, I'm gonna be better because of you. You'll be in my heart. I promise I'm going to be the man that you thought I could be. I promise. "
—Mon-El to Kara Danvers[src]

Mon-El is the former prince of Daxam, who crash-landed on Earth after escaping the ravaging of his home planet which was destroyed. Mon-El is also the son of the late king Lar Gand and the late queen Rhea, the ex-boyfriend of Kara Danvers and the separated husband of Imra Ardeen. While adjusting to living on his new homeworld, he began to use the false identity of Michael "Mike" Matthews, given to him by Kara.

When Mon-El was exposed to Earth's lead-filled atmosphere, he was forced to leave to find a habitable environment for his physiology, but entered a wormhole in the process. He arrived in the 31st century, where L-Corp cured him of his lead allergy.

Mon-El eventually married Imra and later worked with the worlds' governments to form the Legion, a team of superheroes that; followed in Supergirl's image and morals. Seven years later, Mon-El returned to the 21st century; with the Legion to help Supergirl battle the Worldkillers before returning to the 31st century.

In the new universe of Earth-Prime, Mon-El returned in 2021 to assist the Superfriends.


Original multiverse[]

Early life[]

Mon-El was born on the planet Daxam to his parents, King Lar Gand and Queen Rhea. He was raised as a prince to his people and spent most of his life indulging himself in all the benefits of his privileged position, becoming known by many as the "frat boy of the universe". Over the course of his royal life, Mon-El traveled to many different planets; among these was Maaldoria, a world from which his family regularly bought and sold slaves, though he did not personally agree with this practice, and Warworld, where he oversaw a battle featuring the powerful gladiator Draaga, during which the aforementioned was injured by a sword to the right leg.[1]

At some point, Mon-El took a girl to the Bismuth Mountains on Sedenach, presumably for romantic reasons. He has also had encounters with Fifth Dimensional beings, and grew to both dislike and distrust them, firmly believing the only way to deal with them is to kill them quickly.[2]

Daxam's destruction[]

Mon-El during Daxam's destruction

Mon-El looks on as Daxam is destroyed before his guard takes him to safety.

On the day of Daxam's destruction, Mon-El was in bed with a woman when his guard burst in to bring him to safety. As the planet collapsed around them, Mon-El was horrified to see his people dying, but could do nothing as the guard rushed him to a Kryptonian escape pod, killing a visiting Kryptonian delegate in the process. Mon-El was then sent away from Daxam, soon going into stasis. The pod traveled past the Well of Stars, a region in space where time is ceased, and got stuck there for decades. This kept Mon-El from aging and he remained there in suspended animation until the pod broke finally free. In May 2016, the pod found its way to the planet Earth, where it crash-landed on the outskirts of National City.

Mon-El in the pod

Mon-El is found by Supergirl.

Supergirl quickly discovered the pod, and she and J'onn J'onzz took Mon-El to the D.E.O. to run some tests. However, they discovered that he had skin that could not be penetrated by a needle and so Mon-El remained comatose. Because of the pod and his apparent invulnerability, both Supergirl and Superman believed him to be a fellow Kryptonian. In his coma, he began to drain some of the nearby energy to help regenerate himself as he was being exposed to Kryptonite.[3][4]

Escape from the D.E.O.[]

Mon-El attacks Supergirl after he awakens

Mon-El attacks Supergirl after he wakes up in the D.E.O..

Mon-El eventually came to and when he did so, he reflexively choked Supergirl. Upon seeing House of El on her suit, Mon-El panicked and threw Supergirl across the room before taking himself off of the vital signs monitor and exiting the med-bay. Making the D.E.O. go on high alert, he then started to panic and look for an escape. When he was confronted by guards he used his newfound strength and speed, and he was surprised by his new strength and speed before he jumped from The D.E.O and running into the city.[5]

Mon-El started to ask around for a place to make a deep space transmission signal and eventually found his way to a satellite station in hopes of sending a signal to his planet. The signal was detected by Winn Schott and Supergirl, and upon finding out he was from Daxam and fearing that he was behind the attack on President Olivia Marsdin she rushed to confront him. The two brawl one another until Supergirl managed to incapacitate him.

Kara faces off against Mon-El

Kara faces off against Mon-El.

Mon-El was thrown into a cell where he was confronted by Supergirl who s/he quickly began to despise. They argued for a long time about their respective views on the other's people before she asked him why he had attacked the President; but Mon-El had no idea what she was talking about as he was only trying to send out a distress call. Supergirl didn't seem to believe him and he quickly gave up explaining himself as he knew that she wouldn't believe him because of him being a Daxamite while she was a Kryptonian.

Kara confronts Mon-El

Kara confronts Mon-El.

The next day, Kara apologized to Mon-El not believing him because she found the real culprit. When Mon-El asked if she could help him contact his home, Kara revealed that Daxam had become a wasteland, as a result of the planet's moon being struck by Krypton's debris that disrupted Daxam's gravitational force. Mon-El then realized his only option was to remain on Earth.[6]

Adjustment to living on Earth[]

In the following days, Mon-El was placed under the D.E.O.'s custody while they began processing him. Mon-El lied and told them that he was a guard to the Royal Family of Daxam and had escaped when the prince gave him his place in the pod when Daxam was being destroyed. As he and Winn begin to gauge his powers, he is given a break where he stumbles upon Kara speaking with her mother in a hologram. He makes a suggestion of going out to check out the city but Kara insists that he needed to remain at the D.E.O. for safety though Mon-El wasn't able to understand why he wouldn't be safe.[7]

Mon-El in shock of accidentally hurting humans

Mon-El realizes that he is a danger to humans.

After promising Supergirl that he would stay at the D.E.O., Mon-El tricked Winn into going out with him to a bar where they spent the night playing drinking games with the attendees. Mon-El then was challenged to an arm-wrestling match where he ended up breaking the wrist of the man that he was playing against. Another man then went to punch him but broke his hand on contact with Mon-El's face. Winn then quickly went to take Mon-El back.[1]

Mon-El then was confronted by Kara where he realized that the reason he had to stay at the D.E.O. was because it wasn't for his safety but for the safety of others. Kara speaks with him about her own beginnings on Earth as well as her parents and how terribly different they are from each other. He then told Kara that he heard about what happened at the fight club and informed her all about Draaga's weak spot.

Kara talks to Mon-El

Kara discusses mentoring Mon-El.

Later she comes to him and, after she apologized for having treated him harshly in the days before, Kara tells him that she was sent to Earth to protect and educate her cousin, but she was unable to fulfill this mission, so now she will be his mentor and train him. He says that nobody would have thought it possible for a boy from Daxam and a girl from Krypton to get along.

Kara and Mon-El at CatCo

Mon-El's first day at CatCo.

Soon after, Kara had Winn make Mon-El a fake ID as "Mike Matthews", and arranged for him to get a job as an intern at CatCo Worldwide Media. While Kara tried to coach him in human customs and work ethic, Mon-El resisted the lifestyle of a person with a desk job, refusing to do any work and eat candy and slack off and just kick his feet up on the desk and relax thinking Eve Teschmacher was doing a Daxam custom that girls on his planet do and gave all his work to her.[8]

Mon-El and Eve make out

Kara finds Mon-El engaging in workplace romance with Eve.

Kara can't find Mon-El and James Olsen comes to see her and asks if he has seen Mon-El (aka "Mike"), and James says he asked him to take some layouts for the magazine to marketing two hours ago. Kara then uses her super hearing and then hears Mon-El engaging with Eve in a workplace romance. Kara is disgust by this non workplace behavior and catches them which Kara gets angry and causes them to get in a argument at work and she tells him how she is trying to get him to fit in, but he in the end keeps messing it up and he then proceeds to tell her that he is trying very hard to be Mike and insists that it isn't as easy as Kara makes it out to sound and he tells her how he is used to doing his own thing and then she angrily projects to him that he can't do his own thing at CatCo and insists that he has to do her thing. After work Kara then tells Alex about Mon-El's performance on his first day at work with her, but then Alex talks Kara into realizing that whatever works for her might not work for Mon-El.

Later, Mon-El met Kara at a fundraising gala held by Lena Luthor and they danced while James Olsen and Winn secretly wondered if Kara liked the former. Mon-El attempted to help Supergirl fight Chet Miner and his gang when they crashed the gala but was knocked out due to his inexperience. Eventually, he was fired from CatCo, then Kara, under Alex Danvers' advice, tells him that she should not try to force him to live the way she does and that he can find what he likes.

Mon-El and Brian in an alleyway as Mon-El has a new job as a bookie and using his powers

Mon-El has a new job as a Bookie and is using his powers attacking Brian, because he hasn't been paying his debts.

Alex tells Kara that D.E.O. is getting a report of an alien attacking civilians in an alleyway downtown and Kara decides to go check out, however when she gets there she caught Mon-El attacking an alien named Brian, because he has a new job as a Bookie and was attacking Brian with his powers, because he tells her that Brian isn't really good at paying his debts. Which makes her mad and watches as he let's the alien go and then looks at him. And then she starts the heated conversation that followed with "are you kidding me, this is how you use your powers. As muscle for hire." - Kara, so the heated conversation begins with Mon-El telling her that it is a living and that it is also a temporary living and then Kara tells him that he suppose to use his powers to help people and that he cannot use his powers for money, and He asks why he can and asks if Kara does and she declines by saying absolutely not and he tells her how that's a missed opportunity and Kara angrily tells him that it goes against everything that they stand for. But then in return, he corrects her saying that it's everything that she stands for and says he never said he wanted to save the world and that things in this world cost money and if he can make a few bucks using his powers why shouldn't he. She then starts to get it and says that he is so selfish and how she didn't know what else she could have expected from a and is hesitantly about saying the word, Mon-El says from what, from a Daxamite and she was not going to say that and he gets mad and how she was going to and then explains how he isn't a bad person. She then insists that it does and he refuses and then says how Kara is no saint and that her flying around and saving people shows that she thinks she is like just pure of heart, but he sees it as crap. But rather that she is an attention seeker who loves attention and love people loving her and that she is not selfless, she then finishes it of with that he is no hero and thought he could be but she was wrong. He says her name, but then she leaves as sign that the conversation was over. [9]

Becoming a vigilante[]

Soon after, Kara was seriously injured after a battle with Parasite. After seeing her unconscious and still thinking about what was said during their conversation, he became overcome by guilt and left. Mon-El was found by Alex drinking alone at the underground alien bar. Alex appeared to belittle Mon-El and saying that she believed he was a coward but reminded him that Kara, who constantly put herself in danger and was hurt by Parasite, sincerely believed otherwise.[9]

Mon-El stops a car

Mon-El saves a child from a falling car.

Motivated by this, Mon-El took off alone to battle Parasite, however, he was no match for the rampaging monster. In the midst of the destruction, however, Mon-El performed his first heroic deed by saving a by-standing child. With the help of Guardian and a recovered Supergirl, they managed to defeat the threat. Seeing Mon-El trying to be better, Kara gratefully thanked him, while also noting Guardian's contribution.

That night, Mon-El wandered the streets. Approaching what appears to be a sick homeless man and asks him how could he help him. He was then subdued by the man who was an agent for Project Cadmus.

Mon-El was transported to a Cadmus facility, where he manages to escape from his cell. Lillian Luthor shows up and brings out who appears to be J'onn J'onzz when it is actually Hank Henshaw and threatens to hurt him. Mon-El agrees to return to his cell. Supergirl was then baited to rescue him. After threatening to kill him with lead, Lillian succeeded in forcing Supergirl to overload her powers, despite his pleas for Kara not to do it. Cadmus then proceeded to obtain Supergirl's blood for the purpose of obtaining information on "Medusa". Left in the cell, Mon-El and Kara bonded and discussed their fears, and what happens if they do not live through this ordeal. Mon-El was about to tell Kara something about Daxam but he was interrupted when they were rescued by Jeremiah Danvers, who had access to Cadmus IDs, and chose to remain behind for unknown reasons.[10]

Kara, Mon-El and friends celebrated their return in Kara's apartment. He then asked Winn and James if Kara was "mated to anyone" and explained that on Daxam they had arranged marriages. Winn says that in Earth people choose their own mate and Mon-El asks if she has chosen. James replies that she has not. Mon-El says that he only asked because he was studying Earthly customs but is looking at Kara intensely.

Kara prepares to toast at Thanksgiving

Mon-El's first thanksgiving with the gang at Kara's apartment.

A few days later, Mon-El is invited have the Thanksgiving dinner with Kara's family and friends. Later, that night, after a rough fight with Hank Henshaw outside Al's Dive Bar, he entered the bar again trying to help and as a consequence of that Mon-El was exposed to the Medusa virus, which was deadly to all alien species except for humans and Kryptonians. Mon-El was then quarantined at the D.E.O., where he soon collapsed from being infected by the virus. Kara risked her life trying to save his life like she does to all people.[11]

Once he was stable Kara spoke with him and apologized as it was her birth father who created the Medusa virus. Mon-El told her that he didn't blame her or her father and then moved to kiss her without her consent before he passed out, saying that she was beautiful.

Eliza Danvers was able to extract a sample of the virus to create a cure. After he recovered, Kara wanted to speak about what happened he told Kara that he had no memory of his time being sick, so they didn't discuss him kissing her.

In the aftermath of the incident involving the virus, Mon-El became a bartender at Al's Dive Bar due to many aliens having been killed. Kara went to the bar to speak to Maggie about investigating the disappearance of Izzy Williams. Mon-El later visited her at CatCo and then decided to help her to impress her.[12]

Mon-El as vigilante with sunglasses

Mon-El as vigilante with sunglasses.

Mon-El joins Supergirl in a training session involving protecting cardboard civilians from a drone, with mixed results. Mon-El later gives Supergirl, J'onn and Win a briefing on Livewire. Supergirl and Mon-El (who has been given a superhero costume by Winn) confront Livewire but Supergirl is stunned to discover that it isn't Leslie but Lisa Gold. Supergirl fights them both while Mon-El tries to get the police to safety, but with two-to-one odds she takes a beating. Mon-El rushes to help her and Guardian takes over his job of protecting the police, but both he and a police officer are injured by a stray blast before the two Livewires flee. Kara asks Mon-El if he only wants to be a hero because he likes her. Winn shows Mon-El, Supergirl and J'onn security footage showing Lisa and the guard removing Livewire from the prison by force.[13]

Mon-El, Supergirl and Guardian

Mon-El, Supergirl and Guardian.

He claims not to know where she is but in fact gives the information to James. Mon-El overhears. Guardian arrives, followed by Mon-El, who takes out the other two Livewires while Guardian tries to free Leslie. However, the metadoctor turns out to have Livewire's powers as well and knocks them both out. The scientist intends to turn Guardian and Mon-El into more powerful super soldiers even though it will mean driving Livewire completely. Supergirl arrives and frees Guardian and Mon-El to fight the two soldiers while she frees Livewire. Kara finds Mon-El at her flat. He tells her she was right: He remembers kissing her when he thought he was going to die and cares about her. He says he knows she doesn't care about him in the same way and is happy just to go on working with her.

Mon-El went on a date with Eve

Mon-El went on a date with Eve.

On her 13th Earth Birthday, Kara arrives at the Al's Dive Bar, and Mon-El gives her a club soda with rocks. Mon-El is still trying to get a relationship with Kara, but Kara is not convinced they would be compatible. The next day at CatCo, Kara and Mon-El run to each other. Kara tries to ask Mon-El for a date, but unfortunately he is already taking Eve for a date.[14] Later, Mon-El and Eve broke up because he would only talk about Kara during their dates.

Kara confesses her true feelings to Mon-El

Kara confesses her true feelings to Mon-El.

Mon-El and Kara are at Al's Dive Bar watching a newscast of Lillian's upcoming trial and awkwardly catch up with each other. Kara then meets up with James, Winn, and J'onn. Alex arrives and introduces Maggie to the group as her girlfriend. Mon-El brings over drinks and congratulates the couple. Mon-El catches Kara venting in the training room. He tells Kara that he admires her ability to believe in the good in others that other people don't.

Kara admits that she was mad that Mon-El was dating Eve, but when he asks her why she leaves without answering. Mon-El arrives at Kara's apartment and explains that they are both really different but that despite his flaws, Mon-El proved her wrong about him. They nearly kiss, until a portal opens and Mxyzptlk interrupts them, professing his love for Kara.[15]

Fighting Mr. Mxyzptlk[]

Mxyzptlk tries to woo Kara with his powers though Mon-El tried to stand in his way. He easily banished Mon-El to the D.E.O. before returning to woo Kara and used his powers to put her in a wedding dress. When Kara tried to stop some thieves, Mxyzptlk arrived and made their guns fly off their hands, though he easily turned them on the thieves themselves and Kara just managed to stand in the way and stopped them from getting shot.[16]

Mon-El threatens Mxyzptlk

Mon-El threatens Mxyzptlk.

Soon after, Parasite was attacking National City and Kara and Mon-El went to engage him before Mxyzptlk arrived, wearing his version of Superman's suit to try and save everyone. Mon-El, however, saw through the act and knew that he conjured the creature to try and 'play the hero'. Mon-El demanded that Mxyzptlk just say his name backwards and return to his dimension and Kara was surprised that was the way to banish him. Mxyzptlk then made Kara an ultimatum, agree to marry him or he would unleash havoc upon the people of Earth.

Mon-El and Mxyzptlk duel

Mon-El and Mxyzptlk duel.

Mon-El went out and called Mxyzptlk out and challenged him to a fight. Mxyzptlk accepted and transported them to a theater where he conjured them pistols. Mon-El took his and immediately shot him though it did nothing. Mon-El then revealed that he took an energy dampener from the D.E.O that would render Mxyzptlk powerless. They fought hand to hand though Mxyzptlk managed to swipe the dampener from Mon-El and reversed it, giving him his powers back. He bound Mon-El and was about to shoot him with a lead bullet but Kara arrived and agreed to marry him. She told him to go to the Fortress of Solitude at noon the following day.

Mon-El and Kara make out

Mon-El and Kara make out.

Eventually Mon-El and Kara realized that the only way to defeat Mxy was to get him to say his name backwards, which they successfully did by putting the Fortress of Solitude on lockdown. Mxyzptlk began to panic and asked Kara to not do this. She revealed that there was a code to de-activate the self-destruct sequence. They went to the control panel where she pointed out the buttons to punch in the code and Mxyzptlk managed to stop it before it was too late. However, the code was revealed to be 'KLTPZYXM' and he began to fade back into his dimension. He told Kara that all he wanted was to have someone love him but before he vanished she told him that love had to come and find him, not have it forced on anyone.

Relationship with Kara[]

Mon-El facing Jeremiah

Mon-El facing Jeremiah.

After Mr. Mxyzptlk was defeated, Mon-El and Kara began a romantic relationship. Kara initially wanted to keep it between the two, but Mon-El revealed it to everyone. When DEO learned that a Cadmus convoy was on the move, Supergirl and J'onn attacked it and freed a supposedly imprisoned Jeremiah Danvers. While Jeremiah's family and Kara's friends were happy to have him back, Mon-El was the only one with suspicions, believing that rescuing Jeremiah was too easy. The rest didn't appreciate, when he began directly accusing Jeremiah for fooling everyone, which caused Kara to throw him out.

Mon-El comforting Kara

Mon-El comforting Kara.

The next day, Mon-El talked to Winn and asked him to keep an eye out for him. Winn reluctantly agreed, and he learned that Jeremiah was accessing the DEO mainframe. He informed Mon-El and had Kara brought in to discuss in private. Initially Kara didn't want to listen, but when Mon-El and Winn informed her of Jeremiah's intrusion to the mainframe, Kara realized that Jeremiah may not be victim in the end. Later Jeremiah directed the DEO to a supposed location of a fusion bomb Cadmus had constructed. Mon-El joined Kara and Alex at the site, but it turned out to be a hoax, and Mon-El's suspicions were proven correct, when Jeremiah accessed the mainframe unauthorized and escaped. When Mon-El returned to Kara's apartment he comforted her, but they were both called back into action when it was discovered that Jeremiah stole the national alien registry.[17]

Mon-El attempts to quiet Winn down after Lyra was kidnapped. Mon-El later advises Kara to distribute her article, since it's the best activity. Mon-El carries potstickers to Kara's loft to comfort her about losing her employment. Kara says she adored her activity, yet Mon-El says that she has such a great amount to offer the world. Kara says that perhaps simply being Supergirl and dating Mon-El is sufficient.[18]

Mon-El reunited with his parents

Mon-El reunited with his parents.

After DEO stopped Cadmus' exodus plan, the Daxamites arrived on Earth to reclaim Mon-El. Kara attacked the Daxamite ship, but when Kara was defeated by it, Mon-El contacted the ship and surrendered. He was then taken by the Daxamites to the ship, but Kara came along. Mon-El and Kara meet with Mon-El's parents,

Mon-El and Kara dine with Lar Gand and Rhea

Mon-El and Kara dine with Lar Gand and Rhea.

King Lar Gand and Queen Rhea of Daxam, and it is revealed, that Mon-El is the lost prince of Daxam, which caused Kara to get angry at him for lying to her. Eventually, even though Mon-El attempts to apologize and be true to her from now on, Kara breaks up with him. Mon-El returns to his parents and denies to be the prince of Daxam anymore and returns to Earth.[7]

Kara forgives Mon-El

Kara forgives Mon-El.

The next day at the DEO, a new prisoner is brought in. He puts Kara into a dream-like state and escapes to Earth-1 to catch the Flash. Mon-El and J'onn go to Earth-1 to get help from Barry Allen and his friends from the S.T.A.R. Labs. Eventually Kara breaks free from her dream and, having learned a lesson from the dream, forgives Mon-El, restoring their relationship.[19]

Mon-El with his father Lar Gand

Mon-El with his father Lar Gand.

A bounty is put up on Supergirl, and Mon-El suspects his parents put it up. When he questions them they deny any involvement, but he is still suspicious. The following evening, Kara was getting upset as she had been told to lay low for 24 hours. James and Winn appreciated that Mon-El came to cool her off.

Mon-El with his parents in the Alien Bar

Mon-El with his parents in the Alien Bar.

Suddenly, a telepathic alien takes control of Mon-El's body and forced him to fight Kara, resulting in an apologetic fight, in which James assisted as a Guardian and Winn managed to subdue the alien with a stapler. The alien was brought to the DEO, and J'onn was able to break him with his telepathy,

Mon-El, Kara and Rhea in the Fortress of Solitude

Mon-El, Kara and Rhea in the Fortress of Solitude.

and he revealed, that the bounty on Supergirl was put up by Queen Rhea. Kara wants to reason with Rhea but Mon-El is skeptical. Mon-El and Kara meet Rhea at the Fortress of Solitude, but in her delusions, she is convinced that Kara has poisoned Mon-El's mind uses Kryptonite-laced Sais against her, causing Mon-El to leave with Rhea. The bounty is called off and although Lar Gand is happy to have Mon-El back, he is disappointed in Rhea, because he didn't know about the bounty.[20]

Kara pleads with J'onn to rescue Mon-El and, by using the Maaldorian portal, Kara, J'onn and Winn attack the Daxamite ship and free Mon-El and fight Rhea and Lar Gand. When Mon-El sees Kara being tortured by Rhea with Kryptonite, he breaks the ship window. This disarms Rhea and Lar Gand then stops the fight and ultimately allows Mon-El to go with Kara back to Earth. Mon-El admits that he is happy that his parents are alive, but this'll be last time they will see him.

Kara and Mon-El investigate Spheer

Mon-El and Kara investigate Spheer.

Mon-El assists Kara with investigating Spheerical Industries Biomax-nanobots. He is able to swipe a keycard from Jack Spheerical in order for Kara to access his personal computer.[21]

Later, Mon-El takes off to get pizza with Maggie. Over supper, Alex and Maggie banter with Mon-El and Kara whether it's their business to step in when the police are making some hard memories.[22]

Mon-El sees his mother

Mon-El sees his mother.

Some time later, Mon-El is walking on the street, when he thinks he saw his mother, but only for a moment. He dismisses it, but tells Kara about it the next day. However, his sighting is proven correct, when DEO is investigating strange energy spikes causing Phorians to lose control. They identify a

Kara, Mon-El and J'onn arrive to stop Rhea's portal

Mon-El, Kara and J'onn arrive to stop Rhea's portal.

device being constructed by Lena Luthor. Kara calls her, but instead Rhea answers. With Rhea's help, Lena has constructed a large transmatter portal. Rhea activates it and Mon-El, along with Kara and J'onn, attempt to stop her. Mon-El holds Rhea at gunpoint, but he is unable to kill his mother.

Mon-El pulls a gun on his mother

Mon-El pulls a gun on his mother.

They fail to close the portal and a large Daxamite fleet enters through the portal, beginning the Daxamite Invasion. Rhea takes Mon-El and Lena with her to the mothership[23].

Mon-El and Lena confront Rhea

Mon-El and Lena confront Rhea.

Where some time later Rhea intends to arrange Mon-El and Lena to get married so that they can bring unity to their people on earth or "new daxam". But thanks to Cat Grant, their ceremony is interrupted, and Kara attacks the ship along with Lillian Luthor and Hank Henshaw, rescuing Mon-El and Lena. However, Kara stays behind and only Mon-El escapes just before the ship is to be shot down with a positron cannon, however, the shot doesn't happen and Kara watches in shock when she sees her cousin Superman, but being controlled by silver kryptonite.[24] She's then with out a choice forced to fight Superman.[25]

Leaving Earth[]

After Kara fought against Superman while he was under the influence of Silver Kryptonite and beat him, Kara collapsed. She began to dream that she was back in her apartment with Mon-El. She then told him of the time that she left Krypton when her mother gave her necklace telling her that she would never be alone as she would always be in her daughter's dreams. Mon-El then told her that she had to wake up as this wasn't real and she was at the Fortress.

Mon-El meets Superman

Mon-El meets Superman.

Mon-El was at the D.E.O. where he hugged Kara when she returned from the Fortress. He then met her cousin Superman. They told him that they found something at the fortress that could stop Rhea and her invasion, Dakkam Ur. At once, Mon-El's eyes widened and he told Kara that it was a bad idea. Kara quickly contacted Rhea and formally requested to perform Dakkam Ur, or trial by combat. Should Kara win then Rhea and her invasion force will leave Earth but should Rhea win then Earth is hers. Mon-El tried to talk Kara out of it and even suggested that Superman take over the fight because he had no faith in her; but Superman told Mon-El that Kara beat him which officially made her the champion of Earth and that she would win. Mon-El reluctantly accepted that Kara was going to fight his mother.

Later, Kara and Clark had visited Lena and Lillian Luthor as they had wanted to meet. They had a fail safe device to use to stop the Daxamites which would release trace amounts of lead into the atmosphere and make it toxic to the Daxamites killing to the ones staying on Earth. They realized that this would mean that Mon-El would also be forced to leave the Earth.

Kara and Clark returned to the D.E.O. to tell them about this plan and Winn said that this surely wouldn't mean that Mon-El would have to leave. Clark said that he would probably survive a bit longer because he had been exposed to the yellow sun for months but he would need to leave Earth to survive. Winn was sent to help Lena with the device.

When it came time for the duel, he and Kara went to the meeting spot where Rhea appeared with a soldier. He told Kara that he was there for her. Mon-El watched as Kara and his mother began fighting but soon after they started, the Daxamite army began to attack the city.

Supergirl meets for her Dakkam Ur with Rhea

Rhea and Kara prepare for Dakkam Ur.

Mon-El told Rhea that she had just shamed herself in the eyes of the gods for not following their sacred law and killing his father; which was the only reason he turned against her, but she claimed that the gods only cared about her victory. He then jumped off the building and left.

Because Kara told him to, Mon-El fought alongside Superman, Martian Manhunter, M'gann M'orzz and her White Martian allies. They successfully beat the trained Daxamite soldiers who called him a traitor.

When Lena called the D.E.O. to tell them that the device was ready, he moved to get to Kara. They realized that the invaders were about to destroy the city so he nodded, telling her to activate it. The lead was dispersed in the atmosphere and the Daxamites then started to retreat as they felt the effects and the ships began to leave the Earth and stranded Mon-El and his mother. Rhea begged her son to save her but he glared at her and angrily asked if he should save her like she "saved" his father.

Mon-El flies into a wormhole

Mon-El flies into a wormhole.

Mon-El started to cough and wheeze and feel the effects of the atmosphere change. Kara asked Alex what to do and she said that they probably had a few minutes before he had to leave Earth. Kara then quickly took Mon-El to his pod so that he could escape while he was coughing and wheezing. Saddened, Kara tells Mon-El she loves him. Mon-El then went into the pod as the effects worsened.

While traveling in space, Mon-El gave a long sad look at Kara's necklace before a wormhole unexpectedly opened up right in his direct course. He barely had any time to react to this as his pod flew into it and he was whisked away to an unknown space. The wormhole then closed up behind him.[25]

Traveling to the future[]

The wormhole that Mon-El entered was actually what is known as a "disturbance" which propelled him forward in time, he arrived back on planet Earth but in the 31st century. There, he was administered a cure to his allergy to lead which was developed by L-Corp about 400 years after he had left. He met Imra Ardeen as well as other aliens and powered individuals as he tried to find some way to return to the 21st century. According to Imra, during the time Mon-El was in the 31st century, he wouldn't look at another woman for years and mostly kept to himself until he finally gave up on finding a way back to the 21st century.

Mon-El saw the chaos and problems that the Earth was having in the 31st century and he used Supergirl as inspiration to rally all the powered people he met into a group of heroes and led them in their mission to protect the Earth and beyond. They went on to call themselves the Legion. Mon-El eventually married Imra because her planet, Titan, was against earth and her allies. Mon-El, therefore, had to do something symbolic to who that they stood for all. As time went on their pretend marriage became more real and eventually Mon-El told Imra that he loved her.[26]

Returning to the 21st century[]

Mon-El is reunited with Kara

Mon-El is reunited with Kara.

The Legion learned of a world that was dying and they retrieved the data to save it against the dark threat it was under and hid it in their DNA for safe keeping. They then took off in their ship to save that world but got hurled into a wormhole and they ended up thrown back in time and crashed on Earth over 12,000 years in the past. They could not find a way to return to the future and realized that their only choice was to enter hyper-sleep and wade out time until they returned to their proper century. They waited out in the bedrock and set the ship's system to wake them from their cryotubes when it was the right time.

Mon-El checks Imra's breathing

Mon-El checks Imra's breathing.

When the ship's defenses were activated, Mon-El awoke and quickly saw that there were intruders. He took a blaster and fired a warning shot while yelling at them in Saturnian. He then saw that it was Kara, J'onn and Winn. He was taken to the D.E.O. where everyone was surprised that he was breathing normally despite the air still being toxic to Daxamites. He gave vague answers to all of them about where he had been and what he had been doing on the ship until Kara shooed everyone away so that he could get time and space to rest. Kara told him that he had been gone for seven months which shocked him.

After he had rested enough, he snuck out of the med bay to steal a power source from the D.E.O. storage room but was confronted by two guards. He beat them up badly but was quickly attacked by Kara and then thrown into a cell. She began to wonder if it was really him and Mon-El told her that it was. She wondered what had happened to him and he responded simply with a lot. She couldn't understand how he had changed so much and started to beat herself up for hoping as a human would, which he absorbed all in silence.

He was then visited by Winn, and though he expected not to get any answers from Mon-El, he told him that he was trying anyway. Mon-El told him that he needed Winn's help as a friend to return to the ship. Winn initially refused but Mon-El quickly told him that if he didn't get back then a lot of people, including Kara, would be in danger.

Winn freed him from the cell and went with him back to the ship with the power source he had tried to steal before. He checked the other pods to see if they were still working but they were stumbled upon by Kara. She wondered why Mon-El was so different after only seven months but he informed her that he was gone for seven years. He explained about his trip to the future and that he had been living on Earth in the future. Kara accused Mon-El of forgetting about her even though he was still wearing her necklace. But an alert sounded that the life support to the pods was failing. He managed to reroute power to all but one of them. He saw that it was Imra's pod and that she was drowning. He rushed to break it open but couldn't as it was pure dwarf glass. Kara moved to break it and free Imra and Mon-El saw that she was still breathing. They quickly brought her to the D.E.O. to be healed.

Imra was brought to the medical bay where he explained that Imra was from Titan. Kara asked him just who she was but Mon-El didn't answer. He simply asked to be notified when she woke up. Mon-El and Kara went out to the terrace where he explained that he never forgot her and kept the necklace to remind him of all he had learned while he was with her and everything she had done for him. He then told her that he thought he would never see her again and tried to move on. He explained that he had been secretive because he didn't want to hurt her but he now remembered that she didn't need him saving her. Their time was interrupted by Imra who had awakened. He was delighted to see her and moved to embrace and then kiss her. He then introduced Imra to Kara and told Kara that Imra was his wife.[26]

When Kara went off to fight against a Dominator, he went to try and check on her but Alex told him that she was fine because she is Supergirl. She then left him with that.[27]

Imra and Mon-El speak to the DEO

Imra and Mon-El speak to the D.E.O.

Mon-El and Imra informed the D.E.O. of how they had wound up back in the past and asked if there was a chance that the D.E.O. could help them fix their ship. J'onn informed him that they would do all they could to help but, for now, they would have to settle in. Kara invited him and Imra to her house for a Christmas party but Mon-El told her that he and Imra couldn't make it as they had to focus on working on the repairs.

Mon-El and Imra play fighting

Mon-El and Imra being playful in the training room.

Mon-El then took Imra off to Al's Dive Bar where he introduced her to ribs. They were having a good time before Kara and Winn surprised them. Imra tried to strike up some pleasant conversation. When Winn took Imra away, the two were left and started talking awkwardly with one another. Kara was then called away.

Mon-El went to train with Imra and she took a surprise shot at him, to his amusement. He then went to playfully entrap her in a hold as the two of them laughed together.

Mon-El and Imra went to see Kara as she was brought into the D.E.O. beaten and injured from her battle with Reign.[28]

When Kara had slipped into a coma, Mon-El went to wake up his fellow Legion member Braniac 5 in order to help her. They put Kara in one of their suspension chambers in the Legion ship as Querl plugged directly into her mind through a neural implant. He told Mon-El and the others that Kara seemed healthy but couldn't wake up for some unexplained reason.

Imra, Brainy and Mon-El in talk to the DEO

Mon-El, Brainy, and Imra in talk to the DEO.

When Reign started to terrorize the city, Winn pointed out that they had Mon-El and his friends to help but he quickly told them that they couldn't interfere. He told them that it was complicated but did inform them that history shows that Kara does come through and Reign does eventually leave. J'onn then revealed to them that the D.E.O. had a contingency plan in case Superman ever turned against them that they could use on Reign instead.

Imra persuades Mon-El to help

Imra persuades Mon-El to help.

When J'onn's plan failed to stop Reign and Alex had been hurt, Mon-El revealed why the Legion couldn't help. They explained of the world in the future that was dying and of the data in their DNA they were protecting. Should one of them die, then the data would be lost and that world would be doomed in the future. After analyzing Reign's pattern, they saw that she would go on to target the National City prison to kill everyone there, both the inmates and the guards. After speaking with Imra, Mon-El decided that though their mission for the future was important they couldn't just stand by when there were people then and there that needed them. He, Imra and Querl then went off to put on their Legion rings and head into battle.

The Legion

The Legion.

Mon-El and Imra flew over to the prison while Querl piloted the ship. Reign met them in the courtyard where they went into battle. While Querl was firing on her from the ship, Mon-El and Imra tried to bring her down with force but she was able to fight through their efforts. She used her freeze breath to trap Mon-El in a block of ice before she went to attack Imra. Kara was able to awaken from her coma and quickly joined the fight but was still too weak. However, they managed to inject a tranquilizer dart full of Kryptonite into Reign which made her retreat.

Later Mon-El admitted to Kara that he never wanted to be a hero, and that he still didn't want to be one, but was a vigilante regardless because of her.[29]

Remaining in the 21st century[]

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Mon-El, with the guidance of Imra and Brainy, decided to stay in the 21st century to help Kara with the new and improved Reign, but also to resolve his romantic feelings for Kara once-and-for all.

Returning to the future[]

After helping the Superfriends to defeat the Worldkillers, Mon-El and Imra returned to the 31st. century.[30]

New multiverse[]

Alternate timelines[]

Mon-El (Earth-Prime)

Mon-El in the first alternate timeline.

After Supergirl is visited by Mr. Mxyzptlk, she is shown an alternate timeline where Mon-El never returned to the 31st century and was by her side in the fight against Reign. While inside Sam's childhood home, Supergirl asked him what type of friend and person she was, concerned about telling Lena her true identity. Mon-El reminded her of her kind-hearted ways, and that she should expect the same respect and honor she shows towards her own friends in return. She thanked him before they are attacked by Reign. Outside of the house, Reign killed her own mother, and after Lena lunged at her, killed her too. Supergirl fought back, and after she was attacked, Mon-El lunged forward, killing Reign, but was killed too. After this, Supergirl cried to be allowed out of that reality.

Staff of H'ronmeer (Earth-Prime)

Mon-El with the Staff of H'ronmeer.

In a second timeline, Lex Luthor attempted to murder Lena. After disappearing for two years she returned and killed him, only to become dictator of National City. While hiding in secret at the D.E.O., Mon-El and the rest of the resistance were surprised to be greeted by Supergirl and Mxyzptlk. Mon-El was originally angry given how they last left things, where Mr. Mxyzptlk kidnapped and attempted to marry Kara against her well. But he manned up and apologized, and Mon-El accepted. After a TV message from Lena, their headquarters were attacked by her enforcers, Reign and Brainiac 5. Everyone decided to split up, and Mon-El helped Supergirl track down an old friend's hat in order for her and Mxy to escape back to their dimension, earning them for a better future.[31]

Last meeting with Kara[]

Superfriends & The Legion

Mon-El and the Superfriends defeat Lex and Nyxly.

When Lex Luthor and Nyxlygsptlnz were using the totems, he alongside Winn came to help the Superfriends. He protected Kara from her temporarily revived Earth-X doppelganger, with his cape. After attending William Dey's funeral, he and Winn were invited to Alex and Kelly's wedding, but he declined, due to being busy, with the Legion and told Kara this might be the last time they would see each other. He and Kara hugged each other.[32]


Prior to Mon-El's arrival on Earth, he was a selfish, spoiled, party boy and womanizer, who was ignorant to most of what was going on on Daxam, despite these negative traits at the time, Mon-El was, proven to have some morals, for example, he was against slavery.

Mon-El was reluctant to leave his people, during Daxam's destruction, he only did so, due to his bodyguard being very insistent, despite this, he still felt guilt, shame and remorse, due to the fact, he had survived while his people did not.

Mon-El is cheerful, carefree and laid-back, as he hates being indoors and loves to party, he has a good heart and cares about other individuals, like all Daxamites, Mon-El disliked Kryptonians; due to their arrogant and self-righteous traits, although he later warmed up to Kara Danvers. Mon-El also has good morals, as he has guilt, shame and remorse for his actions.[1]

While most individuals see Mon-El as a coward, who runs away at the first sign of danger, he has expressed that, he thinks that, this is the clever thing to do in dangerous situations, this was likely something he was taught as the crown prince to do, he also initially had no desire to become a hero. Alex and Kara are giving him a chance, Mon-El decide he wants to make a difference and giving a second chance to right his wrongs from his planet.[9]

Since Mon-El was new to Earth at the time, he was naïve to how things work on the planet, as well as expressions, holidays, jobs, dangers, etc., for example, when he attempted to have sex, with Eve Teschmacher, before this was prevented by Kara, she asked him if he took protection; Mon-El took this as an expression for a weapon like a sword, unaware that, it actually means a condom.[8] He also mistakenly brought over mattress stuffing for Thanksgiving dinner instead of Turkey stuffing. But he has started getting used to earthly customs in a few months, being mostly successful.[11]

Despite this, Mon-El is highly intelligent, as he possesses far more knowledge about the universe's species, there customs and religion then Kara, due to the fact that, he was an adult at the time of Daxam's destruction, well Kara was in her early teens, during Krypton's, he is, even aware of how Fifth Dimensional beings could be banished back to their dimension, by getting them to say their name backwards, something that, Kara was completely unaware of.[16]

When it comes to Mon-El's romantic feelings towards Kara; he tends to not think straight and loses control of himself, despite this, he does not have a blind spot, when it comes to the individuals that, she cares about, when Kara's adoptive father, Jeremiah Danvers was rescued from Project Cadmus, Mon-El was immediately suspicious of him; due to the fact that, Jeremiah was Cadmus' prisoner for years and so he felt that, they may have succeeded in turning his allegiance; as it turned out he was right about his concerns the entire time.[18]

Mon-El kept his status as the prince of Daxam secret from Kara, as he was afraid of how she would react, as he was completely aware of her dislike towards Daxamites.

Mon-El loved both his parents, Lar Gand and Rhea very much at first, but their relationship became strained, due to the fact that, he had become a different individual so that, he could be, with Kara, despite the fact that, he believed his father, Lar Gand was not a good man, he still loved his father and was devastated on learning that Lar Gand had (supposedly) committed suicide, because he chose to stay on Earth; leaving them.

But, when Rhea began the invasion of Earth, upon realizing that, his mother had gone too far, Mon-El was willing to kill her, with a gun full of lead bullets and is only deterred, when she lies, by telling him that, Lar Gand was so upset, with Mon-El leaving them that, he took his own life, Kara later informed Mon-El that, Lar Gand did not commit suicide, but was murdered, by Rhea - and so - enraged and disgusted, by Rhea's actions, Mon-El saw his mother for, who she truly was; an irredeemable and immoral monster, who bore no guilt, shame or remorse for any of her actions. Thus, in her final moments, when Rhea asked Mon-El to save her - he refused and coldly asked if he should save her the way she "saved" his father and he, allows her to die.

After 7 years of being in the future and being part of The Legion, Mon-El has matured, he also has a lot more wisdom as he was able to help Kara through bouts of emotional crisis, during her times against Reign.

After receiving advice from Imra and Querl Dox respectively, Mon-El decides to stay in the 21st century partly to help Kara defeat Reign, but mainly to resolve his romantic feelings towards the former once-and-for all, after staying in the 21st century for sometime, Mon-El had finally realizes that, not only will he always love Kara, but his marriage to Imra was never what it should have been.[30] Then, when Brainy told him that, his return to the future was necessary, Mon-El decided to return to the thirty-first century, instead of remaining at Kara's side. This, proves that, Mon-El puts the collective good, before his own personal happiness.

Powers and abilities[]


"He's repairing himself at a cellular level?"
"It's like photosynthesis. His cells are absorbing the electrical energy and converting them to chemical energy."
Superman and Alex Danvers[src]
  • Daxamite physiology: Normally, like all Daxamites, Mon-El's capabilities are no greater than a normal human of his physical conditioning. However, once charged with "yellow sun" energy, he becomes able to perform various inhuman feats. While generic for his race (as well as for Kryptonians) it is unknown if Mon-El will developed other powers as well.
    • Solar energy absorption: Mon-El's cellular structure allows him to absorb, store and metabolize the wavelength of yellow sun radiation to fuel all of his abilities. Direct exposure to sunlight will also accelerate his recovery rate.
      • Accelerated healing factor: Mon-El's solar charged metabolism accelerates his healing and allows him to burn calories at a fast rate, making him resilient to weight gain. Upon being shot by a bullet made of lead which penetrated the skin of his arm, when the bullet was removed he healed instantly. [citation needed][33]
        • Electrosynthesis: Mon-El's cells harnessed and absorbed the electrical energy surrounding him, converting it into chemical energy to regenerate himself at a cellular level whilst comatose.
        • Contaminant immunity: Mon-El has an immunity to all forms of disease and contaminants on Earth (excepting lead). He also has proving himself to have a particularly high tolerance to alcohol, even those of alien origins.
        • Kryptonite immunity: Despite having a similar physiology to Kryptonians, Mon-El is immune to the radiation effects of Kryptonite; such as Green Kryptonite, Red Kryptonite, and Silver Kryptonite, respectively.
        • Lead immunity: After taking a cure when he traveled to the 31st century, Mon-El is no longer vulnerable to lead and can easily withstand Earth's lead-contaminated atmosphere, but is still susceptible to lead weapons.
        • Extended longevity: Like Kryptonians, Mon-El's lifespan is considerably longer than a normal human and likewise he ages much slower. After being in the 31st century for 7 years, he looks exactly the same, when he first arrived on Earth in the 21st century.
      • Invulnerability : Mon-El is essentially invulnerable to all Earthly weapons, with needles unable to penetrate his skin. He has sustained damage from meta-humans such as Livewire and recovered with little to no effect on his person. However, his durability has proven to be somewhat weaker than that of a Kryptonian's and it's full extent is unknown. This is probably due to the fact that Kara Danvers has spent more time under the Earth's yellow sun than Mon-El has.[4] Despite being cured of most of his lead weakness, he is still vulnerable to lead bullets and other lead weapons. But he survived an RPG exploding at close range without even any bruises, so his invulnerability to anything leadless is still expansive.
      • Superhuman speed: Mon-El possesses the ability to move at incredible speeds, far greater than that of any normal human. He was able to run through the halls of the D.E.O. in a split second, seen as a blur to the naked eye.[6]
      • Superhuman strength: Mon-El's possesses incredible enhanced strength, enough to easily kill a normal human if he were to attack them directly. He was able to hold his own against Kara and easily choke her when they first met. Despite this, Winn states, his strength is still not as high as hers.[6] likely due to Kara greater solar energy supply. After being in the 31st century for 7 years, Mon-El's strength has increased to the point; that he was able to easily overpower Kara. During the final battle against Lex Luthor and Nyxlygsptlnz, Mon-El stomped his foot on the ground causing a powerful shockwave that knocked Lex out a window; despite Lex being empowered by the AllStone.
        • Superhuman jumping/leaping: Mon-El is able to jump several feet off the ground and leap several stories in a single bound without having to fly. He demonstrated this power during the attacks of the Daxamite army on National City, when he leaped from the ground level to the top of a nearby skyscraper, only barely bending his knees to build up momentum for the jump. This allowed him to hopscotch over the roofs of numerous buildings to get a bird's-eye view of the city's destruction.
  • Abilities via Legion Ring: Each member of the Legion is granted a special ring that serves as a form of identification, along with granting each member several other capabilities.
    • Flight: The ring that Brainy invented for the legion has been seen to enable Mon-El the ability to fly through unspecific means. It seems to be activated through a telepathic suggestion, as no thoughts or movements were taken to activate it. It appears that it allows Mon-El to fly in a more hover-like stance rather than the typical vertical form of flying found in Martian Manhunter or Supergirl.
    • Telepathy immunity: The ring that Brainy invented for the legion has been seen to give Mon-El the ability to resist telepathic abilities such as when M'yrnn J'onzz loses control in the D.E.O. and cause everyone to display violence towards each other.


  • Genius-level intellect/Expert tactician/Leader: Mon-El has a very high intelligence due to growing up in an advanced civilization. Having lived on Daxam until adulthood, he has far more knowledge about other alien species, their abilities, and heritage than Kara Danvers. Mon-El gradually matured into a wise, capable leader, as he founded and lead the Legion to protect the universe. Upon becoming a hero in the 31st century, Mon-El developed into an excellent tactician with proficient skills in planning and subterfuge; for example, Mon-El infiltrated the Cult of Yuda Kal and sent out a signal to Supergirl, allowing her to find him. Mon-El also analyzed Reign's fighting style to determine her strengths and weaknesses to figure out the best way to combat her. When Mon-El went to Argo City with Kara, he was seen solving a Kryptonian puzzle identical to a rubik’s cube.
    • Expert of deception/Manipulator: Mon-El was able to pose as a clueless human when infiltrating the Cult of Yuda Kal.
    • Expert engineer: After 7 years in the 31st century, Mon-El was able to adapt to their advanced technology; he has a proficient understanding of the Legion's cruiser's functions, realizing it needed a Moran battery to recharge the fuel cells and produce the anti-gravitational force needed to fly.[34] With Winn Schott's help, Mon-El was able to establish a connection between the transmatter portals on Argo City and the D.E.O..[35]
    • Expert pilot: Mon-El knows how to fly the Legion's cruiser.
    • Bilingual: Mon-El is capable of fluently speaking English and Saturnian.
  • Expert hand-to-hand combatant: As the last surviving member of the royal family of Daxam, Mon-El is a capable hand-to-hand combatant, after arriving on Earth, he began training with Kara, which further improved his combat skills. Mon-El was able to defeat Guardian and almost able to kill Kara, though he was being controlled at the time. His combat skills have greatly improved to the point where he was able to take on and defeat several highly trained Daxamite soldiers with armors and weapons relatively easily. After returning from the future, Mon-El has displayed tremendously improved combat skills, utilizing his reflexes and strength with extreme focus and technique, even learning how to fight with a cape; allowing him to easily overpower Kara. He would later teach her how to fight with one. However, he was easily beaten by Purity and even with Imra Ardeen's help, they were beaten by Pestilence. But together with Kara, using the capes from their suits, they could fight Reign to a stalemate.
    • Expert stick-fighter:
      Mon-El defending National City

      Mon-El wielding a staff.

      As the last surviving member of the royal family of Daxam, Mon-El is a capable stick-fighter; with guard staffs, his fighting skills have greatly improved to the point where he was able to defeat a group highly trained Daxamite soldiers with little effort.[25]
    • Expert marksman: Mon-El has proved to possess a certain level of knowledge in the use of firearms.[12]


  • Extreme energy: Extreme amounts of energy, such as Livewire's electricity while she is at her peak, can be enough to kill Mon-El.
    • Electricity: Despite Mon-El's invulnerability (or absorbance of electricity), he seems to be vulnerable to large amounts of electricity, as seen when fighting against Livewire.[13]
  • Red sun energy: Mon-El is powerless when exposed to the energy of a red sun.
  • Blue sun energy: Mon-El is powerless when exposed to the energy of a blue sun. Its radiation is fatal to him and anyone else with a Y chromosome.[36]
  • Magic: Because his abilities stem from his natural physiology and not supernatural means, Mon-El is vulnerable to mystical power as any mortal or Kryptonian.
  • Limited speed: Although Mon-El is incredibly fast, he does have his limits; for example, he is unable to match the Flash and Kid Flash respectively in terms of "physical speed".

Former weaknesses[]

  • Lead: Weapons made from lead (such as bullets) will penetrate Mon-El's skin and even kill him from poisoning if it stays in his system for too long. However; due to him having spent a few months exposed to Earth's yellow sun-enriched atmosphere, Mon-El was able to endure lead's poisoning effects much longer than most other Daxamites. Later, with science provided by the 25th century, Mon-El was permanently cured of his lead allergy.


Original multiverse[]

  • Old Legion suit:
    Legion of Super-Heroes

    Legion rings.

    After Winn Schott fixed his old Legion suit, Mon-El started wearing it to help Kara Danvers train. It carries a hollowed out House of El symbol in the middle of the chest, likely in regards to Supergirl, with a cape that's made of a special Kryptonian material.
  • Legion ring: Mon-El's legion ring allows him to fly.
  • Blaster: A weapon used by Mon-El to stun Supergirl, briefly.
  • Healing technology: A advanced piece of futuristic technology on his belt allowed Mon-El to heal a young boy and save his life.

Former equipment[]

  • Sunglasses: Mon-El wore a pair of sunglasses as the vigilante alter-ego.
  • Legion suit: Mon-El wore a black suit that protected him in battle. After Winn Schott repaired his old suit, Mon-El has stopped wearing this suit.
  • Daxamite staff: As the last surviving member of the royal family of Daxam, Mon-El's fighting skills have greatly improved to the point where he was able to defeat a group of highly trained Daxamite soldiers with little effort.[20]

New multiverse[]

  • Legion suit: Mon-El wears a suit that carries a hollowed out House of El symbol in the middle of the chest, likely in regards to Supergirl, with a cape that's made of a special Kryptonian material.
  • Legion ring: Mon-El's legion ring allows him to fly.



Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

The Flash[]

Season 3[]


Promotional images[]


Season 3[]


Behind the scenes[]

  • In the DC comics, Mon-El (alternatively spelled as M'Onel) is the alias of Lar Gand, a Daxamite superhero inspired by a young Superman. He has been also known as Valor.
  • In the DC comics, Lar Gand was an amnesiac who was given his famous alias of "Mon-El" by Superman. The name is derived from the day he arrived on Earth, Monday (Mon) and Kal-El's own Kryptonian family name (El) as he had believed him to be not only a fellow Kryptonian, but his brother before his Daxamite physiology was revealed.
  • Alternatively, in the post-Zero Hour version, Lar gets the name "M'Onel", which is the Martian word for "Wanderer". Moreover, in real life, Monel is the name of a group of nickel alloys.
  • Mon-El and Kara develop a relationship in the series, while in the comics they only briefly kissed, during The Last Stand of New Krypton story arc.
  • Mon-El's actor, Chris Wood, is married to Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers). They met while filming Season 2 and started dating at some point during 2017.

