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Prudence Hawthorne is a former resident of Salem and the daughter of Jane Hawthorne.


Prudence's father died when she was younger resulting in her mother only raising her from that point forward. By 1692 Jane was accused of false charges of being witch by various locals, including the priest Parsons mainly for rejecting his advances to courtship her. Angry and desperate to save her mother while also wanting revenge on those who were their neighbors Prudence attracted the attention of Tabitha who was more than eager to help Prudence out, who waited for the right moment to influence Prudence to bring fire and brimstone upon the angry Puritans of Salem.

When Prudence got restless, the Fairy Godmother appeared before her with a crystal ball, showing her Sara Lance's words about having to abandon the girl's mother in accordance with history. When John tried to stop Tabitha and Prudence from leaving the ship, he was silenced by the fairy's spell, sealing his mouth shut. The fairy then marched towards the witch pyre together with Prudence, they stopped the whole crowd with magic and freed the girl's mother along with Zari, replacing them upon the pyre with the local reverend. Tabitha urged the girl to punish the Puritans of Salem for their deeds with fire and brimstone, but after Zari Tomaz and Sara Lance managed to convince Prudence to call off Tabitha and renounce her vengeance, the girl released her from their contract, allowing Constantine to incapacitate the mystical witch. After the Legends rescued her mother, Zari advised the mother and daughter to find more tolerable town to live in as Salem wasn't safe for either of them.[1]

In the alternate timeline caused by John Constantine when he attempted to save Desmond from Neron, Charlie, Zari (as a cat) and John Constantine went back in Salem of the same time period to save Nate, Ray and Roy from the death caused by The Fairy Godmother. When those three (masqueraded as Puritan locals) were captured by her, Charlie impersonated her and went to Prudence. Charlie (as a fairy) told her that Prudence must behave like a lady to have a fairy, clean the house, bath every day, go to the church and eat broccoli. Unimpressed by her demands, Prudence fired her, causing the fairy to sever the link and save the Legends from her.[2]


DC's Legends of Tomorrow[]

Season 4[]

