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The Shadow Board is a secret organization in Freeland.


Evelyn Stillwater-Ferguson ran the Shadow Board; the organization's technology was used by Tobias Whale in order to enslave Latavious Johnson. Lady Eve reveals this to Lala when he thinks that he controls her; she then uses Latin code words to control his actions.[1]

Agent Odell of the A.S.A. tells Lady Eve that she can return to the Shadow Board if she gives him the briefcase once owned by Tobias Whale; she agrees,[2] but when Sara Grey comes to get it, Grey tells Eve to run the organization from Gotham City, because the A.S.A. planned to destroy Freeland.[3]

Over a year later, the Shadow Board met with Tobias and granted him membership because he had conquered Freeland by becoming its mayor and by having control over the powers of the city's Meta-humans.[4]

Days later, the Shadow Board told Tobias that it was rescinding his membership because Lightning still had her powers; thus, he did not have total control. Nonchalantly, Tobias had one of the members of the clique killed by an invisible assassin appearing behind the Board member. Tobias showed that he could have any of them killed when he chose without their knowledge. In response to the threat, the Shadow Board bowed before their new leader.[5] Fortunately for the Shadow Board, Tobias' reign didn't last long, as he was killed by Black Lightning some time afterwards.[6]

Known members[]

Current members[]

Former members[]

  • 1 unnamed council member (deceased)

Known allies[]

Former allies[]


Black Lightning[]

Season 3[]

Season 4[]

