Picard 2.9 Beta 2

After our first beta release for Picard 2.9 we had some improvements, but also did an unusual amount of additional refactoring for parts of the code. Especially the code webservice requests module and handling of locale settings got some important improvements.

Hence we decided to do a second beta for the upcoming Picard 2.9. This is a pre-release we put out for wider testing and to gather feedback on the changes before the final 2.9 release.

Please report any issue through our bug tracker and give us feedback on this beta release on the Community Forums.

Thanks a lot to everybody who contributed to this release with code, translations, bug reports and general feedback.


Picard 2.9 Beta 2 can be downloaded from the Picard website Downloads section.

Linux users might want to install the beta version using Snap. If your Linux distribution supports Snap you can install Picard from the beta channel using:

snap install --beta picard

What’s new?

Below is a complete list of changes since Picard 2.9 Beta 1.


  • [PICARD-2481] – Shorten long country lists in search results
  • [PICARD-2651] – Repeated / duplicate log lines on console output


  • [PICARD-2653] – Update alias locales for updated server list
  • [PICARD-2654] – Show error message on rating submission failure due to server error

Known issues

The separate app bundles for macOS 10.12 / 10.13 are currently broken since Picard 2.9 Beta 1. That means this beta release only supports macOS 10.14 or later. We aim to fix this for the final release and provide a macOS 10.12 compatible build again.

Helping out

The easiest way to help us getting a great Picard 2.9 release is using and testing this beta release. Please report bugs on the Picard issue tracker and provide feedback in the community forums.

If you are a software developer you are very welcomed to provide fixes and features. Picard is free software and the source code is available on GitHub. See Developing on the Picard website to get started.

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