The BoldSign mobile app is now available. Visitthis link for more details and give it a try!

The BoldSign mobile app is now available. Visitthis link for more details and give it a try!

Unlimited senders for just $99/month View plan

Fast, reliable, and secure
electronic signatures

Easily collect legally binding eSignatures online from our app or yours. An enterprise-grade electronic signature application and API with all the bells and whistles at an affordable price.

No credit card required

Designed for mere mortals

Send your first document for signing in less than 5 minutes

We have invested a lot of effort to ensure that BoldSign is an intuitive and easy-to-use app despite offering tons of functionality. The only way to truly experience this would be to sign up for a free account and send a few signature requests yourself.

send-document for singing
Fast and scalable api
Seamlessly integrate eSignatures into your apps

We offer a comprehensive REST API that lets you initiate, track, and fulfill signature requests from within your own applications. Our APIs have been built from the ground up to be scalable to easily handle millions of documents when required.

Code Window
bulk link image illustration
Collect signatures from multiple people with just one link.

Embed signature URLs on your website or send secure URLs via email to multiple signers. This is perfect for getting documents like account applications, event registrations, and NDAs signed. No coding required: a user-friendly interface. A great alternative to Docusign’s PowerForms. Start collecting signatures quickly!

Legally Binding
Legally compliant with U.S. and international laws

BoldSign is legally compliant with U.S. (ESIGN) and international (eIDAS) eSignature laws. We record all major activities that happen during the signing process and provide a downloadable copy of the complete audit trail report. The final document is also digitally signed so that any tampering in the future can be immediately detected.

International Law 2
Data Security
Enterprise-grade data security
Your data is protected using bank-grade security standards
We take data security very seriously and have built it into every aspect of the application right from the beginning. All the data stored and transmitted is encrypted using 256-bit AES encryption standards. Your data is completely secure to the point where our own staff do not have access to it even for troubleshooting purposes.
Certified with SOC 2®, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS compliant

As a company committed to providing secure and trustworthy services to our clients, we are proud to announce that Syncfusion’s BoldSign is certified with SOC 2®, GDPR, HIPAA, and PCI DSS compliant. This means that we have implemented strict security measures and data protection protocols to ensure the privacy, confidentiality, and integrity of our clients’ data.

Security and Compliance

BoldSign has received multiple G2 awards in the E-Signature category.

why boldsign?
Enterprise-grade product with all the bells and whistles at an affordable price

Easy to use

BoldSign stands out for its exceptional ease of use, offering a more straightforward and user-friendly experience compared to other eSignature vendors.


20 years in business

Syncfusion, the company behind BoldSign, has been building enterprise-grade software for over 20 years. We are committed to making market-leading electronic signature software.


Absolutely no tricks

We promise that you don’t have to deal with hidden document limits, feature limitations, or unexpected overage charges.


Excellent customer support

We strive to provide the best possible customer support experience and are always ready to assist in any way we can, even if you are on a free plan.

Don’t take our word for it.

Here are a few kind words from some happy customers.

A friend recommended BoldSign as a solution comparable to Docusign but built for SMB use. It’s been easy to use and easy for my customers to use as well. I absolutely recommend BoldSign.

The perfect alternative to Docusign. BoldSign is the sleek, modern interface. It’s easy to navigate as a first time user and the learning curve is minimal!

BoldSign provides a quick and easy way for me to send forms to my business partners. These forms can be signed on most devices, without an account and for free! The sheer level of ease puts BoldSign ahead of the competition.

Recent activities in BoldSign tutorials and blogs

The BoldSign tutorial videos and blog posts cover a wide range of topics, including problem-solving techniques, feature explanations, new feature announcements, and example scenarios utilizing the BoldSign APIs. Stay up to date with our latest activities by checking out our blog and tutorial video channels.