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Review JN008: Don't Lose, Pochama! The Drift Ice Race in the Sinnoh Region!!

A boring and pointless filler. Decent amount of faults like Gou continuing to have that 100% capture rate (Gary Stu if you tell me), contrived episode plot points and TRio continuing to use that stupid lootbox.

It doesn't make sense for Ash to only carry Pikachu around 8 episodes in and not have any new captures, the concept is getting exhausting and boring. Ash participating in the water race using one of his more athletic Pokemon like Buizel would have made more sense, Pikachu could barely keep up and using him is a stupid choice.
A boring and pointless filler. A few faults like Gou continuing to have that 100% capture rate (Gary Stu if you tell me), contrived episode plot points and TRio continuing to use that stupid lootbox.

It doesn't make sense for Ash to only carry Pikachu around 8 episodes in and not have any new captures, the concept is getting exhausting and boring. Ash participating in the water race using one of his more athletic Pokemon like Buizel would have made more sense, Pikachu could barely keep up and using him is a stupid choice.
I agreed, I'll can said it considered to even worse than the previous episode since just cheesiest and no sense of achievement. Wish, the next episode can be better than this. Despite, being a hint promotion for the next game to be released in this year November for the Sinnoh remake.

Overall rating C-
I remember back in the days of Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh that Team Rocket's constant attacks episode after episode after episode were beyond tedium, so seeing them actually improve an episode with one was a pleasant irony. Unfortunately however it wasn't enough to save the episode, which ended up being an incredibly mediocre filler with nothing of value happening until long after the ad break. Misaki wasn't a bad character and served her purpose well enough, although I really couldn't get into the whole Piplup vs. Croagunk thing in the first place. Hearing that awful country/rodeo peace being back again after the glorious break from it last week was also disappointing, as was Gou's continued 100% first ball catch luck. At least give him a bloody Quick Ball or Net or Dive Balls or something else with a respectable catch-rate modifier.

I hope next week is going to be better but my hopes are not high. I certainly hope whatever episode we end the decade with is better than this one that started it.
Lets see:

-Boring plot
-Boring Race
-Team Rocket makes no sense to be here, I would have wanted to stay out of this episode and be in the Galar episodes, the bug episode or the Ho-oH episode
-Team Rocket remembers me of Kalos Rockets instead of Alola Rockets, but with only 2 episodes can say that much, I liked how they tried to destroy the ship
-Team Rocket should use Pokemon they own end of story. If you want for other Pokemon to cause trouble use wild ones.
-Same moto animation they have appeared only in 2 out of 9 episodes and they still will have the same motto animation?¿?¿ Look at Sinnoh episodes on Pokemon TV AWESOME MOTTO AND AWESOME COREAGROPHY AND THAT WAS 13 YEARS AGO. LAZY LAZY ANIMATORS
-Go catches Pokémon that will never have development
-Go and Ash need a serious beating, this is way to happy
-The only thing that can save this series is what happens beyond epsiode 12

This series is on thin ice for me Pun intended
I found it rather boring, the story had potential by having Pokemon taking part in a race but as usual, Team Rocket decide to interrupt it in their usual attempt to catch those taking part

Piplup was rather annoying
Go hogging up precious screentime with pointless captures yet again. Seriously what do people see in this twerp? The rate he catches Pokemon, none of them are gonna be developed lmao

The only saving grace of this episode was Team Rocket making an appearance. Otherwise it'd be just as trash as the Bug episode
Oh boyoboyoboy, say it with me folks...

"Another boring filler episode that is saved by Team Rocket."

God, this could turn into a sing-along party.

Or at least it would be if Go wasn't catching stuff left, right and center.

Everybody here is about as stale as left over cucumbers and there's barely any reason to even give a toss about the race or who was participating or who was winning because I couldn't care less about this random Piplup or Croagunk or the race itself or Ash participating.

At least their owner was cute I guess but one cute thing (and the TRio) does not make a dull episode better.
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If this was episode 60-something during DP, I would have been perfectly okay with it. It felt old-school, with a character of the day who has a problem, and Team Rocket, who inadvertently play a role in resolving that problem.

It worked as a simple story of two Pokemon fighting for their trainer's affection, only to become united when said trainer was in trouble. While that "twist" could be seen a mile off, it being framed around her glasses falling into the water, and them having some kind of Pavlovian response to it, was a smart use of that gag. I honestly feel a kinship with these Pokemon, too, because Misaki was cute.

Sadly, there were issues. In the first place, this wasn't episode 60-something of DP, but episode 8 of a new series. It's far too early for these low stakes episodes.

Next, Gou caught a Tentacool at the start of the episode, but instead of using said Tentacool in the race involving water Pokemon he caught a Mantyke and used that instead. A chance to give that Tentacool some personality and screen-time is completely wasted, so we can add it to the pile of captures we'll probably never see again.

Finally, let's talk Team Rocket. I'm happy they were there, and in the Magikarp Submarine no less, but everything else about their appearance was flaccid. They appear, jump out of the sub, and get straight down to business. There were no jokes or silliness; no image spot of what they'll do with all these water Pokemon, or premature celebration about their plan succeeding. Then, the Gacha appeared, and I hated it. It was unfunny and gross. If the idea was to associate gacha with an evil organisation, the fact they pulled strong Pokemon again undermined that entirely (and the fact Pokemon Masters is a thing does too). What's more, those Pokemon were boring and weak. I hate to say it, but if this is how Team Rocket is going to be, I'd rather they not appear at all, because they deserve better.
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Fillers are inevitable in any kid-oriented show that hardly ever takes a break. They're easy to identify if you want to skip them.
The problem with this is there is no badge / trial quest I repeat again what is the point of this series

Are we going to do the Yokai Watch route, I dont know if they have a plot If I want a SOL series I will watch Doraemon that at least is really funny and I really like it
Fillers are inevitable in any kid-oriented show that hardly ever takes a break. They're easy to identify if you want to skip them.

Okay, I'll stop complaining then. :censored:

For real, don't patronise me. I know what a filler is. Doesn't mean I think it's okay for episode eight of a new season of a show to be one.
You clearly implied that DP didn't have this problem, when it's a minute difference.

Now, a fairer complaint is the quality of the filler rather than its timing. Kanto's 8th episode was also a filler, but it was a great one because we learned more about Ash's values as a trainer. Sadly, Ash has been around for nearly 24 years, so there isn't much to add to him as a character (as opposed to his accomplishments) unless the writers step out of their comfort zone.

It's easy to think of better ideas for fillers than this one's concept, but as far as Piplup is concerned... not so much.
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