


Our technology can do more than remove carbon from the air: our facilities can help industries decarbonize scope 3 emissions by capturing point-source CO₂ and producing green hydrogen, water, lithium, and other green industrial chemicals. Because of these potential integrations with other industrial processes, Capture6’s technology turns carbon removal from a costly stand-alone proposition into a viable solution to allow for widespread decarbonization.

Environmental Impacts

Our approach supports the circular economy and builds resilience for communities by addressing water scarcity and creating local jobs. Supporting adaptation efforts while mitigating emissions is a core strength of Capture6’s approach to carbon removal focused on a socially just environmental transition.

Climate Change Feedback Loops
Climate Change Feedback Loops - vertical

Industrial Integration

Our technology is comprised of well-established and practiced sub-processes that are already in use in other sectors. This means we can use and customize them to move quickly at each new partner facility. To this end, we can develop our process and its decarbonization impacts at unprecedented speed and scale.

Capture6’s integrated decarbonization strategy means we can begin bespoke integration with industrial facilities right now.

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Project Monarch

Capture6 is partnering with Palmdale Water District (PWD) to build a joint pilot facility to produce freshwater resources and simultaneously increase carbon removal in California. The facility, named Pure Water Antelope Valley Demonstration Facility which includes Capture6’s Project Monarch, will be the first fully integrated water management and carbon dioxide (CO₂) removal facility of its kind. 

Capture6’s approach is utilized in Project Monarch and is unique in providing a highly scalable, energy and water positive method of carbon capture, removal and storage. Its direct air capture process integrates with water treatment technologies, and supports community and environmental benefits by delivering additional freshwater and removing CO₂.

Green By-Products

Our facilities will displace additional scope 3 carbon emissions through creation of green by-products. Capture6’s technology can deliver multiple low carbon outputs that support decarbonization of multiple industrial processes. Co-products of the Capture6 process can include H₂, Cl₂, HCl, Pure CO₂, Lithium, Purified H₂O and other valuable commodities that can increase profit for partners.

Green By Products


The Capture6 process uses both Direct air capture (DAC) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technologies to maximize carbon capture and freshwater production. Our DAC+CCS process doubles the capture capacity of our process to enable simultaneous removals and reductions in a single facility with a relatively small increase in overall capital expenditure.

Project Monarch

Capture6 and Palmdale Water District are building the first fully integrated water management and CO₂ removal facility of its kind.

Our Approach
Our Approach

Our integrated approach to carbon management also supports the circular economy and builds resilience for communities.


Are you interested in our services? Get in touch with our team and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.