반갑습니다, CAPCOM ID입니다

CAPCOM ID는 하나의 통합 계정으로 다양한 Capcom 게임과 웹 서비스를 관리할 수 있는 서비스입니다. 누구나 무료로 가입하여 계정을 만들고 사용할 수 있습니다.



Announcement for CAPCOM ID Official X(ex Twitter) Account.

Thank you for using CAPCOM ID.

We would like to announce that finally we opened an official X(ex Twitter) account for CAPCOM ID.

We will be continuously updating every information that related to CAPCOM ID in this platform.


Thank you for continuing to use CAPCOM ID.


IMPORTANT: Changes to Terms of Service

Thank you for using CAPCOM ID.
Changes were made to the CAPCOM ID Terms of Service on 6/1/2023.

To view the updated document in its entirety, please see below.
Terms of Service https://c.cid.capcom.com/info/policy_ingame/terms/en/

Thank you for continuing to use CAPCOM ID.


CAPCOM ID System Maintenance Notice

Thank you for using CAPCOM ID.
CAPCOM ID system maintenance will be performed during the period listed below.

Maintenance Period
April 12, 2023 (Wed) 1:00 - 9:00 (UTC)

Effects of Maintenance
During the maintenance period, the following functions will not be available.
- View the CAPCOM ID portal site
- Register for a new CAPCOM ID
- Log in to your CAPCOM ID
- Make edits/changes to your account, or cancel your account
- Access any services that use CAPCOM ID

Users Who Have Set Up Two-Factor Authentication
New recovery codes for two-factor authentication will be issued as part of this maintenance.
(A recovery code is required when logging in without a device. One is issued when setting up two-factor authentication or when a previous recovery code has been used.)

If you have an account with two-factor authentication, you will be shown a new recovery code upon your first login after maintenance. Please update your stored recovery code to the new code and store it in a safe place.

Please note that old recovery codes will no longer work after maintenance.

Maintenance may end sooner or later than listed.
We apologize to all users for the inconvenience.


IMPORTANT: Changes to Privacy Policy

Thank you for using CAPCOM ID.

Changes were made to the CAPCOM ID Privacy Policy on 5/12/2022.

To view the updated document in its entirety, please see below.
Privacy Policy: https://cid.capcom.com/en/policy/privacy/

Thank you for continuing to use CAPCOM ID.


[For customers using MSN or Hotmail email addresses] Difficulty receiving emails from CAPCOM ID.

Thank you for using CAPCOM ID.

Currently, we are experiencing an issue where some mails from CAPCOM ID to certain domains are delayed or not reaching the recipients.

Date/Time of Issue:
Thursday, October 1, 2020, 18:30 onward

Content of the Issue:
Mails from CAPCOM ID sent to MSN and Hotmail domains may be delayed or not arrive altogether.

Response to Issue:
We are currently investigating this issue.

Update, October 6, 2020, 18:00(JST)
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers with this issue.
After investigating, we are unable to resolve this issue.

For users with MSN or Hotmail email addresses:
We are very sorry for the trouble. If you encounter this problem during the registration or account transfer processes, we ask that you please try the process again. If you still cannot receive emails, please consider trying again with a different email address.We again apologize for the inconvenience and trouble.


CAPCOM ID는 게임과 웹 서비스를 모두 사용할 수 있는 통합 계정입니다.




최고의 전투 경험을 제공하기 위해, 이 게임에서는 Street Fighter의 세계를 여행하고 다른 플레이어와 상호 작용할 수 있는 모드를 제공합니다.대전 격투 게임 초심자부터 노련한 숙련자들까지, 모든 종류의 게이머들이 함께 할 수 있습니다.



본 작품은 '포지션'이라고 하는 역할에 특화한 최신예 파워 슈트 '엑소 슈트'를 몸에 걸치고,압도적인 수로 몰려오는 '공룡 재난'에 맞서는 온라인 전용 팀 대전형 매시브 액션이다.



Resident Evil 시리즈 최신 정보를 가장 먼저 확인하실 수 있는 사이트입니다. 또한 전 세계 다른 플레이어들과 스탯을 공유하고, 시리즈 입문자부터 숙련자까지 모두를 위한 풍성한 콘텐츠 아이템을 즐기실 수 있습니다.



시리즈의 인기 캐릭터끼리 대전할 수 있는 온라인 전용 게임 『BIOHAZARD RE:VERSE』를『Biohazard Village』『Biohazard Village Gold Edition』 구매자에게 무료 제공.

처음 사용하는 경우:

CAPCOM ID에 가입 시 다양한 Capcom 관련 서비스에 액세스하실 수 있습니다. 지금 가입해 Capcom이 드리는 혜택을 모두 누려 보세요!