DC Database

When Clark Kent arrived in Metropolis after spending several years abroad, he moved into apartment 3-D on the third floor. Clark remained at 344 Clinton Street during most of his career as Superman. During the brief period when Superman was considered "dead", the exuberant clone known as [[K

344 Clinton Street is a high-rise apartment complex in midtown Metropolis.


When Clark Kent arrived in Metropolis after spending several years abroad, he moved into apartment 3-D on the third floor. Clark remained at 344 Clinton Street during most of his career as Superman. During the brief period when Superman was considered "dead", the exuberant clone known as Superboy briefly took up residence in apartment 3-D.



  • Both the Pre-Crisis version of Superman, and the Post-Crisis version of Superman maintained a residence at 344 Clinton Street in Metropolis.


  • In the Pre-Crisis continuity, Superman modified Kent's apartment to include several unique features including a fake wall, a secret closet (for storing Superman robots) and a personal trophy room. The front door to his apartment was outfitted with a secret lock that only Clark Kent knew about. None of these characteristics were preserved in the revised Post-Crisis version of 344 Clinton Street.

See Also

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