DC Database

"Superboy's Most Amazing Dream": This story is reprinted from Adventure Comics #211.

80-Page Giant #3 is an issue of the series 80-Page Giant (Volume 1) with a cover date of September, 1964. It was published on July 23, 1964.

Synopsis for "Superboy's Most Amazing Dream"

This story is reprinted from Adventure Comics #211.

After Clark Kent wonders if he will ever have anyone to share his confidences with after his parents die, he has a dream in which, as an adult curator of the Metropolis Museum, he reveals his secret identity as Superman to Lana Lang. However, in his dream, Lois Lane (whom Clark once met before) is a Daily Planet reporter, overhears Lana referring to Clark as Superman, and exposes his secret to the world. Upon waking, Clark decides not to tell Lana his secret, and doubts that he will ever meet Lois Lane again.

Appearing in "Superboy's Most Amazing Dream"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

Other Characters:


Synopsis for "The Girl Who Stole Superman"

This story is reprinted from Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #7.

Lana Lang travels from Smallville to Metropolis looking for work. Lois Lane offers to help her out, and sets her up in a position at the Daily Planet. She further allows Lana to stay with her at her apartment. Lois notices that Lana possesses a ring that Superman gave to her years ago when he operated under the guise of Superboy. Lois' feelings of inadequacy rise once again, and she finds herself competing for Superman's affections.

Superman discovers Lois' dilemma and provides her with a ring. Lana meanwhile, still harbors feelings for the Man of Steel herself, and commits random acts designed to sabotage Lois and Superman's relationship. In a rage, Lois throws away her new ring.

Lois later learns that her current rivalry with Lana is actually part of a ploy wrought by Superman. Superman discovered that the ring he had given to Lois was having adverse effects on his x-ray vision and conspired with Lana in a plan to get Lois to remove it.

Appearing in "The Girl Who Stole Superman"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Three Smallville Residents (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Flashback only) (Single appearance)
  • Daily Planet Employees (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)


  • distant Planet (Unnamed) (Mentioned only)
  • Metropolis
    • Slums
    • Lois Lane's Apartment
    • Daily Planet
    • Daily Planet Annual Picnic
  • Smallville (Flashback only)
  • Island (Unnamed) (Single appearance)
    • Volcano (Unnamed) (Single appearance)


  • Lana Lang's Ring
  • Lois Lane's Ring (Destroyed)


Synopsis for "The Flying Girl of Smallville"

This story is reprinted from Superboy #72.

As a reward for not trying to discover his secret identity, Superboy gives Lana Lang the power of flight, while connected by a device to him, for three hours...but if she remains connected without interruption for all that time, she will have the power of flight forever.

Appearing in "The Flying Girl of Smallville"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Superboy's Cosmic Belt


Synopsis for "Lana Lang, Superwoman"

This story is reprinted from Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #17.

To save the Earth, Superman agrees to let Brainiac subject Lois Lane and Lana Lang to a bomb blast--but first he gives them both super-powers with a transfusion of his own blood.

Appearing in "Lana Lang, Superwoman"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Doctor (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Children (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Farmer (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Jumbo (White Elephant) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Whale (Cameo) (Single appearance)



  • Gravity-Belt (given to Lana by Superboy) (Mentioned only)
  • Kryptonian Blood
  • Lana Lang's Superhero Costume
  • Lois Lane's Superhero Costume
  • Giant Robotic Fire-Breathing Space Creature (Flashback only) (Destroyed)
  • Brainiac's Force Screen (Flashback and main story)
  • Superman Robots (Mentioned only)
  • Time Bomb


  • School Bus
  • Jet (Flashback only)
  • Brainiac's Spacecraft (Flashback and main story) (from Action Comics #242)

Synopsis for "The Battle Between Super-Lois and Super-Lana"

This story is reprinted from Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #21.

Appearing in "The Battle Between Super-Lois and Super-Lana"

  • Appearances not yet listed

Synopsis for "Mr. and Mrs. Clark (Superman) Kent"

This story is reprinted from Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #19.

Appearing in "Mr. and Mrs. Clark (Superman) Kent"

Featured Characters:

  • Lois Lane (First appearance) (Flashback and main story)

Supporting Characters:

  • Jimmy Olsen (First appearance)
  • Perry White (First appearance)
  • Superman (First appearance) (Flashback and main story)
  • Lane Family
    • Lucy Lane (First appearance) (Flashback and main story)
    • Samuel Lane (Flashback only) (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Wedding Guests (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Flashback only) (Single appearance)
  • Kent Family
    • Jonathan Kent (Mentioned only)
    • Martha Kent (Mentioned only)
  • Carlyle Oil Derrick Workers (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • John's Wife (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • John (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • President (Mentioned only)
  • Winthrop Carlyle (Mentioned only)
  • Mrs. Carlyle (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Mrs. Talbot (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Lois' Neighbor (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Two Metropolis Art Gallery Employees (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Metropolis Police Department (Cameo)
  • South Sea Island Residents (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Gloria Lamour (movie star) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Citizens of Metropolis (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)



  • Chameleon Dress (changes color depending on the mood of the wearer or toucher) (Destroyed)

Synopsis for "The Day Superman Married Lana Lang"

This story is reprinted from Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #26.

Appearing in "The Day Superman Married Lana Lang"

Featured Characters:

  • Lois Lane

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Superman's Greatest Sacrifice"

This story is reprinted from Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #5.

Lois Lane takes on an assignment to interview a wealthy recluse named Dolores Drake. She bargains her way into the heiress' mansion only to discover that Dolores is the spitting image of Lois herself.

Lois' anxieties intensify when she later discovers that Superman has fallen in love with Dolores and offered her a proposal of marriage. As part of his wedding vows, he agrees to forego his super-powers and retire as Superman.

While Superman and Dolores are busy arranging their wedding, a gang of crooks known as the Flynn Gang attempt to break into the Drake mansion and steal her valuables. Suddenly, a second Superman swoops down and apprehends the thugs. He reveals to Lois, that the man, who proposed to Dolores Drake, was actually her butler – Jarvis.

Appearing in "Superman's Greatest Sacrifice"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Flynn Mob
    • Gatekeeper (Unnamed) (Single appearance)
    • Three Men (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Jarvis (Single appearance)

Other Characters:


  • Metropolis
    • Daily Planet
      • News Morgue (Mentioned only)
    • Lois Lane's Apartment
    • East Street
    • Drake Mansion (unknown location)
    • Robbins College (unknown location) (Mentioned only)



  • None

Synopsis for "Lois Lane's Romeo"

This story is reprinted from Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane #10.

At the wedding of one of her co-workers, Lois Lane ends up catching the bouquet, and remarks that she'll become an old maid before Superman finally proposes to her. The next day at the Daily Planet, Lois and Clark are assigned to cover the Roman Film Festival where Superman is supposed to appear as a guest of honor with movie star Gina Loretti to be part of the welcoming committee. Lois is instantly worried that the bomb-shell movie actress will be able to win the Man of Steel's heart.

When they arrive in Rome and Lois spies Gina Loretti arriving at the airport, it takes a gigantic blow to her confidence and leaves her to decide to opt out of covering the event, letting Clark cover it alone. Changing into Superman, Clark realizes that Lois is worried that the Man of Steel might fall for a movie star, even though he has no interest in Gina or any other star, but is glad Lois is not going, as it allows him to be Superman without worrying about his double identity.

When Superman arrives at the festival, Gina greets him with a romantic kiss. Lois meanwhile is being shown around the city by a guide who takes her past a shop window where she spies a painting that resembles her. Wanting to buy the picture, she demands the shop owner to tell her who the artist is. He points out the saddened Dino Del Monaco, and Lois is taken to the handsome man and is instantly taken by his good looks and gentlemanly demeanor. The charming Dino then takes Lois back to his loft where he shows her that he has dozens of paintings based on her, having apparently seen her in his dreams.

When Superman returns to Lois' apartment, he finds a note for Clark telling him that she has fallen in love with Del Monaco and plans to spend the next few days touring Venice with him. Knowing that Lois' impulsive behavior might get her in trouble, Superman decides to keep an eye on her. When rain threatens the couple's boat ride on the Grand Canal, Superman secretly blows the rain clouds away. When Dino attempts to paint a picture of Lois in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, an earthquake straightens the national monument. However, Superman secretly returns it to its renown leaning position before. There, Superman introduces himself to Del Manaco, who tells the Man of Steel that he and Lois intend to marry in Rome.

The following day, back in his guise of Clark Kent, Superman accompanies Lois and Dino to the festival's gladiatorial pageant. When a lion gets loose, Clark lours it away from sight and knocks it out. When the creature tears his normal clothing revealing his Superman costume underneath, Clark quickly changes into a Roman toga before anyone can see him in his iconic costume.

Before the wedding, Lois happens down the street near the shop where she bought Dino's first painting. There, she spies a blonde woman finding a picture of herself in the shop window. Following the blonde woman in secret, she sees Dino meet her and say the exact same things that he had told Lois only days before. Upset, she tells Clark the situation and the two decide to snoop around Dino's loft once more. There, they see a series of portraits based on women that Dino had photographed. Spying on Dino as his new woman has bought him a piano, she overhears Dino explaining his plot to move to America to live in rich idleness. Lois then smashes a painting over his head, revealing to him that she has learned the truth.

Walking away, Clark introduces Lois to the woman who was Dino's next "victim", who is in reality Gina Loretti in disguise who agreed to help Clark when he originally suspected Dino of being a crook. Back in Metropolis, as Superman paints a portrait of Lois at super-speed, Lois wonders how Clark may have guessed that Dino was a crook, unaware that it was Superman's x-ray vision that revealed a single tell-tale clue: That the paint on the paintings of Lois that were supposedly made days before Dino's first meeting with her, still had fresh paint.

Appearing in "Lois Lane's Romeo"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Julio (guide) (Single appearance)
  • Dino Del Monaco (artist) (Single appearance)
  • Lion

Other Characters:

  • Girl Reporter (bride) (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Five Bachelorettes (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Gina Loretti (actress) (Single appearance)
    • (also disguised as Felicia Farr)
  • Art Salesman (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)
  • Gondolier (Unnamed) (Cameo) (Single appearance)



  • Daily Planet Newspaper
  • Paintings


  • Gondola


This issue reprints various Lois Lane related stories from Adventure Comics, Superboy (Volume 1) and Superman's Girl Friend, Lois Lane.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
