DC Database

"The Last Will and Testament of Lex Luthor": A mysterious stranger infiltrates the Fortress of Solitude, destroying Kelex along the way. He then hacks into the Fortress' computer using his armor's ability to simulate Superman's voice biometric signature, and discovers that Superman's wife and so

Quote1 What exactly is he doing now, I wonder. Returning home, perhaps dressed as that insipid Clark Kent? After a stop at some mundane fast-food dungeon, no doubt. Rather crushing to learn that a man who should be living on his own version of Mount Olympus... is so uninspired and unimaginative that he has decided to live the drab, gray existence of a worker drone. Instead of embracing the super... he embraces the man. Therein lies his weakness. Quote2
— "Old Man" Lex Luthor (Future)

Action Comics Special #1 is a one-shot with a cover date of July, 2018. It was published on May 2, 2018.

Synopsis for "The Last Will and Testament of Lex Luthor"

A mysterious stranger infiltrates the Fortress of Solitude, destroying Kelex along the way. He then hacks into the Fortress' computer using his armor's ability to simulate Superman's voice biometric signature, and discovers that Superman's wife and son are at their apartment in Metropolis. Observing Lois, the stranger says she will be his key to his revenge on Superman.

Lois is about to take a plane to Paris, leaving Clark and Jon alone for a few days. Hours after Lois has left, Superman reaches the apartment with a box of pizza. Superman's reunion with his son proves short-lived, however, as Jon gets a message on his cellphone that describes his mother as "Mrs. Superman." Superman believes that if someone discovered Lois' connection to him, that must mean Lois is in danger, so he sends Jon to Supergirl, while he goes on to save Lois.

Superman's fears prove justified as Lois' plane is suddenly targeted by a missile. Acting quickly, Superman destroys the missile and stabilizes the plane after the explosion causes some turbulence. Once the passengers have been safely evacuated, Superman and Lois wonder who could have launched the missile, which had been created with Kryptonian and Earth allies. General Zod is unlikely to be responsible, as he would not need weapons to pull off a stunt like this. Only a human could have been the aggressor.

The next day, Superman goes to Lexcorp Tower and confronts Lex Luthor over the attack, as the plane belonged to Lexcorp and the missile that attacked it was constructed with Lexcorp materials. Lex denies any involvement in the attack, and Superman uses his super-sense to confirm that he is telling the truth. Just to be sure, however, he uses his X-ray vision to examine Lex's armory, seeing that his armor no longer carries the symbol of the House of El. Superman feels slightly weakened but quickly regains his composure and leaves, promising Lex he will discover the culprit. Lex himself has also gained an interested in finding out the aggressor, so he watches security footage of the attack.

Lois goes to work at the Daily Planet, but as soon as she takes the elevator, she gets a call from a mysterious voice that identifies her as "Mrs. Superman." Suddenly, the elevator malfunctions and quickly breaks through the building's roof. As the elevator breaks apart, Lois is left defenseless on the air until she is grabbed by a man wearing a cybernetic armor: Lex Luthor.

Lex drops Lois into the streets below, but she is quickly caught by Superman, who tries put as much distance between himself and Lex as possible. Lex, recognizing Superman as Clark Kent, blasts Superman with a laser, causing him to fall into a nearby park. After ensuring Lois' safety, Superman continues the fight with Lex, who has outfitted his newest armor with Kryptonian materials. Additionally, the missile Superman previously destroyed in order to save Lois contained a chemical agent that has been weakening Superman over these past few hours.

Lex once again claims to be superior to Superman because he achieved greatness as a human, while Superman is merely alien who had greatness thrust upon him. Superman berates Lex over the fact that Lex only cares about himself and his vendetta against Superman is merely a way to protect his own ego. Angry, Lex shoots a missile at Lois, but that missile is destroyed by another Lex, the Lex Superman had previously confronted earlier at Lexcorp. This Lex is wearing a slimmer armor, the one Superman saw at the Lexcorp armory, further confirming that the Lex that threatened Lois must be some sort of imposter. Although Lex wants to confront the man who stole his name, Lois advises him to save some bystanders, to which he reluctantly agrees.

Lex's arrival proves to be the opening Superman needs to take the imposter down. Upon tearing his armor open, however, Superman realizes he was never fighting an imposter. His opponent was indeed Lex Luthor, albeit one who is seventy years older and suffering from cancer. He travelled to the past to take revenge on Superman before his own life ended, but that endeavor failed and the older Lex dies before his armor detonates and falls apart before Superman's eyes. The present Lex demands to know who masqueraded as him, but Superman says that it no longer matters. That man was killed by his own hatred.

Appearing in "The Last Will and Testament of Lex Luthor"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Old Man" Lex Luthor (Future) (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:




  • LexAir Flight 297 (Single appearance)


Synopsis for "Suprema Est Lex"

Lex is not in a good mood. He will be attending to White House Correspondents' Dinner, a celebration that can only be attended by the most important in the country, himself included. Lex did not have an easy road to success; back when he was a child, Lex felt that the other children at his school only respected him because his father owned the factory their parents worked at. Once his father announced layoffs, however, some children began resenting him. Since then, Lex has come to believe that respect was not given, it had be paid for. After acquiring his father's factory, Lex amassed more wealth until his company, Lexcorp, became one of the largest conglomerates in the world.

As dinner begins, Lois is invited to the podium to say a few jokes, mostly a few light-hearted jokes just to alleviate the tension. Clark is also invited to joke around a little bit, and he too says a few jokes directed as his friends from the Justice League. Things take a turn for the serious when Clark announces the recipient for the White House Correspondents' Association Humanitarian Award: Superman. Clark then shows all the visitors a video of Superman's accomplishment, which also shows some moments of Lex's time as a supervillain, much to Lex's embarrassment.

Lex goes to bathroom to relax for a bit until he finds a visitor making fun of him. As soon as he sends his bodyguards to assault the visitor, Lex goes to his limousine, makes a phone call and announces he will run for president.

Appearing in "Suprema Est Lex"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Lois Lane (Flashback and main story)
  • Smallville High School bullies (Single appearance) (Unnamed) (Flashback only)
  • Superman (Clark Kent) (Flashback and main story)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Driver's Seat"

A few years ago, on the streets of Metropolis, Lois was driving her old car until she endures a crash caused by someone who was texting and driving at the same time.

Meanwhile, a bank robber streaks across the sky, holding a bag of money, until he is caught by Superman. The bank robber is Marvin Haskins, a former scientist who constructed a jetpack to steal a bank. He only did it because he was losing money and his wife was going to take her child and leave. Haskins desperately apologizes and Superman says he must stand trial for his crimes, even so, the jetpack he constructed could be used to help people, so Superman will hide it until Haskins can legally patent it. Haskins accepts and Superman gets a phone call from Lois, who tells him about her accident.

Fortunately, Lois is unharmed but the car is broken beyond repair. Lois tells Clark that the car was a graduation gift and she used it for everything. Now, the car is gone and only the memories remain.

Clark and Lois go to celebrate Christmas with a few family friends. Although they experience a night for celebration, Clark can still notice Lois' unhappiness. Fortunately, he has a solution. The next day, Superman reveals to Lois that he was able to salvage a few parts from the car: the driver's seat and the steering wheel. Lois appreciates her husband's gesture and they go for a romantic flight together. The car might be gone but Superman and Lois will always have each other.

Appearing in "Driver's Seat"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Marvin Haskins (Single appearance)

Other Characters:



  • Marvin Haskins' Jetpack



See Also

Links and References
