DC Database

"Superman: "Clark Kent In the Big House!"": Clark Kent poses as a convicted criminal to learn where a prisoner stashed a million dollars in loot, only to find the prison warden and even his friends have turned against him.

Action Comics #323 is an issue of the series Action Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1965.

Synopsis for Superman: "Clark Kent In the Big House!"

Clark Kent poses as a convicted criminal to learn where a prisoner stashed a million dollars in loot, only to find the prison warden and even his friends have turned against him.

Appearing in Superman: "Clark Kent In the Big House!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Larceny Luke" Damon (Single appearance)
  • "Blacky" Blake (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Governor Benton (Single appearance)
  • Warden Bancroft (Single appearance)
  • "Big Monk" Flint (Single appearance)




Synopsis for Supergirl: "The Kryptonian Killer!"

Supergirl is infected with the evil mentalities of Mata Hari, Lady Macbeth, and Lucrezia Borgia through Ravenne's hypno-dominator, and, against her will, is forced to steal, concoct a Kryptonite-based poison, and then feed the poison to Comet, who collapses, to a released Phantom Zone prisoner, Py-Ron, and then to Superman, both of whom apparently die--and then, to herself. But, unknown to them, Comet was not affected by the poison, not being Kryptonian, and secretly altered the brew with his super-vision to make it produce a non-fatal reaction. However, Py-Ron, recovering first, dons a Superman-like uniform he once used in a short career as "Evil-Man" and, by pushing Feminax off its axis, causes global disasters which kill all the Sisterhood of Evil and everyone else on the planet. Superman and Supergirl judge Py-Ron guilty of mass murder, despite the fact that he intended to punish evildoers, and banish him to the Phantom Zone again.

Appearing in Supergirl: "The Kryptonian Killer!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Queen Ravenne
  • Lucrezia Borgia
  • Mata Hari
  • Lady Macbeth

Other Characters:

  • Py-Ron (Single appearance)




See Also

Links and References
