DC Database

"Superboy: "The Laws That Backfired"": City Councilman Henry Mathers convinces the Smallville government to abolish their police force and fire department in favor of using Superboy for law enforcement and fire control, thus saving money. But Superb

Quote1 What awful luck, Roy! The city's most feared crook on the rampage and Green Arrow and Speedy can't do a thing about it! Quote2
— Green Arrow (Oliver Queen)

Adventure Comics #172 is an issue of the series Adventure Comics (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1952.

Synopsis for Superboy: "The Laws That Backfired"

City Councilman Henry Mathers convinces the Smallville government to abolish their police force and fire department in favor of using Superboy for law enforcement and fire control, thus saving money. But Superboy reads and memorizes all the laws on the city books, and discovers that Smallville is about to cease to exist.

Appearing in Superboy: "The Laws That Backfired"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Gangsters (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Henry Mathers (Single appearance)


Synopsis for Aquaman: "Aquaman Leaves the Sea!"

Appearing in Aquaman: "Aquaman Leaves the Sea!"

Featured Characters:


  • Snead (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Captain Banks (Single appearance)

Synopsis for Johnny Quick: "Johnny Slow"!

While interfering with a hotel robbery, Johnny Chambers gets whacked in the head with a pistol butt, and is dazed badly enough to have partial amnesia afterward. He can't recall his super-speed formula, and a gang of crooks finds this out. Johnny tries to use trickery to bluff the crooks into thinking he's got his speed back, but it backfires on him. Then he uses better trickery to pick off the gang boss's two henchmen, but the boss escapes again. Finally he uses a package freight company's enormously powerful pneumatic system to move himself to a different part of town in time to intercept the fleeing boss, punches him out, and turns him over to the police. Also the air pressure in the pneumatic tunnel clears up his amnesia, so he is again able to remember his super formula.

Appearing in Johnny Quick: "Johnny Slow"!

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Philadelphia Police



  • 3-seat bicycle

Synopsis for Green Arrow: "The Remote-Controlled Archers"

Appearing in Green Arrow: "The Remote-Controlled Archers"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • "Strong Man" Bonds (Single appearance)

Other Characters:





  • Johnny Quick
    • One package delivery company in Philadelphia has a man-sized pneumatic tube running under the river, for very speedy transfer of parcels, between two boroughs.
    • The bottom 1/3 of the last page is an advertisement for Vitalis Hair Cream, featuring Bert Parks.

See Also

Links and References

Batman 0585
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Summary Needed

This page is missing a well-written and detailed synopsis. If there is already a synopsis here, it might need to be modified or expanded. You can help the DC Database by adding a summary of the story.
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.