• 1987 Character Debuts... • 1996s Character Debuts — 1997 — 1998 Character Debuts • ... 2007 Character Debuts •
This category contains a listing of all characters which had their first appearance cover dated 1997 .
See also: 1997 Comic Debuts • 1997 Team Debuts
See also: 1997 Comic Debuts • 1997 Team Debuts
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All items (515)
- 3g4 (New Earth)
- A-Mortal (New Earth)
- Aaron Bodine (New Earth)
- Ace Arn (DCAU)
- Adam Clay (Earth-9)
- Adam One (New Earth)
- Adam Thompson (Earth-9)
- Adonis (Whom Gods Destroy)
- Aimee DeWitt (New Earth)
- Alan Scott (DCAU)
- Alan Wayne (New Earth)
- Alea (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alexi Luthorovich Dymtryshyn (Elseworld's Finest)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Dark Knight Dynasty)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Earth-37)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Earth-3839)
- Allfather (Preacher)
- Althesia (New Earth)
- Amazing Grace (DCAU)
- Ambush the Lunatik (Amalgam Universe)
- Amy Grinderbinder (Preacher)
- Anastasia Force (New Earth)
- Andrea Martinez (New Earth)
- Andrew McFee (New Earth)
- Anne Fletcher (New Earth)
- Anthony Gordon (Earth-3839)
- Aquadus (Earth-9)
- Ariadne of the Blue Guard (New Earth)
- Armek (New Earth)
- Armitage Hawsley (New Earth)
- Arthur Light (DCAU)
- Arthur McKenzie (Amalgam Universe)
- Arthur Villain (New Earth)
- Asmodel (New Earth)
- Aurora Trigger (Amalgam Universe)
- AWOL (New Earth)
- Azteka (Rock of Ages)
- Barbara Gordon (Earth-3839)
- Baruch Wane (Berlin Batman)
- Baud (New Earth)
- Beast (Transmetropolitan)
- Benjamin Newton (New Earth)
- Bernell Jones (New Earth)
- Bibbo Bibbowski (Elseworld's Finest)
- Blind (Wildstorm Universe)
- Blizard (New Earth)
- Bloodhound (New Earth)
- Bonny Hoffman (New Earth)
- Boston Brand (DCAU)
- Bradford Sackett (New Earth)
- Brande (Wildstorm Universe)
- Brenda Ruskin (New Earth)
- Brother Brood (Amalgam Universe)
- Brother Power (Earth-9)
- Bruce Wayne (Curse of the Cat-Woman)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth-37)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth-3839)
- Bruce Wayne, Jr. (Earth-3839)
- C.O.M.P.U.T.O. (Post-Zero Hour)
- Carl Walters (Earth-9)
- Carlos (New Earth)
- Carom (New Earth)
- Celeste Nelson (Earth-9)
- Celestia (New Earth)
- Cerimul (New Earth)
- Ceritak (New Earth)
- Cerizah (New Earth)
- Charles Wayne (New Earth)
- Christina Chiles (New Earth)
- Christine Blaze (Wildstorm Universe)
- Christine Montoya (Amalgam Universe)
- Cissie King-Jones (New Earth)
- Clarc Kent-son (Earth-1927)
- Clark Bullock (Amalgam Universe)
- Clay Brody (New Earth)
- Coltrane Walker (New Earth)
- Comrade Grodd (Amalgam Universe)
- Congored (Amalgam Universe)
- Craig Windrow (New Earth)
- Cybercroc (Amalgam Universe)
- Dagger Dixon (DCAU)
- Daniel Turpin (Elseworld's Finest)
- Danita Wright (New Earth)
- Deanna Barr (New Earth)
- Deathgrip (New Earth)
- Dell Merriwether (New Earth)
- Delroy Amberson (New Earth)
- Devan Lawless (Wildstorm Universe)
- Diana Prince (Earth-18)
- Doctor (Wildstorm Universe)
- Doctor Carcosa (New Earth)
- Donald Sullivan (New Earth)
- Doris Zuel (New Earth)
- Download (New Earth)
- Earl Povich (New Earth)
- Echo (New Earth)
- Edward Sands (New Earth)
- Eidolon (Wildstorm Universe)
- El Papamondo (Amalgam Universe)
- Elaine Marsh-Morton (New Earth)
- Emily Washburn (New Earth)
- Eudia (New Earth)
- Evil Absorber (Dakotaverse)
- Evisceratronic (Post-Zero Hour)
- Exotica (Wildstorm Universe)
- Faern (New Earth)
- Fangg (Post-Zero Hour)
- Ferrian (Wildstorm Universe)
- Ferris Boyle (New Earth)
- Fluxus (New Earth)
- Francis Beauvedere (New Earth)
- Frankie Carbone (New Earth)
- Franklin Pierce (New Earth)
- Frederick Freeman (DCAU)
- Frostbite (New Earth)
- Futura (Earth-1927)
- Gadsden Graves (DCAU)
- Gail Force (New Earth)
- Geist (Wildstorm Universe)
- Georgia Redmond (New Earth)
- Glorious Godfrey (DCAU)
- Guy Gardner (Earth-18)
- Harmon (New Genesis) (New Earth)
- Harold Stark (Amalgam Universe)
- Harvey Bullock (Curse of the Cat-Woman)
- Hathak (New Earth)
- Helena Sandsmark (DCAU)
- Henry Hogan (New Earth)
- Himon (DCAU)
- Hooker (New Earth)
- Hoppy (New Earth)
- Humperdoo (Preacher)
- Huon the Small (New Earth)
- Image, Lord of Order (New Earth)
- Inkling (New Earth)
- Iris Force (New Earth)
- Isaac Fisher (New Earth)
- Jake Bennetti (New Earth)
- James Buchanan (New Earth)
- James Gordon (Curse of the Cat-Woman)
- James Gordon (Dark Knight Dynasty)
- James Gordon (Earth-37)
- James Gordon (Earth-3839)
- Jarrod Jupiter (New Earth)
- Jasper Dolan (New Earth)
- Jebediah Kent (New Earth)
- Jenna Clark (Dark Knight Dynasty)
- Jennifer Faraday (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jeremy Horton (New Earth)
- Jimmy Murphy (New Earth)
- Joe Bandano (New Earth)
- Joe Chill (Dark Knight Dynasty)
- Joe Hercules (New Earth)
- John Stewart (DCAU)
- Joker (Earth-3839)
- Jon Kent (Earth-1927)
- Joseph Minette (New Earth)
- Jumella (New Earth)
- June Masters (Amalgam Universe)
- Kanto 13 (New Earth)
- Kenn Kawa (New Earth)
- Kenneth Wayne (New Earth)
- Kent Connor (New Earth)
- Kevin Kelly (New Earth)
- Kim Rebecki (New Earth)
- King Faraday (Earth-9)
- Komissar Garten (Berlin Batman)
- Kritter (Post-Zero Hour)
- Kryos Theophilius (Earth-9)
- L'ok D'saad (Amalgam Universe)
- Laserjet (Dakotaverse)
- Laura Wayne (New Earth)
- Lenda Troupe (New Earth)
- Leslie Willis (DCAU)
- Linda Park (DCAU)
- Lois Lane (Earth-1927)
- Loren Freitag (New Earth)
- Lori Lemaris (Earth-9)
- Louis Martin (New Earth)
- Luca Mareli (New Earth)
- Luigi Maroni (New Earth)
- Lupe Bodine (New Earth)
- Lutor (Earth-1927)
- Machine Messiah (New Earth)
- Macho Gato (New Earth)
- Magala (New Earth)
- Malcolm Thawne (New Earth)
- Margot Fields (New Earth)
- Marlon Corbet (New Earth)
- Marlon Dall (New Earth)
- Marnie (New Earth)
- Marta (Earth-1927)
- Martha Taylor (Earth-3839)
- Martha Wane (Berlin Batman)
- Mary Batson (DCAU)
- Maura Rayner (New Earth)
- Max Faraday (Wildstorm Universe)
- Max Mercury (DCAU)
- Meloni Thawne (New Earth)
- Micah Flint (New Earth)