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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Barry Allen (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Every time we get close to knowing each other, she takes off again. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 No way...he's their Flash?! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 That woman's insane. No... just amoral. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 And this time it isn't just the Flash coming for him. It's Barry Allen. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Man, I don't think I'll ever get used to this. Magic mansions and demons. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Batman's real? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You better, uh, talk or... or I'm going to... I'm going to get really... upset. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We...I think we caused this. I think we're the reason all this happened... I think we killed all these people. I think we killed his family. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 So... you want me to, what, kill every roach in San Francisco? Am I being... punished for something? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Run? Oh, I'll run. But that's light chasing me … it's going to catch me eventually. That's just physics. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It looks like it's time for what I think has to be the first Justice League/Justice Society Team-up! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Hello, and welcome... to the Hall of Justice! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Wally thinks I saved him. That I brought him back... But really... Wally brought me back... Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I had a chance to save you, so I had to try. To let you die... it'd be no different from killing you myself. I won't take a life. Not for any reason. Not ever. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 And for Paradox to mess with me like this? To do this? To use my memory of my mother? I'm going to make him pay. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm not the Flash alone. We're The Flash. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 So in addition to housing my costume, it also brings me hope during what would otherwise be dark times. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 More like a Flash. Took me forever to come up with that code name! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Life is locomotion... if you're not moving, you're not living. But there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things... and you've got to start running towards something, you've got to forge ahead. Keep moving. Even if your path isn't lit... trust that you'll find your way. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I guess you can say that I'm taking a page out of Batman's playbook and getting to know my enemy. Without the benefit of Batman's bankroll, I'm gonna have to find an affordable place to stay... and a job to pay for it. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Yeah, I'm starting to hate gorillas. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 But the answer isn't always to do more. Problems can't always be solved by running faster. Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. I can't outrun Grodd, and I won't let him hurt any more innocent people. Grodd is right... it is over. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Grodd, you take the mammoth - and I'll take the pretty one. How you doing, Iris? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This isn't a game or some kind of hobby. People could've gotten hurt -- you guys could've gotten hurt. Having special powers doesn't make you a hero. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Unfortunately, it's just me. I'm totally outnumbered and don't know how long the odds are. So what am I doing -- biding my time? No point in that -- I don't know when or even if my powers are going to return-- Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's amazing. I can see everything before it happens. I can weigh every possible outcome. I can make the right choice. I can do something about it. Before anyone even notices. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I feel them -- everyone who's been touched by the Speed Force: Albert, Marissa, Gomez... and Iris. Like it or not, we're all connected. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 At the risk of sounding like my father, kids today are so damn... impulsive. The thing is, this kid isn't from "today"... Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I can protect you, but I need you to come with me. Put this on. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 The Speed Force is an amazing gift for humanity... when put in the right hands. It's my responsibility, Elias. Not yours. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 But Superman can do things I can't do. Like fly. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You know, at least the Rogues wait until after they make their getaway before beating the crap out of each other. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 That was my first and last experience with coffee. Man, I could use a cup right now. Because what I'm about to attempt... is a miracle. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 What happened to me doesn't matter. What matters is that I could've prevented at least some of this. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Don't you want Wally to have a shot at a decent life? If you like being a murderer and blaming everyone else for your failings, so be it. But why bring him down with you? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's way too early in the morning for me to wrap my brain around the idea of a future version of myself... Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've been inside the Speed Force before. It didn't look anything like this. And I still had my super-speed powers. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 No matter what price I have to pay. I won't stop running. I'm THE FLASH... This is what I do. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm sorry for what happened to you, Zoom, but you killed my mom, and you're going to prison for it. You're right about one thing, though. You were chosen and you could've used your gift to do good. To do better. Instead, you want to make everyone around you evil. In some warped, insane way... you actually made me who I am. I don't know how I feel about that. But I know that until you change, you will always be a failure. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Just because you had a cup of coffee with the Justice League, Cold - it doesn't make you a hero. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This is my home, Riddler. You aren't welcome here. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 When I was hit by the lightning, time slowed down and my life flashed before my eyes. But I also saw all the things I would never get to do. Solve my mother's case. Free my dad. A life unfulfilled. I told myself that if I got a second chance that I'd do everything in my power to make sure what happened to my family never happened to anyone else. That's why I try so hard to do as much as I can. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Wally is going to be a great hero someday. He already is. But after all the tragedy he's had in his young life... he deserves to be a kid. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 The only thing that gets in the way of us being together is us. Why is that? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 How do I catch the Rogues... if I don't know where to run? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Each of the Rogues have their own set of skills ... but that isn't what makes the Rogues special. It's that you have each other. You're a family. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We're looking for someone, Waller. Daniel West. He called himself Reverse-Flash. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Thawne was able to travel through time freely, while Wally and I always needed help. We used something I swore I'd never set foot on again. I should have destroyed it. But I saved it for a rainy day. And there's a storm coming. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You brought us 25th Century here to reveal some truth about me, to call me a liar. You talk about all the people I've hurt. All the bad that I've done. But all you did was show me what you really are. A sad little nobody who wanted to be me. But no one will ever build an Eobard Thawne Museum! You and I...this thing between us. It's over. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I should call Batman and ask him what his secret is. How he deals with a hard night. Oh yeah, he has his Alfred, his butler. Someone who helps him when he's hurt...when he messes up. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We're more alike than you think, Ramsey! I've allowed the negativity in my life to build until it exploded before. And I've been running away from dealing with it... And I need to stop. I've lied to people who... trusted me. I felt like it was the right thing to do because it would protect others from hurting them. But it wasn't that. It was me. My lies. My choices led to them getting hurt. And ever since then I've been pushing people away because I don't want anyone else to go through that. I don't want to see the look of disappointment on their faces when they find out... I'm not the hero they think I am. So please believe me when I say I know what you're going through. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I do have faith in redemption, August. For everyone. Even the inmates here are capable of it. But right now, you're showing me that you'll never change. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 No, Wally, you don't understand. I'm...I'm not the Flash of Central City anymore...you are. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I..I believed you when you told me you wanted redemption. But, Central City needs you now. I need you now. Please, will you help me...Godspeed? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 My name is Barry Allen. Fastest. Man. Alive. Now and forever. I am the Flash. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I thought... I thought you knew me, Grodd. You keep saying repeatedly that you can read my mind... but the truth isn't in my head, is it? It's in the one place you'd never think to look... my heart. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I was always so lost in the science of the Speed Force that I'd miss out on having fun and just cutting loose. But you always enjoyed the speed... and the day we raced, that was how you won. And now you need to remember... you're Wally West... and you're the fastest man alive! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 As much as I hate to admit it... the city is changing. And I don't like it. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Maybe I just need to run and see where the Speed Force takes me. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 If I had stayed with King Solovar in Gorilla City I could have avoided this. But it's too late. He's dead. And now I'm a student... without a teacher. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I was always a student of the Speed Force. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 God, I can't believe I was ever that pessimistic. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It only took seeing that horrible future to finally learn... every second is a gift. And for the first time in as long as I can remember... I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I could lose. I could die. I could destroy the whole Multiverse. So I'm going to do the only thing I know how to do. Run. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I let us run alone for too long. It's time we ran together again... as a family. It won't be easy, but I believe in us. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Death was always...ahead of me... Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I guess being friends has some tactical value in a team dynamic, Batman. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's not often, Bruce, but I was genuinely afraid. You and I...we fight criminals on the ground with ice guns and magic wands. These alien creatures don't talk, they don't seem to be driven by greed or obsession or any other stuff. These creatures just consume and assimilate... Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 People come and go. Legends fade away. But rock remains. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He said he was captured, tortured. He said that Happy saved his life. And... he mentioned punching Hitler in the face. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Eobard...I forgive you. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We have an alien problem. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You tapped into a cosmic power, and used it to activate a tinkertoy. Without consulting the one man who knows it? Who lives it? Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It was definitely us. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 A race doesn't end... until someone crosses the finish line! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I should call Batman and ask him what his secret is. How he deals with a hard night. Oh yeah, he has his Alfred, his butler. Someone who helps him when he's hurt...when he messes up. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This is the Multiverse. We-- all of us--have a door to a place without limits. Where there are no rules... just flying. Where anything and everything can happen whenever we step through that door... and just imagine. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Love you forever, Iris. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You don't have to come with us. It's your choice. But if you do decide to come with us... we can run... together. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 One of the reasons that I'm always trying to be in two places at once is I keep the two parts of my life separate from each other. Well... I'm not doing that anymore. My name is Barry Allen. And I'm the Fastest Man Alive. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I know how to win this war... not just win... but make it so that it never happened in the first place. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Happiness needs to be real. You can't force it. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He... We... are part of the Speed Force. There's a reason we can remember our universe being rebooted countless times. We're separate from our regular... "continuity" from a lack of a better word. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It started with just one of them. Each had their own manmade gimmick, but they were all blue-collar criminals. Salt-of-the-earth kinda guys. Alone they would commit a daring robbery in Central City... and I'd catch them every time. Then one day they had the idea to attack me all at once and call themselves... The Rogues! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 The Speed Force doesn't want me here. But the Speed Force can go to Hell. This is family. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 But never forget that you kids are a team. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Love is the opposite of choice. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Death comes for everyone. The old. The young. It's what makes life precious. You cannot outran Death. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 The Speed Force and the power of Death combined! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You should run. All of you. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's going to be a long night... Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I could've kicked you out any moment since I realized who you are. But you do so love to monologue. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You can call us...THE SUPER SEVEN! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It started with just one of them. Each had their own manmade gimmick, but they were all blue-collar criminals. Salt-of-the-earth kinda guys. Alone they would commit a daring robbery in Central City... and I'd catch them every time. Then one day they had the idea to attack me all at once and call themselves... The Rogues! Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We. Don't. Stop. Know why? Because we got a Family to keep us going. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We fight, like families do... but I love them all. No matter the mistakes they've made. And you're right... I've hurt them too many times already. I'm done with that. Never again. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Life is locomotion... if you're not moving, you're not living. But there comes a time when you've got to stop running away from things... and you've got to start running towards something, you've got to forge ahead. Keep moving. Even if your path isn't lit... trust that you'll find your way. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

Quote1 God, even before I met you... I was always running to you. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Prime Earth)

All items (99)
