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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 My life hasn't exactly gone the way I planned. I have a lot more to offer the world than losing my mind and trying to eat Batman... I was a respected scientist once... I thought, perhaps, if I could make some sense of this strangeness, they'd respect me again? Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Can't bother Doctor Fate with "small matters". Let's bring along Kirk "the useless freak" Langstrom. Madame Xanadu's gotta work on her team-building skills-- Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This time.. ... he has chosen the wrong target! I am ... Man-Bat! Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I did this, Batman. This is my fault. I created the Man-Bat Serum. And It's my responsibility to fix it. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This is my formula. I can control it. And I will. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Each of these drawers contains mysteries with no answers, and secrets beyond comprehension. Hmmm... you'd like to hear one, wouldn't you? One of the encounters with the Otherkind. If I were in your shoes, I know I'd be deadly curious. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 She will regret this. Gotham City... respects bats... trusts them to protect her. Not like Francine. Noise... deafening... coming from Robbins' facility... Francine doesn't know what real bad people do. They hurt for real... like these fools. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He knew that wherever he ran in this world, it would spread until it consumed him. It would never stop hunting him. And for the first time in many years, Andrew Bennett prayed. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I want You to be happy. I want be happy too. But after all I've done I understand we can't be happy together. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Not a Werewolf... Not really. Old colleague of mine. He used my Man-Bat research. Applied it to Wolf physiology, but after his Transformation he lost control the way I used to. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I am only The Bat. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Bat...Man? What...What Did I do this time? Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You really shouldn't understimate me, my child. Quote2

--Kirk Langstrom (Prime Earth)

All items (13)
