DC Database

"Occupy Hell": The Questing Queen has just prevented Jason Blood from killing himself. She offers to help him get Xanadu back in exchange for Etrigan who the Questing Queen has discovered is the most likely to find the Holy Grail. In Hell, Etrigan returns Xanadu's powers to her and sets out to r

Quote1 One does not simply walk into Hell. Quote2
— Questing Queen

Demon Knights #14 is an issue of the series Demon Knights (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2013. It was published on November 14, 2012.

Synopsis for "Occupy Hell"

The Questing Queen has just prevented Jason Blood from killing himself. She offers to help him get Xanadu back in exchange for Etrigan who the Questing Queen has discovered is the most likely to find the Holy Grail. In Hell, Etrigan returns Xanadu's powers to her and sets out to recapture his escaped former companions.

Shining Knight saves Horsewoman and Vandal Savage from their torments and the three are met by Exoristos with Al Jabr in tow. Etrigan appears and Shining Knight attacks him. Meanwhile, Xanadu has discovered where they are keeping Merlin's body and unveils a magical orb from Alba Sarum. In the middle of Etrigan's battle with Shining Knight, Mordru sends Jason to Hell in Etrigan's place.

Outside of Camelot, Etrigan is bound in place by Mordru and the Questing Queen and he reveals that by returning Xanadu's powers she will open a portal to Avalon in Hell and Lucifer will be able to march his legions right in. Xanadu begins to open the portal while Lucifer gathers his armies. He instructs them all that the Demon Knights are to go free and no one is to harm Exoristos.

The Demon Knights enter the portal to Avalon and are met by its guardians, the Silent Knights. Lucifer's legions follow directly behind the knights, but before his attack can begin they are met by the invading forces of the Questing Queen, Mordru, and the Horde who have found their own way into Avalon.

Appearing in "Occupy Hell"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Merlin (Appears only as a corpse)
  • Princess Alba (Mentioned only)
  • Princess Sarum (Mentioned only)




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
