DC Database

"Heaven on Earth": Asmodel the angel arrives in San Francisco, California looking to kill Zauriel. Zauriel arrives along with Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, [[Kyle Rayner (N

Quote1 This is the guy who said he couldn't live up to his myth. He's wrestling an angel. Quote2
— Flash

JLA #7 is an issue of the series JLA (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1997.

Synopsis for "Heaven on Earth"

Asmodel the angel arrives in San Francisco, California looking to kill Zauriel. Zauriel arrives along with Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Aquaman.

On the moon, Superman creates a magnetic field to restore the moon to its original orbit.

Back on Earth, the Leaguers fight Asmodel.

Elsewhere, the comatose man who woke up in a San Francisco hospital begins driving those around him insane.

The Flash alters his molecular rate to adjust for the wonky teleporter and teleports to San Francisco. Superman arrives and takes on Asmodel by himself. Green Lantern creates a construct that will turn motion into sound and Flash runs on it producing enough sound to send the angels back to Heaven.

Sometime later, the JLA including Batman are preparing for the welcoming ceremony of their upcoming member Green Arrow. But suddenly they are attacked and knocked unconscious by The Key.

Appearing in "Heaven on Earth"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






  • On page 13, a pristine-looking Martian Manhunter can be seen fighting alongside Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman and Zauriel, even though he should be busy fighting Asmodel on the ground at that point, and showing signs of fire damage on top of that. This wouldn't be the last time Howard Porter would draw J'onn in a group shot he shouldn't be in at that time.

See Also

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