DC Database

"Rules of Engagement, Part 2": The JLA attempt to negotiate peace between the Kylaq and the so-called Peacemakers, but meet resistance on both sides. The Peacemaker believes in his alliance's right to invade the Kylaq homeworld, and Kylaq minister of def

Quote1 Peace and justice are our only goals. Quote2
— Wonder Woman

JLA #79 is an issue of the series JLA (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 2003. It was published on March 26, 2003.

Synopsis for "Rules of Engagement, Part 2"

The JLA attempt to negotiate peace between the Kylaq and the so-called Peacemakers, but meet resistance on both sides. The Peacemaker believes in his alliance's right to invade the Kylaq homeworld, and Kylaq minister of defense Kanjar Ro is engaging in systematic torture of prisoners of war. When the Peacemaker forces amass once more, the League decides to do something about both sides, defeating the armed forces both of the invaders and of Kanjar Ro, also broadcasting images of his actions across the planet, ensuring that he is ousted from his position, and forcing the Chairman of the Kylaq people to acknowledge the wishes of the populace. Meanwhile, back in the solar system, Firestorm establishes simple communication with Manitou Dawn and the Martian Manhunter makes an appointment somewhere very fiery.

Appearing in "Rules of Engagement, Part 2"

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