DC Database

"Extinction, Part 1: The Coming": There's an emergency at the JLA lunar base and Plastic Man (Patrick O'Brian) begins calling for help but the communications gear is down. He gets the communications system running again an

Quote1 Boy do I envy them! They get to fly off into space and do cool stuff and I... I get to stretch out here where its nice and safe again. Quote2
— Plastic Man

JLA #91 is an issue of the series JLA (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2004. It was published on December 24, 2003.

Synopsis for "Extinction, Part 1: The Coming"

There's an emergency at the JLA lunar base and Plastic Man (Patrick O'Brian) begins calling for help but the communications gear is down. He gets the communications system running again and calls for help.

Superman, Wonder Woman, Atom (Ray Palmer) and Green Lantern (John Stewart) answer the call.

Superman and Lantern check out a spacecraft that materialized through a space-time hole. As they approach, both are blasted by the craft. They manage to distract the ship and enter it while it is distracted. They find a talking monkey. Before their eyes, it transforms to a human guise. The alien shows them around the ship and says it is on an exploratory mission. It would like to procure a specimen of a type of monkey on Earth.

The Leaguers agree to find one of the monkeys for the alien. They do, just as developers accidentally kill it when using explosives to clear forest.

Appearing in "Extinction, Part 1: The Coming"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • PÉ-PÆy (First appearance)




See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
