DC Database

"Women": Kyle and Jade are at an art gallery when Kyle's ex-girlfriend, Donna Troy, walks into the room. There is a moment of great discomfort between the three of them as it becomes obvious that Kyle is still smitten with Donna. He makes his excuses to Jade, and tells her that he needs

Quote1 I'm in no mood. I've got woman problems. I don't need you adding to them... Quote2
�� Kyle Rayner

Green Lantern (Volume 3) #118 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 3) with a cover date of November, 1999.

Synopsis for "Women"

Kyle and Jade are at an art gallery when Kyle's ex-girlfriend, Donna Troy, walks into the room. There is a moment of great discomfort between the three of them as it becomes obvious that Kyle is still smitten with Donna. He makes his excuses to Jade, and tells her that he needs a bit of closure concerning his history with Donna. Jade storms off in a huff and returns to their apartment. Kyle promises that he will meet back up with her later.

Kyle and Donna go for a walk and Donna explains that her memory is not what it once was. Her personality is now based upon teammate Wally West's perceptions of her. She has no memory of the time she spent with Kyle. Kyle tries to be sympathetic, but grows irritated when he learns that Donna is now involved with another of her teammates, Roy Harper. The two share a passionate kiss, but even this does nothing to help Donna's memory of their time together. They finish their discussion and decide to go their separate ways.

On his way home, Kyle runs into the Enchantress. The Enchantress appears to be more insane then ever and talks about the end of the world. The two fight for a while, but the battle ends in a stalemate.

Meanwhile, Jade grows even more irritated waiting for Kyle to come home. She jots down an angry note and leaves it on his kitchen table before walking out of his apartment.

Appearing in "Women"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • The cover illustration to this issue is composited with a photostat of the Manhattan skyline.
  • The tagline to this issue is "Torn Between Two Lovers".

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

Day of Judgment 4
Day of Judgment Crossover
DC Rebirth Logo

This comic issue is a part of the "Day of Judgment" crossover event that took place in 1999. Day of Judgment involved the rogue Angel Asmodel being bonded to the Spectre Force, and using his powers to wreak havoc on the world, attempting to take vengeance against the Presence. Hell was frozen over, and both Demons and the Damned were released upon Earth. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Day of Judgment Crossover" category.
