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"Memories": Hal Jordan, Brik, and Aa try desperately to defend themselves against a raging Star Sapphire. Unfortunately, Hal's hopes to bring Carol Ferris out of her imprisonment within the Star Sapph

Quote1 She'll never come out again, Hal! That soft, small, suffering thing-- She'll never come out! Quote2
— Star Sapphire

Green Lantern (Volume 3) #23 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 3) with a cover date of April, 1992.

Synopsis for "Memories"

Hal Jordan, Brik, and Aa try desperately to defend themselves against a raging Star Sapphire. Unfortunately, Hal's hopes to bring Carol Ferris out of her imprisonment within the Star Sapphire personality aren't very helpful in keeping them from being hurt. Both Brik and Aa are put out of commission by Star Sapphire's sword, and Hal is forced to escape. Star Sapphire gives chase as Hal leads her back towards Teban where the Teban army is fighting with the Quahdogans. He manages to sneak up behind her, and blast her in the face with his ring, momentarily bringing out Carol's personality. However, Star Sapphire soon suppresses the memories, and Hal finds himself being strangled by her.

Meanwhile, a Teban ship led by Kreon hopes to capture both Star Sapphire and Hal. As they approach, Hal escapes again, and Flicker accosts Star Sapphire with a plan. Kreon's men try to capture Hal, but he manages to fight therm off before encountering Brik again. She tries to convince him to let go of Carol, and fight Star Sapphire in earnest. She reveals that she has called from back up from the other Green Lanterns. Hal is bothered by this, because if Brik called John Stewart, he will likely be overcome by his anger and try to take revenge for the death of Katma Tui on the Star Sapphire.

Hal tries to plan a way to prevent John from getting to Star Sapphire, but realizes that he will have to just try to stop John before Hal is killed by her. Hoping for some strong backup, Hal finally inducts Boodikka into the Green Lantern Corps. Unfortunately, Brik is knocked unconscious, and Hal is left without backup when John Stewart arrives on the scene. Hal must stop his friend by himself.

Appearing in "Memories"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




  • Teban Fleet

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
