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"Emerald Fallout, Part Two: The Big Frosty": Militia fights Guy Gardner at the Arctic Circle. Armed with his new prototype armor, Guy has trouble keeping up with Militia's attacks (or, as Guy mockingly calls him, "Melissa"). However

Quote1 Big goofball like you oughta have a real man's name! I know a lot of the good monikers are taken but... Melissa? Quote2
— Guy Gardner to Militia.

Guy Gardner: Warrior #19 is an issue of the series Guy Gardner: Warrior (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1994.

Synopsis for "Emerald Fallout, Part Two: The Big Frosty"

Militia fights Guy Gardner at the Arctic Circle. Armed with his new prototype armor, Guy has trouble keeping up with Militia's attacks (or, as Guy mockingly calls him, "Melissa"). However, Ice, who also has improved powers, comes to the rescue and intercepts Militia. Still, Guy's biggest hit comes when Militia reveals his identity: Mace Gardner, his long-believed dead brother. Mace goes berzerk and rips apart Guy's armor. When the battle seemed lost, Guy's ring suddenly charges up and releases a blast of energy, rendering Mace's armor useless.

Guy questions his brother about how he is alive after his presumed suicide. Mace explains that he volunteered for experiments after he ended up on a wheelchair, and the Quorum faked his death, then gave him an armor that allowed him to move, turning him into the hero he was "supposed to be." When Mace finally passes out, the original Green Lantern, Alan Scott, shows up in front of Guy, telling him that the universe is in great danger.

Appearing in "Emerald Fallout, Part Two: The Big Frosty"

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