DC Database

"The Last of the Streetfighters": Batman and Huntress argue over what to do with James Cooper, who has been setting off bombs in his neighbourhood in order to cause a gang war. Batman suggests that if they make a big show of capturing

Quote1 I didn't come all this way to be ignored. Respected, certainly... Yielded to, definitely... But never ignored. Quote2
— Huntress

Huntress #19 is an issue of the series Huntress (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1990.

Synopsis for "The Last of the Streetfighters"

Batman and Huntress argue over what to do with James Cooper, who has been setting off bombs in his neighbourhood in order to cause a gang war. Batman suggests that if they make a big show of capturing the bomber before the gangs can, Rage - the gang leader - might lose some of his power. Huntress has a better idea.

That night, Rage's gang breaks into the Helena's building, where Hector Ruiz is superintendent. Hector tries to throw the gang out, but they beat him up. Rage enters, stating that the gang suspected Ruiz of being the bomber, but now it is clear that he isn't. Suddenly, Huntress appears at the top of the stairs. She claims to have found the bomber, who appears to be a homeless man. She states that she will bring him to justice for his crimes, but Rage demands that he be given up to face gang justice.

As the gang advances on her, Huntress springs into action. In the skirmish, the homeless man frees himself from his handcuffs and escapes. He encounters Rage in the hallway, but when the police arrive, Rage takes him to the barge. With the police arrived, Huntress, Hector, and James meet on the roof, where James reveals that his last bomb was placed at the location that Rage and the homeless man are fighting.

As Rage and the man fight, it becomes clear that the homeless man is actually Batman in disguise. During the fight, Batman catches a glimpse of the bomb, and realizing that it's about to detonate, he grabs Rage and jumps into the water just as the entire barge explodes. Eventually, Batman emerges from the water and flames.

Afterwards, Helena expresses some wish for approval from Batman, but eventually accepts that James is her family now. She and James move out of New York City, and hope to find some place greener to live.

Appearing in "The Last of the Streetfighters"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Rage
  • Blood Red gang

Other Characters:

  • Hector Ruiz
  • Detective O'Shea
  • Detective Fiorello




See Also

Links and References
