DC Database

"Shadows At Midnight!": After the wedding of Green Lantern and the Harlequin, Harbinger appears to take the JSA and Infinity, Inc. to the Monitor's satellite. Rick Tyler, left behind, becomes the second Hourman to check on Beth Chapel, who has lost her sight in daytime but, like Dr. Mid

Quote1 It's a gift from God, father -- this new kind of vision! And if those shadow-things and all these storms foretell an imminent apocalypse then I want to be ready to use it somehow, to help fight the evil and chaos to come! Quote2
— Dr. Midnight (Beth Chapel)

Infinity Inc. #21 is an issue of the series Infinity Inc. (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 1985.

Synopsis for "Shadows At Midnight!"

After the wedding of Green Lantern and the Harlequin, Harbinger appears to take the JSA and Infinity, Inc. to the Monitor's satellite. Rick Tyler, left behind, becomes the second Hourman to check on Beth Chapel, who has lost her sight in daytime but, like Dr. Mid-Nite, can see in darkness. After she and Hourman II are attacked by the Anti-Monitor's shadow-demons, she creates a costume and calls herself "Dr. Midnight". The Chapel family home is struck by a cannonball, so Dr. Midnight and Hourman II rush outside to investigate.

Appearing in "Shadows At Midnight!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





See Also

Links and References

Anti-Monitor 0002
DC Rebirth Logo

Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover
The events from this issue or series are related to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, a reality-spanning event which led to the destruction of the original Pre-Crisis Multiverse.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Crisis on Infinite Earths category.
